Did leaving the WT build greater appreciation for or kill your reading of the Bible?

by lepermessiah 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    I am really on the fence on this issue right now and would love some opinions.

    I find that I dont sit down and read the bible for long periods since becoming inactive, but on the other hand, individual scriptures mean much more to me now.

    I will sit down and look up some favorite passages from time to time and feel like its the first time I really "got it" - without the JW goggles on.

    I LOVE Matthew Chapter 23, since I think it describes to a tee the situation in JW congregations. I think if Jesus returned today, he would blast the elders and "leaders" of the BORG in a similar fashion (along with most religious leaders) .Matthew 24 is actually MORE interesting to me now, simply because my whole life was waiting for the 1914 generation to end sometime during the Reagan era! I remember people at the hall calling Reagan the "Armageddon President" - LOL. What a reassuring outlook for a kid just getting into his teenage years!

    On the other hand, I dont see myself reading large portions of the Bible again. The Hebrew scriptures are pretty boring to me in large parts - I enjoy the Greek scriptures much more. After reading Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom, I feel that I really share most of Ray's viewpoints on the Greek scriptures - there is much more joy in the scriptures without the chains of a religion binding you.

    I still value the Bible, but I strongly feel that from now on in my life, it will be my interpretations of it that guide me - not those of any religious group.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Both for me - in different slices of time.

    When I first left I spend large amounts of time reading the Bible and articles/books about religion/spirituality/Christianity. I think I was seeking to replace the 'truth' I had left with a more certain 'truth'. A couple of years time changed all that. I soon found that the deeper I dug, the more dirt I found regarding both the Bible and it's supposed inspiration, and religion in general with it's levels of credulity and indeed it's corruption.

    Now I find that the Bible - sometimes even mention of it in any serious vane - sickens me. I know there is no 'truth' in there now. I don't read it often at all - and if I would pick it up, it would be to read the Sermon on the Mount perhaps. Like all good 'holy books' it contains some good advice about life - the Bible borrowed from many sources both eastern and Greek to find these gems. Still, I find little reason to read it over and over.

    Sometimes I will make a little excursion into bible examination, and it always turns up just more reasons to re-shelve the book. It is a book of hatred, a god who kills wantonly, a book that creates haughtiness in those who are 'chosen' by god, morals that are available in other places, and superstition that I no longer accept as valid.

    I can't attribute that fully to leaving the Watchtower. But leaving the Watchtower gave me the opportunity to examine the book upon which I had built my faith, and to see that it was only sand.


  • OnTheWayOut

    You may have opened up a can of worms with your question- a can that you might not care to hear about.

    Anyway, it wasn't "leaving the WT" that killed my reading of the Bible. I had started investigating the WT doctrine in order to leave the WT. When I was pretty much finished, I wanted to investigate the Bible in a similar fashion.

    Critical investigating and upbuilding reading are like opposite poles of a magnet. The rest of my answer would read similar to AK-Jeff's thoughts. I have dismissed the Bible as the word of God and accept that it is a book of men. I don't go around insisting on others seeing that view, but when a thread/discussion lends itself to comments on such a view, I say that.

    Let me try to see things they way you are looking at it. You used to have the WT glasses on when reading the Bible. Now, despite the translation you are using, you would still have WT glasses on and would have to keep reminding yourself that it isn't as "they" say. So reading the Bible might not be that much fun. You have to keep reminding yourself that it is not full of parallel prophecies that point to the Watchtower Society.

  • snowbird

    Greater appreciation.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think I read the Bible more (especially in bigger chunks - no more cherry-picking) at this point but with a MUCH different perspective. When I first read Terry's thread a few months ago explaining that there are NO ORIGINAL manuscripts of any of the Bible books and the implications of that I felt like the Bible had just died. Now, it's been resurrected for me in a different form. While no longer the infallible inspired word of God, it is still a worthy book that gives insight into humanity and its search for something greater than itself.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I started reading the Gospels in their chronological order but lost interest altogether after I got to the bit about Jesus vandalising the fig tree for no good reason.



  • lepermessiah

    Critical investigating and upbuilding reading are like opposite poles of a magnet. The rest of my answer would read similar to AK-Jeff's thoughts. I have dismissed the Bible as the word of God and accept that it is a book of men. I don't go around insisting on others seeing that view, but when a thread/discussion lends itself to comments on such a view, I say that.

    OTWO - I knew bringing up a subject like this would bring a variety of opinions. One of my very best friends shares many of the viewpoints that AK-Jeff and you expressed. Who do I have my very best "spiritual" discussions with? Him! He is a quality person, I respect him as a friend and a fellow human, and him and I can talk about anything without shoving our personal views down each others' throats. I am comfortable with the fact that once people leave the WT, they may now have a totally different view of the bible. I know some people get "offended" or freaked out when people offer those viewpoints, but I think it is very irresponsible to be dogmatic towards others in anything regarding someone's core beliefs. If you ask the question, you better be ready for a variety of answers!

    This is all part of the journey for me, and I am open to what the future holds.......Thanks for everyones comments!

  • snowbird

    Black Sheep, all creation belongs to Jesus of Nazareth!

    He can do with His creation whatever He desires!



  • Terry

    In the Kingdom Hall I was like a big dumb shaggy dog waiting for his feed bowl to be filled.

    They poured and I woofed it down.

    After I left my nerve endings in the old brain started to tingle again as feeling came back and the blood flow commenced anew.

    Problem was, I didn't know what I needed to do. I had phantom limb syndrome. The Watchtower thinking was always there like an hallucination.

    The biggest obstacle I faced was that I had invested a large amount of my time and my emotions in the world view the Watchtower Society had given me.

    I could ONLY see the Bible as the inerrant word of God. No need to change that!! I would lose too much.

    Better to START with that as a FACT and an absolute "given."

    So, I floundered around for the first ten years with a false premise tucked away like a grub worm at the root of all the new trees I was planting.

    Then, I had a conversation with a woman I was dating. She was a psychologist and a professional woman. Intelligent.

    Somehow we got on the subject of angels. Her mom was a Jesus enthusiast (that's my term for somebody who gets in your face). Her mother sent her a framed picture of a guardian angel. That triggered our conversation.

    I started talking to her about what I "knew" about Angels from my study of the Bible (very confident I was well-informed!)

    I watched her face as I spoke and it started changing...expression-wise like melting wax.

    "So these angels came down and materialized human bodies and started having sexual relations with the daughters of men and their offspring were the Giants of Old and......"

    She was horrified that I ACTUALLY BELIEVED these things!! I lost all credibility for her!!

    As I was telling her the angel "information" I became aware how ridiculous and mythical it actually sounded!!

    I was shaken. Why was I saying those things which NOW sounded like a fairy tale??

    I went out to the library and started reading about the Bible.

    Most of the books propped up the scriptures every way they could.

    That was comforting at first.

    Then, I had a casual talk with a Rabbi who went to the same Starbucks I was at every morning.

    I asked him about the Nephilim and angels and all that.

    His reply cracked me in half!

    "Terry, my friend, those stories were told in the infancy of human civilization. They reflect a sense of imagination and wonder. They are not newspaper articles!"

    I replied, "You mean...are you saying...you don't have faith they are True?"

    The Rabbi smiled and shook his head like one does when talking to a wide-eyed child....."Things can be 'true' in a different sense than factual if you are trying to make a mystery undrstandable. Sampson killing Philistines by the hundreds with the jawbone of an ass is about as true as Paul Bunyon or Robin Hood. There is something there. But, it isn't the kind of 'true' you swear to in a court of law."

    After that, I grew up a bit.

    I learned there was a lot more to the scriptures than divine inspiration.

    Nothing at all remains of those writings except the hundreds-of-years-later echoes in the memory of mankind.

    Devout and pious people have re-created what they believe may have been true and shaped it over the years.

    But, they cannot live their lives based on it unless they erase THEIR OWN PART in making it exist!

    The bible is a puppet and man always has held the strings offstage.

    Once you accept that you become responsible for your OWN LIFE.

  • finallysomepride

    lost interest in it long b4 i left, and have 0 interest in reading it now

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