Seen this???

by mouthy 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Krettnawe

    So what, they did some "Hotel flipping", put in the work and time to restore it, and made some money.

    Would anyone else have taken it on?

    Is it against the rules for specific religions to make money?

    While I do beleive the WTS, as an organization, can do more in the community, the fact remains any monies made are immediatly put back into the woship work. Isnt that what it is supposed to do?

    Is any individual getting rich off of this profit? If that were the case, I would have a huge problem with it. There are many evangalists that do much worse to people on a daily basis.

    But, they are using these monies to further "worship" (in thier own way of course).

    I highly doubt they are the only religion to do such.

  • Snoozy

    Don't worry Mouthy, we didn't all see the other threads..

    And I didn't even know they had hotels..
    I too had a first thought of how the sheep probably all dedicated their time or received low wages to fix the place up only for the WTBTS to sit back and collect the profits. *sigh*


    ps..edited to add:

    What do they do with all that money?

    The JW's take up collections for everything and even rent their own meeting they just invest it to make more money ?
    For who or what ?

    Do their 'CEO's' make a lot of money like other CEO's?

  • Krettnawe

    Noone makes money off the WTS.

    The CEO's are referred to as teh GB, and they live in basically the same living arrangement all do at Bethel (the HQ for the WTS).

    NO individuals make money.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey


    And you KNOW that they don't have private swiss bank accounts???

  • minimus

    Maybe the Society can share some of the profit with those that made contributions so that the purchase was able to be made.

  • JWoods
    Is it against the rules for specific religions to make money?

    They are supposed to be a non-profit organization.

    The Witnesses performed an excellent restoration, reproducing the mahogany windows and replacing 2,500 square feet of Bottachino Classico marble with stone from the original Italian quarry.

    That sounds a lot more like deliberate real estate speculation than setting up a legitimate religious book factory expansion.

  • Krettnawe


    And you KNOW that they don't have private swiss bank accounts???

    And you know they do?

    These men who are running the JW's are not bad men. They are probably nice guys, who work hard, who are convinced they are doing what they can to help JW's worldwide. The problem they have is they have burdened themselves with something no human can ever possible accomplish. By saying they are the exclusive organization that represents Jesus, and by publishing and teaching that anyone who doesnt agree with them has no "scriptual hope" of salvation then they ahve effectively put themselves in the judgement seat of Jesus (as many have). That is an awfully big burden to carry on your shoulders, and one has to really believe in it to continue to endeavor such actions that were not meant for humans.

    They are victims of thier own circumstance, carriers of thier own heavy yoke, and hence they have become convinced that anything that furthers the organization is justified because it is what Jehovah wants.

    I actually feel bad for them, because they have a burden they cant possible carry, and sit in a seat they are not capable of sitting in. When put under too hard a load, every one compensates in one way or another.

    But, I dont think they are thieves plundering the masses for their own personal gain. There has been nothing to ever hint at this whatsoever, and I assure you that the army of anti-JW propoganda artists out there would be on top of this if it was provable or true.

    As much as you may want to hope to bring these guys down with such a scandal, the fact remains, this is nothing but a pipe-dream cooked up in seriously biased minds that assume the worse about these individuals because of thier victimization at the hands of the "unity at all cost" mantra.

    JW will go out with an assimilation whimper, not the big dramatic scandal that you may want.

  • gubberningbody

    A friend of mine worked on the "Buzzard". He said they had roach-motels that were full and there were still other roaches trying to squeeze in

  • alanv

    kret. I think you are absolutely right. Ray Franz the ex governing body member who obviously new the gov. body members very well, did say that generally they do mean well.

    Just go over the top with their organization worship.

    They may not have swiss bank accounts, but they do have a good life.

    They do have better apartments in Bethel than the boys. Also they regularly go all round the world and are able to mix business with pleasure.

    So free board and lodging, nice car and regular holidays. Can't be bad.

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