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Jehovah's Witnesses: What Would Jesus Say About Christmas Would you like to assist us in adding important events in Theocratic/Biblical history? This is apublic calendar.Please contact us with your email address if you would like to add events to this calendar.
Yesterday at 7:19am · Comment · Like Unlike · Share
8 people like this. Lorraine Catherine Barrie Brothers, I listened to that talk from beginning to end. Am I allowed to as a genuine question ? Yesterday at 7:58pm · Jehovah's Witnesses News, Library, History, Videos, Talks, Illustrations What is your question? LN 10 hours ago · Report Lorraine Catherine Barrie Great talk. I will ask anyway. It is a genuine question, as I tend to mull things over, and I really really hope no-one gets offended.......The brother giving the talk quoted these scriptures...I cor 10 : 21 "..You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the demons.....also 2Cor 6 : 14 - 18.."What sharing does light have with darkness....quit touching the unclean thing.
The origins of Christmas as we know and as was mentioned in the talk has its roots in false worship and that means its of the Devil. Jesus would have nothing to do with it. He would not associate himself with any relligion who are involved with false Christmas.
I have been puzzled over this and have taken the question to one of the elders in my KH. He said he will get back to me. ... See More I read in the JV book pg 199 concerning Christmas, that the holiday was celebrated every year, even by members of the WTS staff at the Bethel in NY. JWs we dont celebrate it now....but according to what the scriptures say, and what the org. teaches.....HERE GOES.... if Jesus came in (1919) to inspect the worlds religions........but the Bethel members were celebrating Christmas up until (1926).....then why would he overlook that in light of what the brother brought out in the talk? Jeus picked a group of people who were still celebrating Christmas.
I am sincerely looking for an answer and I hope no-one is upset by it. It took a lot for me to ask this question. Thanks for any comments. 10 hours ago · Jehovah's Witnesses News, Library, History, Videos, Talks, Illustrations The answer to your question is simple Lorraine. LN
Jesus' inspection was relative to the time in which it happened. Decades of refinement have passed since that first inspection.
(Malachi 3:1-4) 3“Look! I am sending my messenger, and he must clear up a way before me. And suddenly there will come to His temple the [true] Lord, whom YOU people are seeking, and the messenger of the covenant in whom YOU are delighting. Look! He will certainly come,” Jehovah of armies has said. 2“But who will be putting up with the day of his coming, and who will be the one standing when he appears? For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye of laundrymen. 3And he must sit as a refiner and cleanser of silver and must cleanse the sons of Le′vi; and he must clarify them like gold and like silver, and they will certainly become to Jehovah people presenting a gift offering in righteousness. 4And the gift offering of Judah and of Jerusalem will actually be gratifying to Jehovah, as in the days of long ago and as in the years of antiquity. ... See More 10 hours ago · Report Lorraine Catherine Barrie Yes. I understand that....but 2 cor 6: 14 - 18.....light has no sharing with darknes.....
Jesus came in 1918/19.......JWs were celebrating Christmas.
I am not doubting for a minute that JWs are the true religion but didnt Jesus discard the other religions of the world for similar reasons....that they were involved in things that he would not and could not approve of ? 9 hours ago · Jehovah's Witnesses News, Library, History, Videos, Talks, Illustrations Jesus answers your question:
(Matthew 24:45-25:30) 45 ... See More “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. 47Truly I say to YOU, He will appoint him over all his belongings. 48“But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ 49and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be. 25“Then the kingdom of the heavens will become like ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Five of them were foolish, and five were discreet. 3For the foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them, 4whereas the discreet took oil in their receptacles with their lamps. 5While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep. 6Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on YOUR way out to meet him.’ 7Then all those virgins rose and put their lamps in order. 8The foolish said to the discreet, ‘Give us some of YOUR oil, because our lamps are about to go out.’ 9The discreet answered with the words, ‘Perhaps there may not be quite enough for us and YOU. Be on YOUR way, instead, to those who sell it and buy for yourselves.’ 10While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived, and the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. 11Afterwards the rest of the virgins also came, saying, ‘Sir, sir, open to us!’ 12In answer he said, ‘I tell YOU the truth, I do not know YOU.’ 13“Keep on the watch, therefore, because YOU know neither the day nor the hour. 14“For it is just as when a man, about to travel abroad, summoned slaves of his and committed to them his belongings. 15And to one he gave five talents, to another two, to still another one, to each one according to his own ability, and he went abroad. 16Immediately the one that received the five talents went his way and did business with them and gained five more. 17In the same way the one that received the two gained two more. 18But the one that received just one went off, and dug in the ground and hid the silver money of his master. 19“After a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. 20So the one that had received five talents came forward and brought five additional talents, saying, ‘Master, you committed five talents to me; see, I gained five talents more.’ 21His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave! You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 22Next the one that had received the two talents came forward and said, ‘Master, you committed to me two talents; see, I gained two talents more.’ 23His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave! You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 24“Finally the one that had received the one talent came forward and said, ‘Master, I knew you to be an exacting man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you did not winnow. 25So I grew afraid and went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.’ 26In reply his master said to him, ‘Wicked and sluggish slave, you knew, did you, that I reaped where I did not sow and gathered where I did not winnow? 27Well, then, you ought to have deposited my silver monies with the bankers, and on my arrival I would be receiving what is mine with interest. 28“‘Therefore TAKE away the talent from him and give it to him that has the ten talents. 29For to everyone that has, more will be given and he will have abundance; but as for him that does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. 30And throw the good-for-nothing slave out into the darkness outside. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.’ 9 hours ago · Report