Last month I asked for proof if any member of the Governing body had said they were one of the F&DS, or for that matter any individual by name as being identified as one of the F&D Slave by the Watchtower or even at a convention, an individual speaker being identified as part of that class or a speaker in the first person, saying I am one!. Nobody has been able to provide any proof that anyone believes they are part of that class or they know anyone personally whom they will publicly identify with that class and who accepts that honor..... which leads me to believe that the Faithful and Discreet Slave class is for all intents and purposes extinct. People claim to know they exist- somewhere, and the printed pages of the WatchTower claim they are still among us- somewhere-, but they just can't find anyone who knows they are "one of them" and will admit to it publicly. I think my odds are better in seeing a Jackalope this summer on vacation, than finding honest to goodness flesh and blood F&DS member.
Since the GB years ago gave up the writing of the WT to others and the general annointed class are ignored by the WT corp, then how can the F&DS be said to directly provide meat in due season to the sheep? They can't. And that is why no names are attached to that class by the WT magazine. Legally, they have , by omission, provided the proof that this class does not direct the writing of the WatchTower magazine. Just call up Bethel and ask them for proof that the F&DS directs the WT org. Just certify one name, signed and notorized by the legal department, that will suffice.