Newbie: Roll Call ---- Oldies Returning: Roll Call

by cameo-d 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I have loved reading all the new posts from newbies . I have noticed over the five yrs I have been here how there will be times when quite a few begin posting at the same time then a lull and then it happens again ,pretty cool .

    I have one comment about sharing all you are now learning with still active family . I know you feel like you are going to burst and you want to tell them everything .......just becareful !!! Maybe come on here first and vent before you tell them anything . The reason I say this is because all to often when we think family will understand ...they don't ....and it is very painful when they turn on you . It happened to me ....I thoiught i could be honest and share my doubts ,but in my case it backfired .

    Not saying this will always be the case ,but just becareful and prepared before you say to much .

    KEEP posting !!! and WELCOME

  • snowbird

    Cameo, this is a cool thread!


  • hopeful4eva

    Thanks troubled mind!! Its not about sharing anymore...maybe at one time it might have been. Its more a stance I am thinking of taking. There is only so much crap you can blame on someone else before you must be accountable for your own actions.

    My daughter has done nothing wrong to my parents or the Borg. Nor does she know much about it, other then her grandparents on one side don't give her presents on holidays. And yet I get the blame for them not seeing her. We live in the same City, as a matter of fact at one point they lived 2 streets away from her school and still never bothered. I am not doing it to get her out, I mean if she is Happy and I mean truly HAPPy as she SAYS she is...then I want her to be where she is happy. I will however make my point clear to her as to my opinion (you know seeing as how she likes to ram the WTS opinion down my throat). And I can't help but feel if she comes back as me saying I am apostate, it might be better having no contact then the on again off again kind. But then maybe I won't know that pain until I am there??

  • Finally-Free
    Oldies Returning

    I'm a returning oldie. In fact, I'll probably return several times every day.


  • petitebrunette

    To Hopeful,

    It is emotional blackmail, so unfair. You seem to be getting all of the blame, which again is unfair! Don't let them make you feel unworthy. You know they think they're doing what's right, but it's not and you can only say so much. You don't want them to completely cut you off because then your daughter will suffer and you might feel worse than you do now, you'll hurt for her. But you don't have to be a matt to be trampled on.

    You need to hold your head up high. I'm speaking for myself too, I need to tell myself that too because I struggle with feeling unworthy. We're not going to change them, but we can change how we feel about ourselves. People are judgmental, God is not.

  • BackRoomBilly

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Ryan I live in the Los Angeles area. I am 37 years old with a beautiful wife and three kids. I was born into the WTS as my mother and grandmother are/were both JWs. My mom and brothers are still active. With the exception of my younger brother, I have not spoken to them in years (my decision).

    The KH I was forced to attend was in Quincy, CA (80 miles west of Reno NV) I was tortured at the hand of the watchtower and its teachings. I made it very clear to my family that I wanted no part of it as I sat in defiance the whole time. I was never allowed to do anything with the worldly kids and because of my "rebellion" I wasn't allowed to do anything with JW kids either. For some reason my mother always took me to the social events but I was instructed to stay by her side as my sibling danced around gay-fully. They really made a mess of my life and I continue to search for peace. I was baptized Catholic three days ago and I am hoping my Lord Jesus will save me from my torment. I just want to live a normal life now.

    I am so glad to be here. I'm sorry if some of my posts seem a little bit "woe-is-me" It is not sympathy I desire but understanding. I could never talk to anyone about these things before because they couldn't understand and now I'm in an environment where almost everyone understands. I read a lot of your posts, old and new. I laugh and cry with you. Most of all I am learning from you. - Ryan

  • snowbird
    They really made a mess of my life and I continue to search for peace. I was baptized Catholic three days ago and I am hoping my Lord Jesus will save me from my torment. I just want to live a normal life now.

    You are saved already, dear.

    Matthew 11:25 -26 Abruptly Jesus broke into prayer: "Thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. You've concealed your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls, but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people. Yes, Father, that's the way you like to work."

    27 Jesus resumed talking to the people, but now tenderly. "The Father has given me all these things to do and say. This is a unique Father-Son operation, coming out of Father and Son intimacies and knowledge. No one knows the Son the way the Father does, nor the Father the way the Son does. But I'm not keeping it to myself; I'm ready to go over it line by line with anyone willing to listen.

    28 -30 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." MSG

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I think i'm a new. I came on as an elders wife, (a good friend) said she checked out something i'd asked her on a site rather than look it up. I don't know which site but it got me interested.

  • A.Fenderson

    "Word." (Imagine the second-nerdiest-looking white guy you know saying that, and you'll have an approximate mental image of me)

    I'm relatively new here, and didn't lurk much before I started posting. I left the JWs in '97, "born-in", never baptised, but still some family in the cult.

    Atheist, Leo/Snake/A+, Pink Floyd, long walks on the beach, cats, hazel, ~5'7", brunettes, liars, just the one time but didnt' really care for it.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I used all my posts so had to wait for hours.haha. Like I said in my first post I left in 2002. Once my ex left me that was the final straw. Meeting with the Elders who I was very close with and seeing there reaction to the fact that my very spiritual wife had an affair and nothing happened also opened my eyes. Especially with all the times I was counseled about the stupidest things you could imagine. In 2005 the Elders came by to see if they could bring me back. After screaming at them when I opened the door I slammed it then The Force took over. I calmed down and opened the door dying to find out what they wanted to say. Again 2 Elders who at one time I would die for... came in to talk. It took 3 years to contact me. After 30 minutes of BS they saw I had turned to the Dark Side. They asked if they could pray with me. I said I have nothing to say to that SOB. One offered me the mags and I said no thanks. He turned and said "but Darth they are from Jehovah". I said take them and stick them up your @%$. The look in his eyes was a Kodak moment. I used they society to learn a foreign language I knew a sister who knew I could not be Turned she gave me the Watch and Awake in Portuguese. After all they were free and she was placing Mags with No return visits (which was nice). Since the Mags are in easy to understand lingo, learning Portuguese was easier than I thought the only regret was having to read articles. After a year I didn't need the Mags anymore. After a few years went by I googled Jehovah Witnesses and it brought me here. I kid you not the first link was this site. Like many I thought it was their site. When I saw it wasn't even after the hatred I felt I was nervous because BEWARE OF THE INTERNET AND APOSTATE SITES. 3-4 years I still felt the effects. I will be honest, I felt like this site was people who couldn't let go. They seem to complain and discuss things that they should just forget and get over it.. I kept coming back and reading things that shocked and moved me. The experiences all over the world were things I saw with my very own eyes, and always thought maybe it was me, I questioned things when maybe I shouldn't have, but here it is, no it wasn't me. I wasn't brainwashed 100% but damn close. I think in 2000 the first time I heard about the Generation changing I went TIME OUT what???? As I said before this site helped me heal more than I thought anyone could have. 8 years since I left and still I feel the programming in my Brain. My new wife is a religious girl she loves her church, but is normal ya know what I mean? I went to her church (dragging my feet) and when I entered I felt Evil. I felt if there is a God he is going to send a bolt of lightning and destroy me now. I've only gone 3-4 times and she understands, I've been to church my whole life I'm Godded out. It took 8 years to finally join this site to maybe help others see the deception we have been under all these years. The only thing I will thank the evil BORG for is the education of the Bible. After 30+ years of reading and studying the same things over and over, anytime a discussion of the bible comes up it is nice to know you can still amaze people with your bible knowledge. I use allot of Star War lingo because the movies cracked me up when it was easy to compare the story to the "Truth". Jedi=Elders/pioneers Sith=Us, Jedi Temple=Bethel,becarful of your thoughts, that can lead to the Dark Side. Again thank you all for the post all these years, you have helped me heal scars I never thought could be healed.

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