Terry, will number 12 be included because they are confident that noone actually gets that far in the book?
by sweet 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I remember a new book being introduced with great fanfare at an assembly.
‘So we must give whole-souled devotion to our God Jehovah if we are not to be caught out, so close to the end of this wicked system. Jehovah is not a God to be mocked. He demands exclusive devotion and total obedience from his servants, if we are to be spared. You cannot serve two masters. You must choose between working for what Satan offers or what Jehovah offers. How will you make Jehovah’s heart rejoice? How will you be found Holy on that terrible day of retribution? How will you prove yourselves acceptable to Jehovah on his day of vengeance?’
We were not left to ponder the answer; it was generously supplied for us. Acceptable service on this occasion meant buying copies of the Watchtower Society’s new book release, available immediately after the lecture. Additional copies would be available through our own congregations. It was to be the new group study book, so everyone would need to have one.
I expect the new release will be full of big color pictures and called, 'Around the Bend.'
QUOTE: "The working title is "Reasoning With The Sisters.""
this joke has been fleshed out...i used to get it as an email forward from dubs when i still went to church. you can find it on the Interweb.
keyser soze
It's a special swimsuit edition of The Watchtower- Elders Wives Gone Wild.
diana netherton
Doom and Gloooooom....the end is so close, the internet is baaaaad.
ok...the reason why i asked is last year before the convention of where i live i was able to see the creation dvd....so it can't be the creation dvd this year...that was soooo last year...lol...the cover of song book...the bible new brochure and the cover of the new publication i forgot what its called...but i think it had to do with firmly witnessing i guess?? not sure...anyways i was able to see the previews of what was to come before the convention last year...oh yeah...the new song book as well..so i wasn't sure if it was because someone went to convention and posted or someone knew someone from bethel and was able to post it..
my 3 day convention is in early july
The title of the new book is " Feeling Euphoric While Being Brainwashed "
The first dates this year start on 5-21-10, early enough, and possibly many don't know how early the DCs start each year.
Room 215
Rumor has it that they will dredge up and stitch together a series of 1979-1980 WT articles on Jeremiah, reformat it, etc. put it between two floppy covers in garish color and sell it as spiritual insight. It's clear they have nobody that can match Fred Franz's creative genius whenit comes to material of this sort. All they're reduced to these days is "The wonders of creation" and mind-numbing drivel on behavior modification.