His reaction at the knowledge that he was mortal - was yours similar when you recognized that you would die?
On some level it seems very difficult as a human being to accept one's mortality. Though we may acknowledge it verbally, we submerge our heads in the figurative sand when it comes to realistic acceptance. Many humans reach the end of their lives, even though they have been seriously ill or elderly [and thus acutely aware of our impending doom] and still, upon death, have little solid plans made to help the survivors cope with the loss.
I believe that highly charged fantasy has caused many witnesses, and indeed many former witnesses to remain in virtual denial of their own mortality.
How have you reacted? Could Tolstoy's Ivan Ilych be a model for you? How has the 'bullet-proof' mentality of Jw's impacted your worldview still? Or have you come to deal with this reality - that death is part of life ?