Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-04-10 WT Study (JAH RULING)

by blondie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-04-10 WT Study (January 15, 2010, pages 28-32)(JAH RULING)

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    JEHOVAH'S WAY OF RULING VINDICATED! "The Most High Is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind."--DAN. 4:17


    1) Notice in this article that it is God's/Jehovah's kingdom not Christ's, Jesus', or Messianic kingdom yet Jesus is the

    king. How often is Jesus mentioned as king/ruler but only in a secondary way?

    In 1914, Jehovah established his Kingdom in the heavens under his appointed King, Jesus Christ. At that time, he

    granted Jesus authority to go forth "conquering and to complete his conquest." (Rev. 6:2) The newly enthroned King

    was told: "Go subduing in the midst of your enemies." (Ps. 110:2)

    Jehovah established his Kingdom
    Jehovah's ruling Kingdom
    God's Kingdom (2)
    Jehovah's Rule
    Jehovah’s way of governing (3)
    God's Kingdom
    God's way of ruling (3)
    God's rule (5)
    Jehovah's way of ruling
    God, "we accept him as our Ruler

    2) If the animals and humans are going to be at peace with each other, will humans and animals be vegetarians? The

    WTS will not say.


    12/15/1961 p. 766-7

    As to the preflood situation on the diet of man and animals, we may take the situation in Noah’s ark as an illustration.

    Under God’s instructions Noah and his family were to take into the ark wild beasts, domestic animals, flying creatures

    and birds, two each (male and female) of the unclean kind, and seven each of the clean kind. Besides this, Noah was to

    take into the ark every sort of food that is eaten to “serve as food for you and for them.” (Gen. 6:19-22) Now Noah had

    no deepfreeze unit nor any refrigeration installation to preserve processed flesh foods in the ark. The seven sheep,

    seven bulls and cows, seven goats, two horses, two pigs, and so forth, that Noah took into the ark would hardly have

    been enough flesh food for the two lions, two tigers and two of the other wild flesh-eating beasts of today to live on in

    the ark during the flood. Noah was not instructed to carry on a slaughterhouse in the ark to feed the wild beasts with

    flesh foods. Nor was he told to enmesh tremendous quantities of flying or creeping insects to provide fresh food for

    the creatures today devouring insects.

    Noah came out of the ark the following year with not less wild beasts, domestic animals, flying and creeping creatures

    and birds than he took into the ark. It is possible that he had more when he came out, due to the breeding of these

    lower creatures. Well, then, on what did every living thing in the ark live during those twelve lunar months and ten days,

    or one full solar year, shut up inside the ark? Certainly not on flesh, nor on one another.

    All those creatures, human and subhuman, were able to live without flesh for a whole year inside the ark. Why could not

    every one of those living creatures live without flesh during 1,656 years prior to the Flood, or back to the time when

    God specified to Adam and Eve in Eden what he had given to earthly creatures as food? And if they could subsist that

    way during the first 1,656 years of man’s existence, why can they not return to that way of life and keep living that way

    during the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ and then for eternity?

    *** w52 3/15 p. 168 par. 17 Are You Choosing Life or Death? ***
    Animals will be controlled and peace established between them and men. Now we enjoy having cats and dogs for pets,

    and in some parks get an added thrill when a squirrel or pigeon eats out of our hand, and as we walk through the zoos

    we may even have a desire to fondle the furry mane of the lion or stroke the striped pelt of the tiger. But we wisely

    quench this natural urge, for we know that while we would be running our hands through its fur it might be running its

    teeth through our hands. The wild animals mistrust us as much as we mistrust them. However, in the new world man will

    exercise dominion, not through fear and dread, or by hunters or zoo keepers or circus trainers, but through such perfect

    mutual trust that even a little child can lead the wildest of beasts. Even the lion will turn vegetarian then.—Isa. 11:6-9;

    Hos. 2:18.


    Q 1, 2. What are some reasons why human rule has failed?

    HUMAN rule has failed! Of that there is no doubt. A major reason for that failure is that humans lack the wisdom to rule

    successfully. The failure of man's rule is especially evident today when so many rulers have shown themselves to be

    'lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, disloyal, not open to any agreement, slanderers,

    without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, and puffed up with pride.'--2 Tim. 3: 2-4.

    COMMENTSWhat about the human rule at the KH? Elders, COs, DOs, MS, zone, branch, GB; how many failures they have had.
    I have found these men to be lovers of self, lovers of money, haughty, slanderous, prideful....

    2. Long ago our first parents rejected God's way of ruling. In doing so, they may have thought that they were choosing

    independence. In reality, though, they were submitting to Satan's way of ruling. Six millenniums of human

    mismanagement--powerfully influenced by "the ruler of this world," Satan--have brought us to the current low point in

    human history. (John 12: 31) Commenting on the state of mankind today, The Oxford History of the Twentieth Century

    states that it is useless "looking for a perfect world." It explains: "Not only can it not be found, but the attempt to create it

    leads to disaster, totalitarianism, and war at its worst." What a frank admission that human rule is a failure!

    COMMENTSMAY HAVE--the WTS reads things into the Bible account--choosing independence
    So there are only 2 choices, God or Satan; why not either?
    If Satan is the "god of this system," are all non-jws Satan worshippers?

    Oxford History





    Q 3. What can we say about the way God would have ruled if Adam and Eve had not sinned?

    3. How tragic, then, that our first parents rejected the only kind of rule that does work--rule by God! Of course, we do

    not know precisely how Jehovah would have structured his way of governing the earth if Adam and Eve had remained

    faithful to him. However, we can be certain that divine rulership accepted by all mankind would have been marked by

    love and impartiality. (Acts 10:34; 1 John 4:8) In view of God's matchless wisdom, we can also be sure that if mankind

    had remained under Jehovah's rule, all the mistakes made by proponents of human rule would have been avoided.

    God rule theocracy, would have been successful in "satisfying the desire of every living thing."(Ps. 145:16) In short, it

    would have been a perfect rulership. (Deut. 32:4) How tragic that humans rejected it!

    COMMENTSWE DO NOT KNOW precisely how [God] would have structured his way of governing....
    Notice how the WTS says "Adam and Eve" not putting the responsibility on Adam alone or Eve alone
    Is the WT organization today marked by love and impartiality? No.
    Would all of the mistakes have been avoided? Would no other humans or angels have reached out for independence?
    Did any human rule succeed---patriarchs, nation of Israel
    Satisfying only the desires approved by the WTS/FDS/GB

    Q 4. To what extent has Satan been permitted to govern?

    4. Still, it is good to remember that even though Jehovah permitted humans to exercise self-rule, he at no time

    relinquished his right to rule over his creatures. Even the powerful king of Babylon was forced to realize that ultimately

    "the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind." (Dan. 4:17) In the long run, God's Kingdom will cause his will to be

    done. (Matt. 6:10) True, in the short term, Jehovah has allowed Satan to act as "the god of this system of things" in

    order to provide a convincing answer to the issues that were raised by that opposer. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 5:19)

    Nevertheless, Satan has never been able to go beyond what Jehovah permits. (2 Chron. 20:6; compare Job 1:11, 12;

    2: 3-6.) And there have always been some individuals who chose to subject themselves to God, even though they were

    living in a world ruled by God's great Adversary.


    Did God have any desire for human rule to succeed; even the Israelites failed because they were deliberately given a

    "perfect" set of laws although they were as the WTS says prove that could not succeed.

    FORCED to that is willing service!
    ALLOWED Satan...not beyond what God permits--every genocide in history, Holocaust, etc., including the Caananites

    and Amalekites at the hands of the Israelites with God's backing. The Israelites were warned that bad would come on

    them because they had not completely destroyed the Caananites.

    Is there a choice?


    Q 5. What commitment did Israel make to God?

    5. From the time of Abel up to the time of the patriarchs, a number of faithful individuals worshipped Jehovah and

    obeyed his commands. (Heb.11: 4-22) In Moses' day, Jehovah entered into a covenant with the offspring of the

    patriarch Jacob, and these became the nation of Israel. In 1513 B.C.E., the Israelites committed themselves and their

    descendants to accept Jehovah as Ruler, saying: "All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do."--Ex. 19:8.

    COMMENTSAbel to the patriarchs...individuals...not an organization; yet the WTS tries to say there was an organization before the creation of the nation of Israel. Were they individuals or an organization?

    QUOTES*** w94 10/1 p. 11 par. 8 God’s Servants—An Organized and Happy People ***
    Jehovah also organizes his servants on earth. When he brought the Deluge of Noah’s day in 2370 B.C.E., Noah and seven others survived the Flood as a family organization.

    *** w84 7/15 p. 11 par. 6 Organized to Serve Jehovah ***
    Well, the Deluge of Noah’s day brought an end to all antediluvian organizations that might have existed on earth—except one. Noah and the seven other Flood survivors emerged from the ark as a family organization...Yes, after the Deluge, Noah’s family started off as an organization that served Jehovah.

    *** w65 7/15 p. 426 par. 11 Jehovah’s Advancing Organization ***
    Jehovah’s earthly organization has been represented throughout the ages by men of integrity who manifested deep

    loyalty to him. Wherever they resided, they represented his earthly organization. At times this association of loyal

    worshipers was very limited in number, consisting of as few as one to eight persons, as in the days of Abel, Enoch and

    Noah. Although there were only eight persons in it right before the flood of Noah’s days, it was an advancing


    Q 6, 7. How was God's rule of Israel characterized?

    6. Jehovah had a purpose in choosing the Israelites to be his people. (Read Deuteronomy 7:7, 8.) This choice

    involved more than just the welfare of the Israelites. God's name and sovereignty were also involved, and they were of

    greater significance. Israel was to serve as a witness to the fact that Jehovah is the only true God. (Isa. 43:10; 44:6-8)

    Hence, Jehovah said to that nation: "You are a holy people to Jehovah your God, and Jehovah has chosen you to

    become his people, a special property, out of all the peoples who are on the surface of the ground."--Deut. 14:2.

    COMMENTSWas God choosing Abraham or the Israelites; was it on the basis of Abraham's actions or the Israelites; was there

    anything really special about the Jews in regard to any other humans as individuals or was it to honor a promise to


    The word "sovereignty" is not in the bible just like "organization" is not.

    Only the natural Israelites were to serve as a witness; the WTS correlation should be that only "spiritual" Israelites were

    to serve as a witness. The other sheep (great crowd) are not considered spiritual Israelites, and thus not Jehovah's

    witnesses as in Isaiah 43. Only anointed jws then are special property as 2 Peter 2:9 says "special possession" apply

    it only to spirit-anointed Christians (only anointed jws per the WTS).

    QUOTES*** w06 7/1 p. 25 par. 14 They Were Born Into God’s Chosen Nation ***
    Writing to anointed Christians, the apostle Peter declared: “You are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a

    people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies’ of the one that called you out of

    darkness into his wonderful light. For you were once not a people, but are now God’s people.” (1 Peter 2:9, 10) The

    special relationship between Jehovah and fleshly Israel had ended. In 33 C.E., Jehovah’s favor had been transferred

    from earthly Israel to spiritual Israel, the Christian congregation, ‘a nation producing the fruits’ of the Messianic

    Kingdom.—Matthew 21:43.

    7. God's way of governing the Israelites took into account that they were imperfect. At the same time, his laws were

    perfect and reflected the qualities of their Giver. Jehovah's commandments given through Moses clearly highlighted

    God's holiness, his love of justice, his willingness to forgive, and his patience. Later, in the day of Joshua and his

    generation, the nation obeyed Jehovah's commandments and enjoyed peace and spiritual blessings. (Josh. 24:21, 22,

    31) That period of Israel's history demonstrated the success of Jehovah's way of ruling.

    COMMENTSNote that the WTS says that God took note that the Israelites were perfect yet he gave them a perfect law, one they

    were doomed to fail in following. Was the lifetime of Joshua then the only time there was any success with God's way

    of ruling? The time of the judges certainly wasn't; nor was the time of the kings of Israel; perhaps the time after they

    came back from Babylon. Was God's way of ruling dependent on the human representatives because although

    Joshua was not a king and neither were the judges, the functioned as human leaders.


    Q 8, 9. What unwise request did Israel make, and with what results?

    8. Over time, though, the Israelites frequently turned away from God's rule and suffered the loss of his protection.

    Eventually, through the prophet Samuel, Israel demanded a visible, human king. Jehovah told Samuel to grant their

    request. However, Jehovah added: "It is not you whom they have rejected, but it is I whom they have rejected from

    being king over them." (1 Sam. 8:7) Although Jehovah permitted Israel to have a visible king, he warned them that rule

    by a human king would come at a price.--Read 1 Samuel 8:9-18.

    COMMENTSWas there no human representative--high priest, judge.....?
    How much a bigger price could it be than what happened in Israel under the judges? Just a couple:

    QUOTES*** it-2 p. 135 Judges, Book of ***
    Through Othniel, Israel is delivered from an eight-year subjugation to the Mesopotamian king Cushan-rishathaim

    The 18-year domination by Moabite King Eglon ends when he is killed by Ehud, who then assembles an Israelite army

    and subdues the Moabites

    9. History demonstrated the truth of Jehovah's warning. Being ruled by a human king led to serious problems for Israel,

    especially when that king proved unfaithful. With that example of Israel in mind, it is not surprising that throughout the

    ages, government in the hands of humans who do not know Jehovah has failed to bring permanent good results. True,

    some politicians invoke God's blessing on their efforts to achieve peace and security, but how can God bless those

    who do not submit to his way of ruling?--Ps. 2: 10-12.

    COMMENTSYet weren't the Israelites being "ruled" by a human representative, Joshua and the judges?
    Do some in the WTS invoke God's blessing but follow humans in New York, submitting to their "rule" not God's?


    Q 10. Why was Israel replaced as God's chosen nation?

    10. The nation of Israel proved unwilling to serve Jehovah faithfully. Eventually, they rejected God's appointed

    Messiah, and Jehovah rejected them and purposed to replace them with a group of people who formed a new nation.

    As a consequence, the year 33 C.E. saw the birth of the Christian congregation of anointed worshippers of Jehovah.

    That congregation was, in effect, a new nation under Jehovah's governing authority. Paul spoke of it as "the Israel of

    God." --Gal. 6:16.

    COMMENTSBig surprise...Israel proved unwilling to serve God, except when he was saving them. They rejected Jesus as jws

    doing once a year at their memorial, the Reject Jesus Party, where the emphasis is on the "faithful and discreet slave"

    and a little bit on God but those attending are mainly told that none of them are qualified to eat the bread and drink the


    Christian congregation = anointed Christians = only anointed jws = new nation does include any non-jws ever

    Gal. 6:16 = only scripture that WTS continually uses to make this point.

    Q 11, 12. What similarities as to oversight are there between Israel and "the Israel of God"?

    11. Between the original nation of Israel and the new "Israel of God" there are both differences and similarities. Unlike

    ancient Israel, the Christian congregation has no human king and it has no need for offering animal sacrifices in behalf

    of sinners. One similarity between the nation of Israel and the Christian congregation is the arrangement of older men,

    or elders. (Ex. 19:3-8) Such Christian elders do not rule over the flock. Rather they shepherd the congregation and

    unstintingly take the lead in Christian activities. They deal lovingly with each individual in the congregation, according

    honor and dignity to a11--2 Cor. 1:24; 1 Pet. 5:2, 3.


    Does the Christian congregation have no human king? What about a group that function as human rulers--the

    Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses--a term that does not occur in the Bible either?

    Older men, elders--but few jws realize that there were the secret meetings to judge other members, but these events

    were held in the public square, open to all in the congregation.

    Once men were known as congregation "SERVants", circuit and district "servants" but in the early 1970's became


    take the LEAD = leaders = rulers

    lovingly deal? = words only, elders see themselves as OVER the sheep and it is only their own dignity and HONOR

    they are concerned about, DOUBLE honor. Notice that this honor is only for those who preside in a fine way. How

    often to you hear about double honor for the elders compared to honor for the rank and file?

    (1 Timothy 5:17) . . .Let the older men who preside in a fine way be reckoned worthy of double honor,. . .

    (Romans 12:10) . . .In showing honor to one another take the lead.

    12. By meditating on God's dealings with Israel, members of "the Israel of God" and their "other sheep" companions

    develop greater appreciation for Jehovah and his way of governing. (John 10:16) For example, history shows that the

    human rulers of Israel greatly influenced their subjects, either for good or for bad. That fact impresses upon those

    taking the lead among Christians that, although they are not rulers like those ancient kings, they must always set a good

    example of faith.--Heb. 13:7.

    COMMENTSNotice that the other sheep are not members of the Israel of God, not spiritual Israelites, not Jehovah's witnesses as in Isaiah 43.

    Where has Jesus been in this article?

    Taking the lead but not "leaders" per the WTS.
    Christians--only jws


    Q 13. What important milestone was reached in 1914?

    13. Christians today proclaim to the world that human rule over mankind is nearing its end. In 1914, Jehovah

    established his Kingdom in the heavens under his appointed King, Jesus Christ. At that time, he granted Jesus

    authority to go forth "conquering and to complete his conquest." (Rev. 6:2) The newly enthroned King was told: "Go

    subduing in the midst of your enemies." (Ps. 110:2) Sadly, the nations have consistently refused to submit to Jehovah's

    rule. They have continued to act as if "there is no Jehovah."--Ps. 14:1.

    COMMENTS Christians--only jws
    NEARING ITS END--1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975, (1984--70 years generation from 1914), (1994--80 years

    generation from 1914), 1995--end of 1914 generation.

    Finally Jesus appears but why no mention of the Messianic Kingdom? Did Jesus go conquering on earth? Do the

    nations even know they have refused to submit---based on what, the "preaching" in a limited fashion by the WTS, not

    even reaching people in India, China, or Muslim countries?

    Can you think of occasions where jws, especially elders, do things in secret, proving they don't think there is a God or

    that he sees what they do?

    (Ezekiel 8:12) . . .And he proceeded to say to me: “Have you seen, O son of man, what the elderly ones of the house

    of Israel are doing in the darkness, each one in the inner rooms of his showpiece? For they are saying, ‘Jehovah is not

    seeing us. Jehovah has left the land.’”

    Q 14, 15. (a) How are we ruled by God's Kingdom today, and in view of this, what questions should we ask ourselves?

    (b) How is the superiority of God's rule seen even today?

    14. A few anointed members of "the Israel of God" still remain, and as Jesus' brothers, they continue to act as

    "ambassadors substituting for Christ." (2 Cor. 5:20) They have been appointed as a faithful and discreet slave class to

    care for and provide spiritual food for anointed ones and a growing crowd of Christians, who now include millions

    having the hope of living on earth forever. (Matt. 24:45-47; Rev. 7:9-15) Jehovah's blessing on that arrangement is

    evident in the spiritual prosperity enjoyed by true worshippers today.

    COMMENTSA few anointed....remain...but their numbers are increasing each year.

    2006 8758
    2007 9105
    2008 9986
    2009 10857
    2010 over 11,000?

    Did you realize that the WTS views only anointed jws as "Jesus' brothers" and as "ambassadors"?

    These ones on the GB are appointed only by those already on the GB not by any other anointed jws (FDS).

    Growing crowd of Christians = only jws

    Only these ones have the hope of living forever on earth (CARROT ON A STICK).

    What does the WTS define as "spiritual prosperity" and they imply that all other religions are not prosperous and don't

    have God's blessing.

    true worshippers = only jws

    15. Each of us would do well to ask himself: 'Do I fully recognize the responsibilities that I should shoulder within the

    Christian congregation? Am I properly supporting Jehovah's way of governing? Am I proud to be a subject of

    Jehovah's ruling Kingdom? Am I determined to continue telling others about God's Kingdom to the extent that I

    reasonably can?' As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate

    with the appointed elders in the congregations. In such ways, we demonstrate our acceptance of God's way of ruling.

    (Read Hebrews 13:17.) Willing submission results in a worldwide unity that is unique in this divided world. It also

    produces peace and righteousness and brings glory to Jehovah, demonstrating that his way of ruling is by far the best.

    COMMENTSIt is no accident that the WTS is vague about what each person's "responsibilities" are.
    Christian congregation really is made up only of spiritual Israelites.
    Proud - so jws are to be patriotic
    Where is Jesus' Kingdom?
    Who decides what is reasonable--other jws, especially the elders?
    Why "as a group" submit?
    Should we be men-pleasers?
    Are the jws uniquely united? In what areas?
    Peace--like 2 congregations in conflict, like 2 elders or more in conflict, like 2 jealous sisters in conflict....

    Does God rule through love or fear? Does the WTS rule through love or fear?


    Q 16. What decision faces everyone today?

    16. The time is fast approaching when the issues raised in Eden will be resolved. Hence, now is the time for people to

    make a decision. Each individual must decide whether he will accept Jehovah’s way of governing or he will cling to

    human rule. It is our privilege to help meek ones to make the right decision. Soon, at Armageddon, Jehovah's way of

    governing will permanently replace human-based governments under Satan's influence. (Dan. 2:44; Rev. 16:16) Human

    rule will end, and God's Kingdom will hold sway over the entire earth. In the fullest sense of the word, Jehovah's way of

    governing will stand vindicated.--Read Revelation 21:3-5.

    COMMENTSFAST APPROACHING --since 1874, 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1975, 1984, 1994, 1995--no more 1914 generation
    Accept God or Christ? Who is really ruling?
    Accet the WTS way....
    SOON at Armageddon
    PERMANENTLY replace
    Whose kingdom? Whose way?

    If God's Kingdom holds full sway after Armageddon, what happens at the end of the 1,000 Reign?

    QUOTES*** w06 5/15 p. 7 God’s Purpose for the Earth—Soon to Be Fulfilled ***
    For a short time after Christ’s Thousand Year Reign has ended, Satan the Devil and his demons, or wicked angels, will

    be released from the abyss into which they were cast some ten centuries earlier. (Revelation 20:1-3) They will be

    allowed to make a final effort to turn people away from God. Although some people will give in to wrong desires, this

    rebellion will fail. Jehovah will execute the selfish ones along with Satan and all his demons.

    Q 17. What facts help meek individuals to make a good decision regarding rulership?

    17. Those who have not as yet made a definite decision in favor of Jehovah should prayerfully consider the benefits

    that God's way of ruling will bring to mankind. Human rule has been unable to solve the problem of crime, including

    terrorism. God's rule will remove all the wicked from the earthly scene. (Ps. 37:1, 2, 9) Man's rule has led to incessant

    warfare, but God's rule will make "wars to cease to the extremity of the earth." (Ps. 46:9) Why, God's rule will even

    restore peace between humans and animals! (Isa. 11:6-9) Poverty and hunger have been constant features under

    human rule, but God's rule will eliminate them. (Isa. 65:21) Even human rulers having the best of intentions have been

    unable to remove sickness and death, but under God's rule, the old and the sick will delight in a return to youthful vigor.

    (Job 33:25; Isa. 35:5, 6) Indeed, the earth will become a paradise in which there will even be a resurrection of the

    dead.--Luke 23: 43; Acts 24:15.


    God's way? Where's Jesus?
    God's rule? Where's Jesus?
    Remove all the wicked--all non-jw men, women, and innocent children.

    Peace between humans and animals, vegetarians??

    QUOTES*** w82 6/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
    After the flood of Noah’s day, God set out a change from the vegetarian diet that he had outlined for animals and humans in the garden of Eden.

    See below:

    Q 18. How can we demonstrate that we believe that God's way of ruling is best?

    18. Yes, God's rule will undo all the harm that Satan caused when he influenced our first parents to turn away from their

    Creator. And consider, Satan has been causing harm for some 6,000 years, but God, through Christ, will undo all that

    harm within 1,000 years! What a crowning proof of the superiority of God's way of governing! As Witnesses for our

    God, "we accept him as our Ruler. Hence, let us demonstrate each day, indeed each hour, of our lives that we are

    worshippers of Jehovah, subjects of his Kingdom, and proud to be his Witnesses. And let us use every opportunity to

    tell whoever will listen that Jehovah's way of ruling is the very best.


    God's rule--Where's Jesus? through Christ = through the door (object)
    So is God going to lobotomize people so not to remember torture, burning to death, etc.?
    6,000 years + 1,000 years = creative day
    witnesses for God or Jesus? No mention of "Jehovah's" witnesses in the NT.

    (Acts 1:8) but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me [Jesus]

    both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth.”

    (1 Corinthians 1:4-6) 4 I always thank God for YOU in view of the undeserved kindness of God given to YOU in Christ

    Jesus; 5 that in everything YOU have been enriched in him, in full ability to speak and in full knowledge, 6 even as the

    witness about the Christ has been rendered firm among YOU,

    (Revelation 12:17) 17 And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of

    her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.

    (Revelation 17:5-6) . . .” 6 And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the

    witnesses of Jesus.. . .

    Notice how Christ was removed from the Watchtower title

    *** dx86-07 Watchtower, The (Magazine) ***

    (Also called The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom)

    (Formerly called The Watchtower and Herald of Christ’s Kingdom;
    The Watchtower and Herald of Christ’s Presence;
    The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence;
    Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence)

    As Regards God's Rulership,
    What Did We Learn From Reading ...

    • Deuteronomy 7:7, 8?
    • 1 SamueI:9-18?
    • Hebrews 13:17?
    • Revelation 21:3-5?


    Why has the WTS taken out terms such as Christ's Kingdom, Jesus' Kingdom, the Messianic Kingdom? On this day of

    all days?

    April, 11, 2010, Next week, "Speak the Word of God With Boldness." Is that God's word or the WT word?

    Love, Blondie

  • OnTheWayOut

    Para. 1: HUMAN rule has failed! Of that there is no doubt.

    Maybe God should have never interfered just to be fair.
    Adam and Eve not only were kicked out of the garden, but God made Eve have childbirth pains and a craving to serve her husband. Thanks for the hard life and the male-over-female dominance.
    Maybe the violence on earth would have caused humans to come to their senses, but we will never know because of the flood.
    Certainly, men being of one language and pooling their information and resources could have been great for humans- the Bible sort of admits that. But God wouldn't allow any chance of success so He confused the languages.

    Protecting the lineage to the Messiah is one thing but these measures show God never really gave us a chance.
    Blondie agrees with me:

    Para. 4 COMMENTS

    Did God have any desire for human rule to succeed; even the Israelites failed because they were deliberately given a

    "perfect" set of laws although they were as the WTS says prove that could not succeed.

    Q 18. How can we demonstrate that we believe that God's way of ruling is best?

    I guess they are saving how you can be obedient to the FDS for another article. This one is just a surface article- fluff so that everyone can understand the simplicity.

    Thanks for your hard work, Blondie. Enjoy Spring finally breaking out.

  • mindmelda

    So, human rule has failed because it has failed to provide utopia, as defined by the WTS?

    Boy, their view of what is paradise for humans is just....scary. Every time I read it again, I get freaked out again.

    Nice of Jehovah to set the Israelites up for failure like that, but hey...that's his MO, he did the same thing to Adam and Eve.

    Nice god you have there, WTS.

  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie

    God's Rulership over Israel.............Q9 "Gov't in the hands of humans failed to bring permanent good results"

    So God's rulership over Israel failed to bring permanent results.Do not give me the BS that it was Israel fault.You said God was the ruler and he failed.Put the blame where it belongs. Human rulership does a good job if it wasn't for God's interference.


  • Mary
    Jehovah has allowed Satan to act as "the god of this system of things" in order to provide a convincing answer to the issues that were raised by that opposer. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 5:19) Nevertheless, Satan has never been able to go beyond what Jehovah permits. there anything that Jehovah hasn't permitted Satan to do? Let's see: We've had horrific diseases, pedophilia, raping of civilizations throughout history, genocide, the Inqusitions, the Crusades, natural disasters that have killed hundreds of millions of innocent people.........Where exactly did Jehovah put the brakes on what Satan (supposedly) couldn't do?

  • purplesofa

    Is this the same WT that JW's use for their study?

    I was wondering if anyone knew why a JW would make this comment about par 15

    And what is the QB of April?

    As I am thinking that this JW site may go down from this article or change in some way.

    Todays WT gives us the bottom line

    Pragraph 15 says it all in a nutshell... I guess we have to do as the
    QB of April tell us to. Sigh... I will give the instructions to the
    Folder moderation team...


    15. Each of us would do well to ask himself: 'Do I fully recognize the responsibilities that I should shoulder within the Christian congregation? Am I properly supporting Jehovah's way of governing? Am I proud to be a subject of Jehovah's ruling Kingdom? Am I determined to continue telling others about God's Kingdom to the extent that I reasonably can?' As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate with the appointed elders in the congregations. In such ways, we demonstrate our acceptance of God's way of ruling. (Read Hebrews 13:17.) Willing submission results in a worldwide unity that is unique in this divided world. It also produces peace and righteousness and brings glory to Jehovah, demonstrating that his way of ruling is by far the best.

    Great study as usual!

    Blondie:Is it me or are all the Watchtower studies about the preaching work and/or ''the faithful and discreet slave''?

    The answer to every study seems to be: submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate with the elders in the congregations. Where is Jesus?

  • cantleave

    15. Each of us would do well to ask himself: 'Do I fully recognize the responsibilities that I should shoulder within the

    Christian congregation? Am I properly supporting Jehovah's way of governing? Am I proud to be a subject of

    Jehovah's ruling Kingdom? Am I determined to continue telling others about God's Kingdom to the extent that I

    reasonably can?' As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate

    with the appointed elders in the congregations. In such ways, we demonstrate our acceptance of God's way of ruling.

    (Read Hebrews 13:17.) Willing submission results in a worldwide unity that is unique in this divided world. It also

    produces peace and righteousness and brings glory to Jehovah, demonstrating that his way of ruling is by far the best.

    Classic example of how the WTS puts the GB in the place of Jesus. These types of statements are becoming the norm in the Study ED of the Watchtower. It's Frightening how the average JW will read this and not blink an eyelid at the fact they are being told to be submissive as the society is setting itself up as the mediator for them.

  • bohm

    15. Each of YOU would do well to ask yourself: 'Do I fully recognize the responsibilities that I should shoulder within the
    Christian congregation? Am I properly supporting US? Am I proud to be a subject of
    US? Am I determined to continue telling others WHATEVER WE PRINT to the extent that I
    reasonably can?' YOU willingly submit YOURSELF to the direction given by US and cooperate
    with US. In such ways,YOU demonstrate YOUR acceptance of OUR way of ruling.
    (Read Hebrews 13:17.) Willing submission results in a worldwide unity that is unique in this divided world. It also
    produces peace and righteousness and brings glory to US, demonstrating that OUR way of ruling is by far the best.

    (Par. 15 without the mystical manipulation. I dont think i cross the line - what they say is automatically 'Gods way of ruling')


    Great work Blondie!!!

    Q 13. What important milestone was reached in 1914? 13. Christians today proclaim to the world that human rule over mankind is nearing its end. In 1914, Jehovah established his Kingdom in the heavens under his appointed King, Jesus Christ. At that time, he granted Jesus authority to go forth "conquering and to complete his conquest." (Rev. 6:2) The newly enthroned King was told: "Go subduing in the midst of your enemies." (Ps. 110:2) Sadly, the nations have consistently refused to submit to Jehovah's rule. They have continued to act as if "there is no Jehovah."--Ps. 14:1.

    So let’s start at a WRONG date of 607 B.C.E when Jerusalem was destroyed, use a 360 day lunar calendar to make the 2520 day for a year calculation, and then switch to a 365 day solar year calendar to arrive at 1914.

    And let’s proclaim 1914 as a date Jehovah established his Kingdom in the heavens under his appointed King, Jesus Christ.

    Make sense?????

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