The WT religion gives a carpet cleaner/janitor/roofer guy a lot of power and respect as an elder- they can be a big shot and as Terry pointed out the KH is full of marginal people who need to be told what to do. They have free elder/publisher help to turn the cogs of the WT business and free mind police to keep people in line. The elders are the key- lose them and the system will fall apart. They have already cut meeting hours per week to keep everyone happy and the WT is so dumbed down that a talking parrot could be the conductor. The business practically runs itself and the publishers are just too darn proud and stubborn to ever admit they have been duped for the last 95 years, as everything should have shut down in 1915 after the failure of the 1914 predictions.
Why Will the WT Ultimately Fail
by Kum Vulcan 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
this will take time, but every chip will be good for us.
chip away #1: less donations, less $$$$, less cashflow.
chip away #2: less printing, so many more bethellites will be laid off.....
less, bethellite worship and loss of "wanting to be a bethellite" will weaken the religion seriously.
chip away #3: loss of believers in age of 17-40... eventually 90% or more in attendance will be old ones. in my hall you can fit young ones in the fingers of your hand
chip away #4, 5, 6 etc
I think It will take a couple of hundred years but religion or at least the cults will fade as education becomes more available
I believe most of the 18 to 35 year olds at the KH are only going to appease their parents and grandparents. They couldn't care less about truth or fiction. I believe that it is a comforting fairy tale for almost anyone to say "I never have to experience death". IMO thats the extent of it for the youth. but...
Where is the defiance and rebellion of the ages? Am I the only one to look mom in the eyes and say...
oh well, it's propably an Irish-Mexican thang.
Kum Vulcan,
You hit the nail on the head especially about how they are afraid of the internet. They do indeed have a dilemma. So, they will continue to publish literature that often ends up littering the landscape! But, as the other posters have said, the JWs may hang around as a small religion like some others that had their day and are now obscure.
You are right about how the religion is a place where a guy who has next to nothing going for him education-wise and status-wise can feel important. I felt that way even back when I was a 'believer'.
You are right about the young ones being scarce. In the hall I came from the old-timers prevail and they are the backbone of the congregation. When they are gone, the religion won't be the same without them.
The elders are the key- lose them and the system will fall apart.
Our COBE (PO) is getting old, and recently told the CO he wished to not only step down as COBE but also stop being an elder.
The CO put heavy pressure on him to remain as an elder. He said "the Society is losing a lot of elders" in the US, and it is a "great concern" to them.
Our COBE is the type who will always respond to guilt / pressure, so decided to remain as an elder, and is even reconsidering staying on as COBE.
I am of the opinion that a major reason for the dropping of one meeting night per week was to ease up a bit on the pressure on elders. The meetings are shorter, so fewer elder parts, and an elder conducts the (shortened) book study once every 2 or 3 months instead of once a week.
Mad Sweeney
The WT may be rapidly approaching the recession/decline stage of the business cycle, if it isn't already there. I think it IS there in the English congregations of western countries.
I think WTS stays ahead of the financial mess, but are running out of options. Cheapening the product for field recruiting has allowed them to continue doing it. But sooner or later, they will have to offer nothing or next to nothing. They thought the members would support the cost of published products if the public would not, but the members genuinely feel that they are giving their time and don't need to give their money. They are oversold on the idea that Jehovah will protect the organization and people with money will give it.
Still, don't underestimate the poor people. If WTS can reach people with a cheapened product and make a profit, they will do it. For a great while, I suppose missionaries were not making money for WTS but they got their foothold in countries that might just be pulling in a bit of money now. Even breaking even would be okay in those countries if they can brag about them.
I think the current bad economy will really hurt WTS. They are trying to sell properties in a bad market, yet they still sell them. I think the past lawsuits are causing more lawyers to sniff at the opportunity to help their clients who were abused to cash in.
I dream of the time when the connected Bethelite lawyers and accountants and heavies take the money and run. I would help them pack. I would sign an agreement to never sue them- if they would just steal it and go.
I truly think that WTS will emerge as a smaller community when they do away with published products. I see them sending pdf files to the members, regardless of the internet dangers. Eventually, they will have no choice.
There never seems to be a shortage of people willing to be in subjection to other men in hopes of receiving utopia. Many of us willingly drank the Kool Aid without examining the history ... or accepting the present day spin about the history and the "light gets brighter" explanation. WHY!?