Have you hit your 50's? Are you feeling it, or do you still feel young?

by restrangled 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Outaservice...you had me LOL.

    Palmtree...I'm with you.... thank god for stretch denim....I can maintain a size different than reality no matter what the scale says!!!!!

    WuzLoves...I too use to get carded in my 30's at the grocery store. Now they ask me for ID incase I can get the senior citizen discount!!!!!

    Finally free....I hear the bird talking not you!


    RR...good for you...keep it up!

    Scared for life....if you can keep up that exercise, let us know!!!!!

    AFenderson....damn I tried that diet....but protein kind of grosses me out. I actually put on weight years ago trying it.

    As far as hair growth, well now it's in all the wrong places. I rarely have to shave anywhere, but.....I have to watch my upper lip....how exasperating as a blond. Damn...I'm angry about this!

  • cantleave

    43 and life is just beginning.

    wobble said

    A man is as old as ( the woman ) he feels.

    My dear wife is older than me (by 19 months) - so I don't live by that philosophy.

  • restrangled

    Can't leave...good for you...may you have many happy years.

  • hamsterbait


    Believe me, the zing just goes.

    You wake up with energy. Wash your face and you are EXHAUSTED.

    its all part of the ageing thing.

    Tyrannosaurus got arthritis. How happy did that make him?

    SERVANTS - I need servants.....


  • hamsterbait

    You moany gals -

    Try putting makeup on quivering whiskers and thick sexy fur on yo' face!!


  • jaguarbass

    I'm 57 and I agree with you restrangled.

    I'm trying for a job promotion and the first step is I have to run a mile and a half in

    15 minutes. I could do it at 50, but right now I can only do a mile and a quarter in 15

    minutes. I am giving myself 30 days to train for the test, i think I will make it as I

    am only on day 4 of my training.

    I die my hair, have been for some time at least I still have all my hair.

    I dont look anything like I did when i was 20 or 30, but a lot of people dont.

    I go to the gym and work out 5 days out of 7 and I dont have any aches an pains.

    When I have had to stop in the past due to injuries I start to ache.

    I am 5'10" and weigh 200lbs When I was 50 I weighed 180. I dont eat or drink as

    much as I used to by a long shot but I cant loose the 20lbs. I'm not fat

    and thinner than 95% of the people I work with. But I think I would be healthier, lighter.

    My blood pressures good 120 over 75 but I do take cholesterol medication since I've

    been 50.

    I can pretty much do everything that an average 20 year old can do. The jail I work at

    choose me to train all the new recruits teaching them hand to hand combat and defensive

    tactics and i go hands on with the 19 year old recruits and give as good as I get.

    When I went to the police academy at 50, I pulled my hamstring and still I beat half the class

    on the 2 mile run, limping.

    But I am counting down the days to retirement at 62 mainly to have freedom to do what I want.

    I got 4 years and 8 months to go.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    I'm 52 and barely getting thru..........................each day, I mean.

    I like RR's idea, though, since I took Tang Soo Do many, many years ago.

    Judge Dread

  • restrangled

    Juguarbass, you had me LOL, run? it isn't even a possibility....so I would say you are way ahead of the game.

    My husband still works at least 12 hours a day 6 or 7 days a week. Where that drive comes from I have no idea, but I do my best to keep him taken care of.

    Between me and my old Doberman, we can do a quick step around the block, and it's any one's bet who quits first!!!!

    Yes, I can keep a mean, clean house, I can, keep a mean clean pool, with a huge oak tree over the same, but anything else....good lord I'm down for the count.


  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    LOL! I haven't even started yet. I just know my 77 year old mother-in-law can run rings around me. She gets up and walks 4 miles EVERY morning.

  • JeffT

    I turned 59 Sunday. Mentally, I don't feel old, but my mirror is busted. It makes me look like I'm bald, overweight, and my beard is mostly grey. I have no idea who that is.

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