Suppose a worldly person knows too much about the WTS

by dgp 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    Suppose a practicing and, to all appearances, true JW knew a worldly person (me) knows a lot more about the WTS than the typical JW would expect. I mean, the person knows the WTS's structure, the general information about the basic theories (chronology, other sheep, the flocks, the anointed...). I believe that this JW would immediately suspect that the worldly has visited "apostate" sites. If so, would it be reasonable to expect a similar reaction from all JW's, and what would that reaction be?

    I hope I made myself clear. I will appreciate any posts.

  • ana_dote

    well....if they didn't immediately suspect you of having an alternative source of information (aka apostasy)....then I would think they would be intimidated as hell LOL

    I always felt like an idiot whenever I came across someone in the ministry with a college education in theology or anyone who knew anything about history and the bible.

    I kind of relate it to how dumb america is as opposed to other countries. I've spoken with people from all over the world and they always seem to know the current events on a world level, even having more knowledge about what was going on in the states than I ever would. They just always seemed more highly (or simply just better) educated than americans. my opinion....JW's are the dumb america in the scenario lol

    (sorry if I offend anyone by saying americans are dumb, but come on.....what average american knows who the prime minister of Canada even is??...and yes, I'm american and humbly/honestly admit my stupidity lol)

    Bottom line tho...I think they would be skeptical of where you got your "information" from....and might even ask you such a question....but I would think that only the most self-righteous "knowledgeable" individual would dare debate anything with you, as I would think most JW's would feel too inadequately qualified to hold their own in such a discussion.

  • dgp

    Thank you. I am afraid the person in question would immediately suspect me of having "apostate" sources. Maybe that would be the absolute end of any relationship with her, and I work with her. No good.


    A: Your not a Jehovah`s Witness,your Opinion does`nt count..

    B:You have obtained your information from someplace other,than the WBT$..

    Your Opinion does`nt count..

    C:The information you have,is Negative about the WBT$..Your Opinion does`nt count..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • garyneal

    Or as my wide would say, "You are just trying to twist the truth to suit you." or, "You do not really have the truth, you have YOUR TRUTH."


    Or as my wide would say,.....garyneal

    You have guts just calling your Mrs.....Wide.....Never mind argueing about her religion..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • dgp

    I just found out I didn't know that much about the Watchtower after all. I have to thank Yknot for unknowingly opening my eyes wide open.

    Here's the other thread:


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises


    I think you know enough about JWs by now to know the reaction you would receive, and the one you offered would be pretty right.

    If you wanted to approach the JW with what you knew, I’d say, don’t. Let her give out information first, and then counter it with common sense, and then a few details here and there.

    If you reveal too much information too soon, you will frighten her off.

    Just let her get to know what a handsome and charming guy you are, and then she won’t be able to resist your charms!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Too much un-offical information makes you abit suspect. They only good Witness is a robot who reads the paragraph...reads the question....answers from paragraph....REPEAT.

  • Heaven

    I'm completely honest with my Dad about where I get my information. I have told him one of my sources is the Internet but other sources are the WTS publications and he is free to look up what we talk about. Due to his advancing age, he's kind of stuck with me as I'm the only family member actively engaged with him at the moment. So he's kinda stuck with me. I don't think he minds... he tells me he misses me when I can't get up to see him.

    If my Dad wants to talk about religious things, my strategy is to choose topics which cannot be refuted. The 2 main topics of discussion lately are:

    1) The complete lack of arrival of Armaggeddon.

    Every time he says to me "They're saying it's real close." (in my mind I say to myself "Who is this 'they' he keeps talking about? It's YOU man... YOU! Own up to it!" but what I actually say is....) "Dad, they've been saying this for over 130 years and it hasn't arrived yet. 130 years isn't close, Dad. When you say it's close and close doesn't happen, you lose credibility." That usually ends the conversation

    2) The pedophilia going on within the organization.

    Since there was a pedophile in his previous congregation and it became public news, he cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that this is going on. I know it bothers him (which is good!). And because it was in his own congregation, it makes it a personal thing. He can't refute that this abuse goes on because it is regularly in the news as well. I pointed out to him not long ago that the WTS has bad mouthed Catholics for years about the exact same problem going on in their own organization. And it's still happening.

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