I have a question for you all......

by its_me! 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • its_me!

    My sister visited me a few months ago, and she was on a holy roller, 'save my soul' kick. She told me that I needed to get back to the meetings because Armageddon was so near. I told her that if I serve Jehovah, it will not be because I am afraid of dying at Armageddon, it will be because I love him and have a personal relationship with him. She says to me.... "Just do it for the wrong reasons then, it doesn't matter why you start to go back to the meetings, your reasons will change. I started going just because I was afraid of dying at Armageddon, and now I do it because I love Jehovah so much!"

    It made me a little sick. After all, we were always taught at the meetings that Jehovah knows our hearts better than we know our own. If that is the case, it really doesn't matter how many meetings I go to, doesn't matter how many hours I spent in field service, or how many magazines I place. If it is not out of a pure heart, Jehovah is going to know,and it is not going to mean anything. It will all be for nothing. Which, I guess would not be a big deal, if meetings and feild service made me happy, but they do not, they make me miserable. They have all of my life. No matter how hard I tried, meetings and service were a real drag. I started to think that I must be wicked inside. That Jehovah didn't see me as worthy to get any joy from serving him. I auxhilliary pioneered for years. Still, no big joy, and peace, and happiness.

    Anyway, my question is, has anyone used the "Armageddon is right around the corner, and you should come back so you don't die" reasoning on you? What was your reply, and how did you feel about it in relation to what you know about God?

  • cantleave

    It is stock reason for encouraging meeting attendance. It is used by every JW-Cult member from the Governing body right down to the lowliest of publishers.

  • snowbird

    A JW used that on me last Sunday.

    I told her that I wasn't afraid, that I trust our Savior.

    She began to squawk that my estranged husband must have put me under a voodoo spell, him being from Jamaica and all.



  • JWoods

    Ironic that the JWs take pride in deriding "christendom" for the hell-fire doctrine - (saying it is used as a scare tactic) - when their Armageddon fantasy is much worse.

  • its_me!

    Sylvia---Ha ha! That gave me a good laugh, I love it when people refer to a nutty person talking as "squawking"!!! And the voo doo spell is pretty laughable too!

    Actually, my sister saying that to me kindof made me decide not to go back to the meetings. Because what she was saying was such a contradiction to what I have always learned in the ORG about the condition of your heart. How can they all use that argument when we are always taught to serve Jehovah because we love him, and that anything less than pure worship will be rejected by him. It is a blatant contradiction.


    Threatening my life,is never a good idea..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Tristram

    This same line of "reasoning" was used on me by family members recently due to my rather lax meeting attendance.

  • PSacramento
    Anyway, my question is, has anyone used the "Armageddon is right around the corner, and you should come back so you don't die" reasoning on you? What was your reply, and how did you feel about it in relation to what you know about God?

    I would never want to be part of an "afterlife" that involved the God os the JW's.

    God is all knowing, God KNOWS why we do what we do, ALL of it, you can't fool God.

    JW's should do will to remember that.

  • mindmelda

    They're brainwashed to believe that the more you do for Jehovah, the better you'll feel. I never got that either...the more I did, the more cognitive dissonance I experienced and the more depressed and miserable I was.

    Glad to be out of that misery.

    "Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person perceives a logical inconsistency in his beliefs, when one idea implies the opposite of another. The dissonance might be experienced as guilt, anger, frustration, or embarrassment."

  • snowbird

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