I'm just curious: Has the Watchtower said when we will have Armageddon, or they are avoiding to give any date, or are they avoiding noticing that all the signs are there to suggest that there is a specific date we should look forward to? Any dates?
When will we have Armageddon, according to the last new light?
by dgp 23 Replies latest jw friends
Soon they think definitely soon if not imminent, really it’s just around the corner you know any day now, it’s near really near.... Blah Blah Blah.
I don't think you will have a date for your diary any time soon.
We are already having Armageddon. You are in the middle of it now.
You have already been given a white stone and a new name.
stone=writing tablet
white=blank page
white stone=internet communication
new name=you are now dgp
we are all riding the pale horse
Pale horse is actually described as being pale green
Look at the lights on your modem, router, screen buttons.
This horse power is taking us into the battle. And it is right now.
Can you not see that participation here is fighting a battle against the wicked?
This time we win.
No Dates - Just supa dupa close - soooooo close you can almost taste the kiss of your great great great grandmother!
They won't actually calculate it for us, but their overlap generation does put a limit on it.
At the beginning of the great tribulation, an anointed one will be alive who was born before an anointed one who was alive in 1914 with longevity (we will say 105 years as an extreme) passed away.They won't put such ridiculous numbers in print because that would still allow 114 from RIGHT NOW (2124). They want members to think that this overlap is like someone being born in 1900 touching the life of anointed born in 1950, making the end come by the time they would reach 80 years old, so that would be only be 20 years away (or much less). That would allow the current leaders to get everyone excited, then deny that they said the end was THAT close (plus, most of the current leaders will die in 20 to 35 years and can maintain their cry of 'soon.')
Certainly, all the JW's alive today will be dead in 114 years. So the religion will deny it's past and tell the handful of members not to read old Watchtowers or listen to apostates. There are actually plenty of parachutes in their words about this nulite for the next generations of leaders to publish more nulite about it.
I say that, but really don't believe the WTS will be around for 114 years, so they have their basic doctrine until their self-destruction in the next 100 years.
I can see a big 2034 focus for JW's. (120 years of 'the last days' to parallel 120 years from Jehovah's decision to destroy the world by flood and then actually doing it. There can be more articles about parallels and how Jehovah gave his organization (Noah and his family) specific instructions for those 120 years, including preparing the ark (organization) and spreading the word (recruiting) about the upcoming destruction. Our 120 years have been similar- the organization completed the education center and moved HQ away from NYC in preparation for the fire and brimstone, and the members warned, but not too many listened. "Hey, there were only 8 humans in the ark, so a few million JW's is a blessing."
No Dates - Just supa dupa close - soooooo close you can almost taste the kiss of your great great great grandmother!
Both histerical and utterly disgusting--kudos!
DGP:when i was a little girl, i was told that armargedon was just around the corner and that i would never go to primary school.
As a older child, i was told that armargeddon was about to happen and that i would never get to go to secondry school.
as a teenager i was told we were in the end of the last days and to prepare ourselves for our immenant salvation, and btw what was i doing therefore going to collage?!?
as a adultestant i was told that nearly all the signs were completed, and why therefore was i at Uni?!?!?
As a full adult i was told again that it was a matter of a year or two perhaps, and what was i doing therefore earning a living when i could be out pioneering?!?!!?
At the age i am now, i accept that armargeddon is like the proverbial bogey man, somthing of myth and legend that will never happen!
White Dove
I thought that Noah completed the ark in 40 years, not 120 years.
I noticed their numerology, too. 40 seems to be a big deal in the Bible.
Based on JW beliefs:
The big A isn't suppose to happen until all the 144,000 are sealed. So lets look at the logistics in their terms.
No one before Christ was of that group. So that cuts off approximately 4000 years of human history, and some of the most faithful men of God in history. After Christ came we know the apostles were anointed but not anyone else for sure. Shortly after, at that time Christianity fell into Paganism and after that time know one knows who was anointed...a few here and there. Lets say 50,000. just for kicks. (over 2000 years )
We get to the present day and they now have 11,000. (just to make sure we cover every body) or add another 25,000 ......they are no where near Armageddon based on their anointed expectations.
Something is very skewed.
I have come to the conclusion that the anointed were completed with the Death of the Apostles that included the Ancients.
Either every one partakes of the Emblems after Christs death or no one at this point, and I am of the mind it should be everyone.
There are not 2 classes of Christians....this was never part of Christ's message yet, this is what we hear about. The anointed being the small flock and first fruits and then the great crowd that needs to follow a slave......The present day supposed anointed.
This entire thing makes me CRAZY