When will the Post Office only opens 5 days a week?
by asilentone 14 Replies latest jw friends
Here is a full explanation of their plan
It all goes work the projected date will be October 2011
Our Postal service here in the U.K is under attack too. it seems that the management of Royal Mail have a death wish, and are bringing in measures all the time which do not really save them money, and just suceed in alienating customers and forcing them to use alternatives.
It is the usual small-minded short termism we have come to expect here, nobody does anything about it, yet they all bemoan the loss of services when they are gone.
I feel sorry for the loyal workforce who are the ones who suffer most as cuts and different working practices are introduced.
our local Post Office is open seven days a week
yadda yadda 2
Potato Salad now Post Offices. Yawn. You need more excitement in your life asilentone. Why did I even open this thread.
The link above points out that the PO itself will be open on Saturday, but there will be no "carrier delivery to street addresses" on Saturdays--leaving open the possibility (implicitly) of PO-box deliveries on Saturdays, though I doubt they'll bother.
For me this sucks, in that I aggressively remail my Netflix movies so that I get two turnarounds per week--this will destroy that plan.
From the site:
And by eliminating Saturday delivery to street addresses, the Postal Service can capture annual savings of about $3 billion. This savings projection factors in a reduction in mailings as a result of the change.
You sure about all that? If Netflix customers get pissed, Netflix may look at alternatives--and this has got to be a relatively huge percentage of USPS business these days.
The Postal Service has not rashly pursued a change to five-day delivery. It is a critical and necessary change that will result in substantial savings in work hours, fuel, and maintenance costs, without compromising customer service.
Nice double-talk: "We're doing 5/6ths as much for you as before--but we haven't compromised customer service." They never had any to begin with. Postal employees are some of the least-motivated, customer-unfriendly workers I have ever seen.
Repeal the monopoly status of the USPS! :-)
Too Opinionated
Congress must approve it before it can happen.
Broken Promises
Yadda, I met 3 hot chicks this afternoon/evening, I just got home. We exchanged email addresses. 3 different chicks, 3 different stores. Is that exciting?