Amazing.....I've been thinking of this very idea alot lately.
Calling each other Brother or Sister is supposed to give you the feeling of family. But families often take advantage of each other and take liberties with each other, that they normally wouldn't with other people.
It was often said in the congos, ( in so many words... ) "Well, others have to make allowances for my shortcomings, because we are all brothers and sisters." Yet they were unwilling to make those allowances for others.
I prefer to think of my fellow humans as "travellers". Because of the scripture about the "narrow road" ( among others ), I view us all as being on a road of sprituality. Yes, bad things happen to some whan travelling, but there still seems to be an "unwritten" rule about travelling, where people are willing to help each other and give advice...."I've been here a couple of times before, here is where you should go, here is the best way to get there.....etc."
We are all at different places along the road....can't we help each other out? I'm grateful for the advice of those who are ahead of me on the road, grateful for the camaraderie of those travelling alongside me and hope to leave nothing that will impede the progress of those travelling behind me.