Which is the latest movie you have seen ??

by on the rocks 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RebeccaChi

    Witchettygrub -

    Pretty much everything in the movie was delusions and dreams Leonardo was having due to his emotions and memories. The dreams all were kinda coming together as the movie progressed. The early dreams showed the intense love between him and his deceased wife. The little girl was asking him why he didn't protect her and her brothers from their mom. When the car blew up, the little girl went to his wife to hold her hand. The wife seemed surprised. (The little girl was forgiving her.) The last dream was the sad reality of what really happened. His beloved wife was mentally ill, started their apartment on fire. He most likely hid that fact from the police (think elders in congregations, haha!) and moved his family to the country hoping the scenery would help her to "recover". After coming home and finding his kids dead and hearing his wife talk beyond crazy, he shot her. He was sickened by her actions, her comments, and though he loved the sane side of her, he couldn't handle her insane side. Guessing he probably was planning on shooting himself as well . . . Anyways, I think the gist of the movie was about what would take a happy, normal, intelligent person to completely lose it. How much could the mind possibility take before going completely insane. During the movie we thought how much more could this guy take from this crazy institution before he goes crazy himself? Well, he was already "crazy" (for good reason) when he got there! The docs were there to help him recover, sympathetic to his situation, but not wanting him to physically hurt others during his insanity. After that last dream the docs said that he got better in the past, but relapsed a few times. They let him live out his delusions (the majority of movie) in an extreme attempt to cure him once and for all. This "experiment" most likely worked. Leonardo couldn't live with the truth, it was too painful to remember the death of his family. He was playing his psychiatrist (his partner) pretending he thought the docs on the island were out to get him. The psychicatist and other docs all seemed sad and disappointed thinking he would never be sane again. (Again, these were good people trying to help him.) He wanted the lobotomy (scraping of frontal lobes which erases lots of memory) because he couldn't live with the truth. He told his psychiactist he would "rather die a good man than live like a monster". Remember the psychiactrist jumped up at that point as Leonardo was walking away. He realized that L wanted the surgery to erase all of the pain, being well meant remembering the past and having to deal with it from day to day. The psychiactist did not speak up to the other doctors, having empathy for Leonardo and his decision. Who could and would want to live with that?

  • slimboyfat

    The Big Lebowski. I was disappointed - the reivews were great and it turned out to be nothing special. Plus it's a bit sad watching films from the 1990s, it's like a different world so full of misplaced optimism.

    I am also watching the Rebus adaptations with Ken Stott at the moment. It's cool to see a drama filmed in places I know well.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Avatar Saw the regular one and then went back a week later to see the 3D version - both awesome

  • Clam

    most recently seen Edge of Darkness and An Education - both of which I enjoyed. Avatar I agree is cowboys and indians in space.

  • llbh

    I saw precious and took my 16y old daughter with me, it is a very challenging movie, she sat through it. My friend who is a solicitor was with us too, and as an aside he said that quite often whilst training he had to deal with child abuse cases.

    I have also seen An Education which I loved I grew up in the sixties, Alfred Molina was great as was Cary Mulligan.

    Saw Avatar too, which i enjoyed.

    Next movie I want to see is I love you Philip Morris


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    New Moon. I have to wait for movies to come out on video before watching them and actually understanding them. (for the captions)

  • dissed

    Sea Biscuit on our new flatscreen TV - yoo hoo!

  • tec

    Just saw How to Train Your Dragon in 3D with my boys. Fantastic! Am going to see Clash of the Titans this weekend. Its hyped up and I have doubt about it, but I loved the original.


  • Dnice

    The Vampires Assistant

    Pretty weird but interesting, I think I enjoyed it?

  • jaguarbass

    I saw Old dogs with Robin Williams and John Travolta tonight, Friday. I try to watch 2 new movies, dvd

    releases on the weekend. I give Old Dogs a C. Worth a look, has some funny scenes. I didnt fall asleep watching it.

    I saw Hurt Locker about a month ago. I thought it was very good, my wife didnt like it. Hurt locker to me

    was how this fellow couldnt settle down and be a husband or father, he was an adrenellin junkie.

    He wasnt going to work the traditional 9 to 5.

    I saw Avatar a while back, That was good, you should see it in 3 d. A provacative movie with lots of things to

    think about.

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