I have been meaning to tell this story for some time now. I feel that I would like to share it so that it may serve as a warning to anyone who thinks that the JW religion does not have a negative effect on children.
I have been out of the religion for 4 years now. I wasn't brought up in the organisation. At the point I left only my wife & I and our 2 little children were active JW's. You can search my post history to see the varying degrees of bitterness that I have felt toward the JW religion. I left completely disillusioned with the whole thing. Badly treated & hurt by the actions of many witnesses. At the same time I had a few good friends who I still care for & love.
I left the organisation because I felt that what I was taught as a bible study ten years previously (I was 18 when my wife & I studied) was not what was practised in the religion. I felt a gross lack of love. I saw very angry & frustrated individuals in many congregations. I saw families that were a mess. But mainly, I was averse to believing & practicing some of the things that I was introduced to AFTER I became a baptised JW. I knew the day that I bacame a parent that I couldn't withold medical treatment from my kids if required to do so. I knew that I would rather cut my right arm off than SHUN my flesh & blood baby girl if she transgressed this religion as an adult. I hated having to look down on non witnesses & believe that their lifestyle sentenced them to death at the hands of a bloodthirsty god of 'love'.
As I progressed as a pioneer & ministerial servant, I saw a side of this religion that disturbed me greatly. My disbelief in god grew day by day. My disgust at what I was supposed to believe & teach my children who were very young just escalated. I became depressed & even suicidal.
One day in January 2006 I walked out of our kingdom hall & I knew I was never, ever going to return. It sounds pathetic but it was one of the bravest moments of my life. If I hadn't taken that action back then, I could very well still have been a part of the organisation today. I had attempted to leave before but couldn't do it. This was my time now. I believe my action back in January 06 saved, at the very least my sanity, but very possibly my life.
When I put it to my wife, she was naturally upset. Things were hard in our family for many months.
As time passed, I became more & more opossed to the whole thing. I hated the fact that my children were being infected with this dispicable belief system. A set of beliefs which teach young children that their whole world, including non-JW relatives, schoolmates etc is soon going to be destroyed by god because they are evil, wicked people. I was becoming more & more aware that what JW's are prepared to teach children, MY children, is wholly inappropriate.
I reasoned that if this religion could take me, a happy go lucky 17 year old & turn me into a paranoid, depressed, anxious wreck, then what could they do to my children by means of this gradual drip, drip, drip that happens as you soak in their words & phrases? Their sectarian beliefs.
You see, I was lucky to have been raised in a loving, happy family. I grew very much closer to my non-JW parents after I left the org. I began to understand just what an effect my being a witness had on them. I began to respect my parents as I matured as a person & related to all that they carried out & went through to raise myself & my sister. I was enjoying happy times with them again. Birthdays, new year (which in Scotland is a big thing), mothers/fathers day. My respect for my parents, despite any mistakes they made when raising us, was completely restored. I was having a relationship with them again which had been 'put on hold' during my ten years as a JW. It was alll good.
Except my kids were still being raised as witnesses by my wife whom I love deeply. My daughter (aged 8) who is very, very bright was being drip fed this illness every single week. I could gradually see that it was having an effect on her. Here was me, the father she loves & respects being a part of celebrations that she is being taught are wicked & deserving of death (yes, celebrating my fathers 60th birthday really is viewed as being worthy of death!). I didn't realise it at the time but my daughters head was a mess. One day, last year, it all came to a head.
What I heard from my daughters lips convinced me that action needed to be taken. She came to be in a state of severe agitation that day. She was delirious. What I saw & heard from her made me cry & weep like a helpless little boy once she had fallen asleep that night. The whole sorry sitiuation is a sad indictment on the JW religion.
I shall tell part II of the story very soon.