Teaching Christian Children They Are Sinful, Worthless And In Need Of Redemption
Do Children Deserve Eternal Hell?
by leavingwt 17 Replies latest jw friends
Teaching Christian Children They Are Sinful, Worthless And In Need Of Redemption
Do Children Deserve Eternal Hell?
Religious Indoctrination Traumatizing Children
I teach my little ones that, as humans, we are imperfect and we tend to not to the right things all the time, even when it's in our best interest.
Because of that, we need to be reminded and remind ourselves of what is right, what is just and what is moral for ALL.
I taught my children that God is holy and we must be holy if we are to gain life.
I teach my kids they have one life and they must make the most of it and do what they want in life.
I also teach them that they must respect others and do whatever good they can in this world. They are part of society which needs people to play their part.
They are not sinners but they have a great deal of learning to do, but then who doesn't? They will make mistakes and at times they can be very annoying, but they are not sinners.
I want my kids to enjoy life and make whatever choices are going to bring them happiness. They know that as their parents we will offer advice and support, but we are not going to force our choices and beliefs on them.
I taught my children it's human to make mistakes and that's how we learn. I also taught them to respect themselves enough to not do self destructive things.
I got a lot of shit from JWs for doing that. I was really supposed to be teaching them to live in dread of the big mean sky god.
Oh, I'm still spiritual, I just think there's enough to be afraid of in the real world without looking for it in the spiritual one.
Religion is all about guilt tripping and fear. This the way that the Watchtower keeps people in their net, through fear and guilt.
So religions know that brainwashing the children is essential to the survival of the religion. All the religions around the world use this strategy.
Some religions do NOT teacth guilt or fear at all, to say that "religion" is all about his or that is not correct.
I only use the word 'sinful' with certain chocolate desserts..
Upon reflection I teach that all are 'imperfect' and that Jesus came to act as Repurchaser or Redeemer of all mankind
I really don't use the word 'redemption' .......
I can't remember the last time I even used 'redemption'......
I didn't hear the hateful 'your not worthy' WTS spiel until I was 7, rather I heard Jesus and Jehovah loved me, loved everyone......I could disappoint them if I acted in willful disobedience but they still loved me and wanted me to be sorry, to make any attonements if needed and to make better choices next time......(ie repent, walk straight and serve the lord).
I have taught my children that all us commit sins and that Jesus died so that our sins are forgiven.
I did not dwell on sin and I never told them that they were not worthy.
I taught them that Jesus and God are love and that we are to love our neighbor.