Injured Bat

by lisavegas420 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisavegas420

    I just have to share this because it has entered my mind every day for nearly a month.

    On the way back to my car, there was a bat on the ground. I stopped to get a closer look. It turned it's head looked up at me and hissed. I walked on. The next morning, on my way into the office, again, I looked down and the bat was still there. I thought it might be dead. I stopped and touch him with the tip of my shoe. It turned and looked at me and hissed. I went into the building and mentiioned to the owner of the Cafe on the first floor about the bat. He acted horrified and said, something about having to kill one he found in the basement of the building. I was horrified at his actions and words....., I'm thinking a kitten with wings and he's thinking the devil.....I went on to my office.

    On the way to my car that afternoon, the bat was there but dead. Very dead, and a big rock was near by.

    The next morning the bat was shoved up against the building and was much smaller than before. The following day he was gone.

    Should I have called animal shelter the first day I saw him?

    The Cafe owner acted like he was a big bug, that could be stepped on.

    I've been thinking of a way to change the way I enter the building so I don't have to walk by that spot. i don't know why it is still bothering me so much.


  • Heaven

    Bats are my friends. Here's why... I'm a frickin' mosquito magnet! Bats eat lots of mosquitoes (some can eat 500 to 1000 in an hour). I am not sure why people have such an aversion to them. They provide a very valuable service on this Earth.

    lisa... I know how you feel. Anytime I see an animal, bird, etc in distress I want to help. Try not to feel badly. Some of us are not equipped to immediately handle situations when we are presented with them. It would have been good of you to call someone who specializes in helping animals. It's a shame the Cafe owner was a jerk.

    Check out this picture of a Golden Crowned Fruit Bat... I think he's cute!

    Golden Crowned Fruit Bat

  • lisavegas420

    thank you Heaven.

    If I see another one call I will call someone to get him help.

    I thought it was cute too,..until it hissed, but I knew it was afraid.

    Mine looked more like this.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Murderer! YOU COLD BLOODED MURDERER!!!!!!!! {Bat - "Hey, where's my wife gone?}

  • lisavegas420
    Murderer! YOU COLD BLOODED MURDERER!!!!!!!!

    I thought bats were mammals.

    And I won't let it happen again.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Okay smarty.........YOU HOT BLOODED MURDERER!!!!!

  • Brocephus

    The humane thing to do is to kill the bat and put it out of misery and dispose of the body. Not to let it die in the cold or heat or get dragged off by a cat where it will infect it with the rabies that infected the bat in the first place.

  • Heaven

    The humane thing to do is to kill the bat

    Personally, I would not be able to do this. I've had to kill an animal in the past to put it out of its misery and it has left some very deep, emotional scars on me.

    Assuming the bat has rabies when there is no proof is also not something I would do. I would call an animal shelter or even someone who specializes in rehabilitating bats. They do exist.

    I have read articles that advise if you are not trained or prepared to deal with an injured animal, call someone who is. Animals who are injured are frightened and will try to defend themselves. You need to have proper equipment and the proper training to deal with them.

  • blondie

    They are carriers of rabies (like racoons, etc.) so be wary of an injured bat. Call your local pest control or whatever they call it. Don't touch it.

  • Brocephus
    I've had to kill an animal in the past to put it out of its misery and it has left some very deep, emotional scars on me.

    That sounds a little selfish to me. Let and animal writhe in excrutiating pain because of my "feelings"... hmmmm.


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