I remember a public talk where the speaker said, "When Jesus began his invisible presence ruling in the midst of his enemies in 1914 he only had to __turn his attention to the Earth__to do so."
I asked the speaker after the talk what the word "presence" meant if Jesus remained in heaven and why it had to be defined as "invisible" since he obviously WAS in heaven. Since he was IN heaven how was that "in the midst" of his enemies? The demonic enemies had been kicked out of heaven and were on Earth. Why wouldn't he have to be on Earth?
He blinked at me and said, "I just followed the outline from the Society and built the talk around it." He shrugged and that was the end of that.
The Overseer (they didn't have elders back then) said Jesus didn't have to leave heaven and come to Earth to be "present" since Jesus had told his true followers, "Look! I am WITH you always."
That only confused me more!
How is it a Second Presence if the First one never ended?
The overseer told me, "It ended as far as Jesus' enemies were concerned. The center of official worship of Jehovah was demolished soon after in (70.A.D.) and the enemies (in the form of Rome) trampled pure worship underfoot. The Superior Authorities dominated true worshippers under Constantine and the Catholic Church until Pastor Russell restored it."
I remember just standing there.
I'm still standing "there"........