Geez I didn't think I'd get attacked on this. Why is it that when someone mentions something that happens, everybody always ASSUMES they're saying it's the case EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME? There are maybe two, three deaf people in the ASL congregation in my old hall. The rest are hearing people who learned ASL. I honestly don't think that justifies an ASL congregation, and knowing those people I think a lot of them aren't learning ASL to help anyone, they're learning it because they get to be part of an elite group of "need-greaters" without really having to do much at all (not saying it isn't work, but they don't really have to disrupt their lives very much). I know this because it's happened with other foreign languages as well. Spanish I remember fondly. All the teenagers were learning spanish to go "work" in the tropical paradise of the Dominican Republic (or, as they called it, "the D.R.") and everybody would treat them like absolute GODS when they got home. You can't tell me that this isn't a huge draw for at least some witnesses to learn ASL. But not once did I say Lady Lee that this was YOUR motivation for this or that it's everybody's motivation. There are those in the group who genuinely want to help. But foreign languages are becoming a fad in Witness culture, and I do question the motives of a lot of them. It would be great if everyone in my old hall learned ASL to talk to the handful of those among them who use it as a primary language. But I think a lot of them are doing it to display as I said before their "spiritual plumage."
Now when I said that I don't like the idea of ASL congregations, the reasons for that were due to my ignorance of the subject, and I apologize for that. I didn't think it really made a difference to the deaf person anyway but when you brought up the interpreter issue I realized that I hadn't thought of it that way. I can imagine being able to just "say" your answer without having someone repeating it in another language would be quite a relief! I know if I were in a room where everyone spoke spanish and I had to say everything through an interpreter for any decent length of time, I'd be happy to find a group that spoke english.