I think its probably too soon, but if anyone knows how many partakers of the emblems this year?
by etna 27 Replies latest jw friends
There is sometimes a leak in the late autumn/early winter when the yearbooks are printed and some handpicked brownnosers get early copies. I really doubt we'll know anything before then.
That said, it doesn't really matter anymore. The last several decades have shown the doctrine up to be completely false. More increasing numbers would just be piling on and encourage the GB to invent some noo lite (and nobody wants that!).
We used to play "Guess and see who is closest." I will say 10346.
We probably won't know for 9 to 10 months.
encourage the GB to invent some noo lite (and nobody wants that!)
No, I actually want it. New light matters little for JWs, because what the WT says it's God's word anyway. But for me it's more laughing material, and one more proof that God's Holy Spirit has nothing to do with this organization. If it were, the changes wouldn't come after circumstances push the old light to be unacceptable.
OTWO: you mean it will go down? I don't think so, I vote for 11.673. If I recall correctly I put my vote for the 2009 memorial for 10.800 and I got pretty close.
OTWO: you mean it will go down?
Who knows? Instead of putting the screws to partakers, I think they put the screws to the Presiding Overseers (CoBOE) to stop counting the nuts, the DF'ed and DA'ed, and those from Christendom.
I hope it goes up.