hi i dis - assd myself six years ago and only just found this site.
i wished i had found it years ago instead of having to ween off the cult practices i was born into for 35 yrs.
i had a very hard time adjusting and still find some things difficult to come to terms with.
i bumped into a "sister" i had last seen wen i left last week to find out she had left the "cult" as well and is a qualified reiki master and also a hypnotherapist. i think it is great she can carry on with her new life despite the ingrained teachings of demons.
i have divorced in the meantime and have done so much in the past six years than i ever did in the 35 years before. oh and i am much more conteded, i have no one over my shoulder telling me i am wrong for this or that! i dont have any elders preaching i should obey my violent husband and show submission to him. i have no elder father telling me i am gonna die at armageddon, and i have no sister and brother in law out of bethel telling me how i should stay with my husband cos thats wat jehovah wants me to do.
thanks for the site im sure i will be here a lot lol x