If you bought into the lie that "millions now living will never die," has the
realization that you will very likely reach retirement age, settled in your mind just yet?
For instance, I never looked to see if there was a 401K plan when I was in the JW cult.
Why save money when Paradise will give everybody all they need and no one will
ever get old or get sick?
At my job, we have open enrollment next month so that means we can select
the percentage of our paycheck that goes into our 401K, as well as select health
coverage for our dependents.
Are you well on your way in preparing for your golden years? Financially and emotionally?
By emotionally, I mean do you have a significat other or grown children who will
keep you company and look after you as you get older?
These are the things I ponder about --sometimes-- because when I was
in the JW brainwashed mind-set, I never gave these things a second thought.