The "New" Song, and the WTBTS [Memorial Talk] Error...

by AGuest 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and all who go with... and others who are interested... may you all have peace!

    During last night's discourse, the speaker (from the "Patterson Educational Center", which is going to make what I am about to share all the more profound, because he SHOULD have known better, based on such "credentials") reiterated one the WTBTS' most serious errors, when he restated the WTBTS' position as to the "new song" sung by the 144,000. It was serious in that it reiterated the LIE that the Great Crowd is NOT of the same "fold" as the 144,000... which is a LIE... and in direct opposition of what my Lord is recorded to have said at John 10:16:

    “And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd..."

    The contents of the talk excluded the great crowd from being "before the throne" (i.e., WITH the 144,000)... which THEY explain by saying that the "great crowd" is merely "in SIGHT" of the throne. This is a LIE... and my Lord has directed me to share with you how that is:

    The speaker directed the audience to Revelation 14:3, which states (and I will use the NWT here, because that's what HE used):

    "And they are singing as if a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one was able to master that song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, who have been bought from the earth."

    He then stated that this refers to those who would be "kings of God's government" because of what is stated at Revelation 5:9, 10:

    "And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

    What that gentleman... and by default, the WTBTS... totally miss... is that Revelation 5:9, 10 does NOT refer to the 144,000, but to the "Great Crowd." Here's why:

    Revelation 5:9 states:

    "... you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation..."

    The 144,000, however, are NOT bought... "out of EVERY tribe and tongue and people and nation." THAT group is the "great crowd", just as is stated at Revelation 7:9:

    "After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues..."

    Conversely, the 144,000 hail "out of every tribe of the sons of Israel!" (Revelation 7:4) Thus, out of ONE nation... not ALL nations!

    There's more, however. Those depicted at Revelation 5:9... "sing a new song." However, those depicted at Revelation 14:3... sing "AS IF a new song." Some Bible versions state "something LIKE a new song." The point, however, is that there is a difference... and the WTBTS continually fails to STATE that difference because either (1) they don't know of it (my understanding is that some DO), or (2) if goes totally against their FALSE TEACHING that the two groups are SEPARATE and in SEPARATE places. This, too, IS A LIE. Here's why:

    The reason the group at Revelation 5:9 (the "great crowd") is singing a NEW song... is because it a song of praise... to JAH! The Most Holy One of Israel was NOT their God - He was the God of Israel. However, by means of Christ... HE BECOMES THEIR GOD... and so they sing a NEW song: praise to the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies.

    The reason the group at Revelation 14:3 (the "144,000") are singing AS IF a new song... is because it was a song they were SUPPOSED to sing... praise to JAH... and they FAILED to do so. So, although Israel KNEW the song... their rebellion, rejection of Christ, failure to praise JAH, etc., became the "song" they sung. NOW, however, in the Revelation account... they ARE singing that song... and in a way they never did BEFORE... so that it is AS IF new. But it is NOT new for them!

    The speaker when on to say to quote the NWT as it states, "And NO ONE was able to master that song BUT the hundred and forty-four thousand." This TOO, is another LIE... based on a mistransliteration of the verse. The TRUE rendering of the verse is:

    "And no one was able to master that song IF NOT the 144,000."

    What does this mean? It means that because it is NOT a new song for them (they're just SINGING it AS IF it's new to them)... they CERTAINLY should be able to master it! It is song they learned... all the way back to Abraham... and so should have NO problem "mastering" now (well, when they are finally with the Lamb).

    Finally, the LIE that the WTBTS teaches that these two groups (the 144,000 and great crowd) are in different places is shown by the FACT that BOTH are seen "BEFORE THE THRONE":

    144,000 = "And they are singing as if a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures... and the elders;" Revelation 14:3

    Great Crowd= "After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd... standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes... And all the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell upon their faces before the throne and worshiped God... one of the elders said to me: “... who are they and where did they come from?” ... I said to him: “My lord, you are the one that knows.” And he said to me: “These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.That is why they are before the throne of God..." Revelation 7:9-15

    Do you SEE, dear ones? Their teaching is ENTIRELY FALSE... a LIE... designed to "shut UP the kingdom of the heavens before men." Before YOU, if you have not yet responded to the call to receive the FREE gift of holy spirit! And before your LOVED ONES... including your spouses, your children, your parents! A LIE! Which could not only cost them their place in the kingdom... but perhaps even their eternal life. Because EVERY time they pass that plate and glass by... they "PASSOVER"... life! They have NO "blood" on the DOORPOST of their HOUSE... which is the body fo FLESH... the VESSEL... in which we, all of mankind... "reside."

    Christ is the "Passover" Lamb, dear ones... for ALL. Indeed... for the WORLD. And, as he is recorded to have said, "UNLESS you eat the flesh of the Son of Man... and drink his blood... you have NO life IN... yourselves." IN... the "vessel"... that is your body [of flesh]. And when that vessel dies... the "life" that is IN it... will sleep... until it is resurrected. Question is: resurrected to LIFE? Or resurrected to JUDGEMENT as a result of having no "COVERING"... no WHITE robe?

    Forgive my passion and zeal, please. I am not yelling, but emphasizing. This truth is IMPORTANT... CRUCIAL! There is only to be ONE law between Israel and the alien resident residing among her. ONE law. ONE hope. ONE faith. ONE baptism... and one God. With ONE mediator for all, both Israel AND those who go with her... Christ.

    I bid you peace, ears to hear... and COURAGE to share this TRUTH with those who need to know it.... if you so wish it.

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and to the world... and a slave of Christ,

    SA, who has shared this truth with you just as I received it from my Lord, the Holy Spirit and Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... my God and Heavenly Father.

  • rockmehardplace

    wow. you have too much time on your hands. but thanks anyways.

  • AGuest

    Yes, dear RMHP... and peace to you!

    My office is closed to today in honor of "Ceasar Chavez" Day... and so I'm home. I COULD be cleaning house... or doing laundry... or even finishing the tile floor I laid a couple days ago (need to remove excess adhesive, put in carpet trim, and install baseboard)... BUT... all of that can wait. It'll all be there tomorrow/this weekend, right? My kids are grown, no grandkids... only a husband (who's at work) and a couple >10 pound puppies.

    So, well, here I am. You must admit, I'm thorough!

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ...

    SA who, after 9 years, still hasn't hit 4,000 posts... and perhaps doesn't have as much time on her hands as some apparently do...

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Another good one. Thank you

  • palmtree67

    Marking for later.

  • justmom

    My sister

    Amen and Amen! My oldest said a little loud last nite when the brother was reading John 10:16, " says they will become ONE flock not two." Whats wrong with these people? I said shhh right now. They believe it cuz they want to. Its so clear when you are not blind. Remember we were there once...for a long time!` that is why we are here tonite for them.

    gotta love em


  • rockmehardplace

    very much so. very thorough. thank you.

  • wobble

    Thanks Shelby ! I missed that gem by not being there again, Darn !

    May The Lord continue to bless you and yours,




    Good afternoon Shelby..

    I`m supposed to be working around the house too..LOL!!..

    Do you SEE, dear ones? Their teaching is ENTIRELY FALSE... a LIE... designed to "shut UP the kingdom of the heavens before men." Before YOU, if you have not yet responded to the call to receive the FREE gift of holy spirit! And before your LOVED ONES... including your spouses, your children, your parents! A LIE! Which could not only cost them their place in the kingdom... but perhaps even their eternal life. Because EVERY time they pass that plate and glass by... they "PASSOVER"... life! They have NO "blood" on the DOORPOST of their HOUSE... which is the body fo FLESH... the VESSEL... in which we, all of mankind... "reside."

    A couple questions..

    Is Jesus really going to hold it aganist people,if they have been lied to?

    Most don`t even know the steps to Memorial..I would`nt know,if I did`nt know you..

    Should`nt the penalty for not knowing what to do,be place at the liars feet..

    Then theres people who have never heard of memorial..Chinese..Muslims..Ect..Ect..Do they get a pass?

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • AGuest

    Greetings, my dear Outlaw... and the greatest of love and peace to you!

    Is Jesus really going to hold it aganist people, if they have been lied to?

    My Lord isn't going to hold anything against anyone, dear one. Really! It's not "like" that. HE judges NO ONE. That is not to say, however, that no one is judged. There are 2 judgments: the first pertains to Gog... those are constituted "goats" because of how they treat(ed) Christ's brothers. These are separated from the "sheep." The second pertains to those who are resurrected AFTER the 1,000 years have passed and so AFTER Satan... and the false prophet... and the wild beast... have been hurled into the Lake of Fire.

    NEITHER groups are judged BY anyone, however; rather, both are judged... by their own words and deeds. If, then, their words and deeds are the result of lies... then, unfortunately, their own blindness will be the cause of their "judgment." For the first, it is as my Lord said - if they would at least acknowledge that they are blind they might be GIVEN sight. But... because they say they SEE... their sin remains. Because those they follow are "blind guides"... and if the blind guides are heading for the pit... won't those who follow them fall in as well?

    Folks have it backward, dear Outlaw - Christ came to be a LIGHT to the world. Because the world really IS in darkness. NOT because of the crime. NOT because of the hunger. NOT because of the sickness. Because it is OUTSIDE of the spirit realm! We THINK we see because we have physical sight. But there is SO much more going on... what we see isn't even a drop in the bucket. However, those who listen to HIS voice... are led by HIM... THROUGH the darkness. We not only see what's going on in THIS realm... but in that one, as well. NOT with our eyes of flesh... for in that manner... we are ALL blind. Do you see?

    Most don`t even know the steps to Memorial...I wouldn't know, if I did`nt know you..

    Knowing the steps to the Memorial isn't going to save anyone, dear one, including me. It is FAITH in the redeeming power of the flesh and blood of Christ... which is symbolically offered AT the WTBTS Memorial... and in his ability to actually SAVE one FROM death by MEANS of his flesh and blood... that works out our salvation. I only mentioned the steps because the WTBTS folks run around expounding about how they do things "just so." You know, "On the night he died, Christ did such-and-so." Yet, they still haven't got it right. They say what they WANT to say... not what's true. I didn't share what I did to say anyone HAS to any particular thing. I just shared it in case anyone wanted to know what "just so" really is.

    Shouldn't the penalty for not knowing what to do be place at the liars feet..

    Yes... and no. While it is true that such liar's WILL have to account for their hypocrisy and lies (which could even be overcome for THEM... if THEY ever condescended put faith in and partake of the "covering" of Christ's blood... and life-giving quality of his flesh)... that accounting is merely that they have no covering FOR their sins. So, their sins will remain and, as a result, they will receive judgment... rather than life.

    However, for those who are misled by such liars... well, dear one... there really is no excuse. There really isn't a "Devil made me do it" clause. I mean, Adam tried that ("the woman you gave me, SHE made me eat..."), but that didn't really fly, did it? And that's not so hard to understand, is it? I mean, at what point do we take responsibility for our own eternal life? At what point do we GET the point of "he can't even run his own life; I'll be damned if he'll run mine"?

    Some of the primary reasons that most of earthling man follows such liars is... fear. Of (1) being wrong, (2) being different, and (3) being ostracized. The PRIMARY reason, however, is fear... of death. And the liars KNOW this! And they use such fear... ALL of them and more... to create melarkey that says, "Well, I know and you don't and you'd better listen to me or God's gonna punish you - yes, He's gonna burn you up in Hell... or better yet, He's gonna torture you there, forever and ever. And those who listen erroneously believe that melarkey because... of an improper view of theirselves. They don't believe themselves to be "worthy." And so they ask themselves, "Who am I to know anything about these things... and that God would even bother with me, let alone speak to ME? No, I can see where he would speak with elder/brother/reverend/father/rabbi/guru/shaman so and so, but not ME."

    But that is a LIE! The TRUTH is that the Most Holy One of Israel isn't speaking to a single one of THEM. Not one. Why? Because it is those who KNOW themselves to be unworthy... of the LEAST ones of mankind... those who ASK such questions about themselves... to whom He speaks!! NOT those who exalt themselves or look down on those who are not as, well "educated"... "theological"... "scholarly"... or just have some silly outward appearance of being "righteous." Why? Because... WE ARE ALL UNWORTHY! Every single one of us!! My Lord came to CALL sinners, dear one. Those who ARE unworthy. That's why it is DUE... to God's MERCY - His UNdeserved kindness! And so it is NOT wrong for a sinner to hear... OR to answer him. It is what is SUPPOSED to happen! Contrary to what the liars say! He isn't calling THEM... because THEY believe themselves to be RIGHTEOUS. Well, okay, then... what need does a RIGHTEOUS person have for a SAVIOR? None! He can save himself... can't he???

    Then theres people who have never heard of memorial..Chinese..Muslims..Ect..Ect..Do they get a pass?

    Dear one, who am I to say who does or does not find favor with the Most Holy One of Israel? God shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it. But think on this: you got your 144,000 from among Israel... and your great crowd from every nation, tribe, etc.... who were bought as kings and priests. WHO are they to "rule" OVER? Who will they act as priests FOR?

    I will tell you: just like there is Gog, made up of "goat-like" people who do NOT do good to Christs brothers... there are sheep who DO do good toward them. And they are NOT of either the 144,000 or the great crowd. They... are like Rahab. Although she was NOT of Israel... she exercised faith in what the Israelites told her was going to happen and so hid the spies in her own house... at GREAT risk to herself... and her household. She wasn't circumcised... she did not eat the manna. Yet, not only was SHE saved as a result of her faith... which was DEMONSTRATED by her WORKS (i.e., hiding the spies)... her entire household (including relatives who didn't live in her house)... was saved.

    Do you see, dear one? Because she treated God's people Israel kindly... God treated her... and her entire household... kindly. Even though she was NOT Israel... NOR of the "vast mixed company" that went "with" Israel. She was saved because of her faith... which faith caused her to do "good" to Christ's brothers, Israel.

    Truly, there really is nothing for us to fear... so long as we love our neighbor... as ourselves... and love our enemies. Not say we do. Not fake we do. But do. Because in doing that we accomplish two things: (1) we PROVE that we love GOD... because by loving our brother, whom we HAVE seen... we are loving God... whom we have NOT seen... and (2) we PROVE that we are SONS of God... because when we love even our enemies... we are "perfecting" love. As Christ did.

    The real goal shouldn't be to be a king and priest in the kingdom, dear OUTLAW - that is just the "icing on the cake." The REAL goal should be to be IN the kingdom... whether as a houseservant, a son, a king, whatever. If my job in the Father's house is to be the chamber pot emptier... so be it. If my place is at the foot of the table... so be it. So long as I am IN the house... and AT the table. WHERE in the house... is, IMHO... irrelevant.

    I hope this helps and, again, I bid you the greatest of love and peace.

    YOUR servant, friend, and a slave of Christ... who WILL see you in my Father's kingdom (because I KNOW your kindnesses to me will NOT go unnoticed. NOT because I am something... truly, I AM nothing. But because the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, IS righteous... as I have come to know because I know Him by means of knowing His Righteous Son and Christ, my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH)...


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