How long should I hold my breath?

by BackRoomBilly 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BackRoomBilly

    How long do you think it will take before the WTS is exposed for what it really is?

    I sort of thought the whole 1914 thing would blow the lid off this thing. It's obvious they wormed their way out of another one.

    Do you think there will ever be a grand climax and JWs will just start leaving in record numbers?

    I know you guys and gals have probably discussed this before but Im new here and I think about this constantly.

  • serenitynow!

    I don't think the WT will ever break up. Sorry.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Although the WTS may lose market share......there will always be a market.

    Think About It

  • Ruby_K_Parker

    Personally, I think it's a normal question to ask, BackRoomBilly. I was also shocked that there wasn't a mass exodus akin to 1975 with this whole 1914 thing - but then I think about people like my parents and how much they NEED to believe. Who knows what will happen fifty years down the road - but the organization has proved over and over again that they can contradict themselves and change their doctrine repeatedly without losing their followers.

  • AllTimeJeff

    You know, the JW religion I grew up with was not the same my parents saw or experienced, nor my grandparents. And the next generation will be different still.

    Notice a trend? They adapt, pretty seriously adapt, as part of their MO. So I think they will always be around, till the $$ runs out...

  • daringhart13

    I agree with most of the posters above.

    I too wanted to see this mass unveiling.....but I don't think it will happen. People are conditioned to 'believe'......and they have almost been setting the stage for some of this stuff....

    I do think a major change in the blood it becoming "a conscience matter" would shake things up. Imagine the people who have lost loved ones????? I think the same thing about admittance that DFing is barbaric and UnChristian.......but then again, think of all the people that have lost people.....the suicides, etc.

    Somehow, I think it will just keep going.

  • finallysomepride

    21/12/20012 or in american 12/21/2012, when the world ends and everyone figures it's not a jw event LOL

  • BackRoomBilly

    Its dreadfully to think about this kind of thing continuing on. I guess i was hoping now that the "information super highway" is in so many homes, active JWs would be marching to Brooklyn with pitchforks and torches any day now. Unfortunately, I know you're right.

    The reference to suicides by daringhart13 made me think of a year ago, my last time to set foot in a KH. One of my old JW friends that I hadn't seen in years killed himself. I went to the hall for the services and I swear to you, it had absolutely nothing to do with my old friend Tom. The elder giving the eulogy (if you want to call it that) used the opportunity to invite all new comers to start a bible study the whole time. He talked about how Tom was active in the preaching work and that he was doing God's will.... and I'm thinking to myself, he just off'd himself and you want to invite people to follow in his path? -RIDICULOUS

  • GLTirebiter

    I believe if the WT disappears or "goes mainstream" tomorrow, somebody else would turn up to fill the void (much like the "Whack-a-Mole" arcade game). That's why I think it's more important to work with individual members and set a good example for them than it is to try to "bring down the Watchtower". Contrary to what the Watchtower says, there are too many answers to the question "Where else can you go?".

  • finallysomepride

    I actually agree too with most of the posters here.

    My thoughts on it are that the only thing that would destroy the org would be the governments esp US gov but probably will never happen as gov's would be to scared of the backlash from other religions, as they (religions) would view it as 'if it can happen to jws it could happen to us'.

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