JWness aside its great that you will be able to spend time with your kids and keep your relationship alive. If you can also get them away from JW cultdom its a bonus!
Child access mediation went pretty good...they miss more meetings
by Aussie Oz 16 Replies latest jw friends
Open mind
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the news with us.
I don't have Watchtower library handy, but I'm pretty sure there's a quote in an Awake! article from not too long ago that says that it's a good idea for kids to spend time with both parents. It might be a good idea to have that quote handy if there's any chance the kids would opt to go to the K Hall instead of visiting you.
Aussie Oz
Thankyou all!
when i got the result i was a bit dumbfounded... i had been all reved up for court! My non money hungry lawyer told me not to come in and go home. So i came home and celebrated by spending money on my hotrod project.
and sundays will be sooooo good!
cheers all
Yea! I wish the best for you in this.
AUSSIE OZ- THat is great news that you can have your kids 50% of the time on weekends now ! That means 50 % of the time they will have a real dad who shows them authentic love and caring, instead of cult care. Great news ! Keep up the good work Dad ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Missing half the boasting sessions is better than attending all of them. And now, once they come of age, they might just start missing the other half.
This is very good. It will lessen the amount of indoctrination which can only be a good thing. I hope your kids will be relieved they don't have to go to as many meetings. It was when I was around 16 that I realized the JW stuff wasn't quite right and definitely not for me.