Just learned that a group of JWs hacked my email over a considerable period of time, hoping to intercept "incriminating" information in an attempt to disfellowship me!
They printed up the emails and passed them out to other elders to "examine". They were certainly very, VERY disappointed to not find anything they could "use".
The only outgoing emails from me they obtained were those attached to incoming mail as a result of some friends hitting "respond" when they wrote back to me.
The person who got into my email account is a ministerial servant who had previously worked on my business web site and therefore had my password.
He would download my email onto his computer, miles away, and then put everything back as "unread" so nothing would be "missing", when I accessed email from my computer.
The group of brothers included ministerial servants, elders and a PO.
I advise any of you who have had brothers work on your computers any time in the past to immediately change your password!
This is a new "low", as far as I am concerned.