How many times have the Watchtower change the meaning of the generation?
by asilentone 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thank you, FatFreek 2005.
Since the number 7 denotes perfection, one more try, and they should get it right!
Since the number 7 denotes perfection, one more try, and they should get it right!
So by the end of the year?
/that made me laugh, snowbird
/that made me laugh, snowbird
Mall Cop
For your info: Most scholars understand the generation that Jesus spoke about to have been fulfilled in his time period.
How could the watchtower, being Jehovah's Witness not get this right.
Really, Jesus said that we would be "HIS" "WITNESSES" not jehovah's.
Fatfreek 2005 is this a new publication for this year?
Mad Sweeney
There have been five different meanings, six different times (meanings two and five overlap).
FatFreek 2005
AsilentOne: Thank you, FatFreek 2005.
You're welcome.Sylvia: one more try, and they should get it right!
Great thought!Spawn: Fatfreek 2005 is this a new publication for this year?
Ha! Yes, fresh off the Dummeez press.Mad Sweeney: There have been five different meanings
In a sense, yes, if they want to keep the count down. They'd especially love to do that with their teaching on the resurrection of the Sodomites where they also had 6 flip-flop positions -- yes or no. I can hear it now, "Yeah, says the GB -- we've only had 2 different positions. We didn't return to our vomit 5 times -- only once."Sorry, but they've got it all over their face and lips like some nauseated street drunk based on their atrocious history of contradictory teachings.