You're playing with fire, be careful to not get burnt. Remember you'll be outnumbered, and remember they have extensive training and practice in getting people to say "Yes" even though they meant to say "No". If you do go, take care that you don't get caught up in the Watchtower's version of the Stockholm syndrome.
I'm going back!!!
by badseed 24 Replies latest jw friends
Beware of becoming what you loathe.
be sure to bring old king james bible to the kingdom hall.
White Dove
Ah, you sound like a sociologist in a participant-observer role. That sounds like fun! You will get to see from an enlightened viewpoint how they really do love bomb and do all that other stuff to try and hook you. I was born-in so never saw it from the perspective that you are thinking of. As long as it harms none and no one looses money over it or gets attached to you in friendship and then might get hurt, then it's perfectly ethical. It would be best to not make friends or attachments so as not to hurt anyone's feelings. That would be unethical and immoral. And don't lose sight of your goal or this whole experiment will go down the crapper. You might also want to think about what name you are going to give them. I wouldn't give my real name.
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
Numb nuts. Some things never change. And the jws never change for the better. Got too much time on your hands? Lacking initiative to do anything constructive and helpful? Start by reading a book to while away your time, or perhaps do some volunteer work for a worthwhile non-religious charity - but by all means forget that crap with the jws. A total waste of time.