It's Not A Hollywood Movie, It's Your Story

by AllTimeJeff 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    (spoiler alert, for movies, and for real life)

    Toward the end of my sojourn as a JW, there was a trend in my congregation and a couple of others where sisters would end their talks with the householder turning down the literature or offer of a study. It was reality, no happy ending. No Hollywood ending.... Reality. Which for a JW, was a 10:1 ratio of being turned down. Hey, don't worry, their dead, you're not... "And now for talk #4..."

    Well, you haven't seen movies lately if you think a Hollywood ending is happy.

    In "500 Days of Summer", Summer is a girl who woos Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character for over 500 days. You are so rooting for them. They are so right for each other. Then, BAM. They break up. Levitt's character learns valuable life lessons, and the end of movie doesn't feature a happy ending, but a hopeful beginning. (in his case, with another woman he just met....) It's not a happy ending, but its his story....

    "Up In the Air" stars George Clooney as the ultimate road warrior, who is going for 10 million frequent flier miles, as his job is to fire people as a consultant. 2 women are in the movie and play roles, one of whom gets Clooney's cold, road warrior character to rethink his aversion to being "settled", only to find out the woman that caused him to feel this way can't be with him. Again, not a happy ending. A philosophical ending.

    In the end, real life doesn't have happy endings for the happy. Endings for our lives, come from the stories, and believe it or not, its up to you and me if its a happy ending.

    Oh, wait. Your life isn't where you want it to be. Reality sucks. Hell, you were likely born a JW or decided for some damn reason to join up. Yeah, it be nice if your movie ended like an Officer and a Gentlemen. Hell, some days, you'd probably settle for the ending for the first "Smokey and the Bandit". But more and more, your life feels more like "Apocalypse Now" would be a great ending at this point......

    At this point, I would like to pause and give an illustration that never originated with JW's, but I know made the rounds. The butterfly illustration.

    It's all about 2 farmers. One saw the most beautiful butterfly, and though harvest just started, he had to have that butterfly. Of course, butterfly's being almost uncatchable, he never caught it, and missed the harvest.

    The other farmer saw the butterfly, but knew he had the harvest to take care of. At the end of the harvest, after all the hard work, it turns out that the butterfly ultimately landed right on his finger, as he sat on his porch at the end of the harvest.

    The butterfly represents happiness. (aka, the happy, Hollywood ending). If you chase it, you will never catch it, but if you keep working, happiness will find you, even through the hard times.

    (Because JW's are so f*cked up, I have no idea how we ever applied that as a JW, so don't let that distract you....)

    The point is twofold, first of all, we are all distracted by the happy ending, esp if it's someone else's. Whether its Hollywood, or whatever. There is this "idea" of what "happiness" is. We all look at movies, or people who weren't JW's, and they have the life we (think we) want. Except we didn't want it for a while, we discovered it after we learned about the life of our JW life. However, to chase after it isn't a luxury, there is a lot of work to get that harvest.... We think if we live like other people, and be like other people, we will be as happy as other people. We seem slow to realize though, that we can be just as happy, just being ourselves, and owning our life. Hey, I promise you, few have done what you have done, seen what you have seen, and have dealt with what you have dealt with.

    The second lesson is to borrow a somewhat trite, but true, saying: "Life's a journey, not a destination." Remember, for a time, we at least felt happy as a JW. So hopefully, we know that feeling happy for a time isn't that deep personal fulfillment, that peace of mind, that acceptance of ourselves that leads to real happiness.

    Did I mention that happiness is ultimately accepting ourselves and being at peace with who we are, and respecting the journey we have been on?

    I know I have, since I have left JW's, got a lot of emails and messages about my life, and being able to be a missionary, as if that life was better then yours. Like hell! I have had a lot of depression, a lot of doubt, a lot to fight through...

    Thats my story. Whats yours?

    Did you have to force yourself out to knock on doors? Deal with psycho relatives and family? Deal with discovering who you really are?

    Your story doesn't suck, its awesome. It would make a great movie. It's even better, because its real. You are real. REAL. You are AUTHENTIC.

    Unfortunately, we think at times that we are at the end of the movie. The part that sucks, that part that's sad. We forget that the happy ending is waiting for us. The movie is only half done, time for the ending to be happy.....

    It doesn't come from chasing happiness, or what we think we lost. It's all about working the field of land that is us. The saying "We don't' have a row to hoe" doesn't apply. As long as we draw breath, we have one row to hoe, one life to cultivate, something to do still, even if it is only to prove something to ourselves. No one else ultimately matters...

    The ultimate spoiler is this; your happy ending is owning your life, loving yourself, being at peace with where you were, where you are now, and honoring that. It isn't being like anyone else, or making your life like anyone else's. It's hoeing your row, and making your amazing life that much more.

    Your happy ending, my happy ending, isn't reaping what we have sown up till now. It's about planting for the rest of our life, cultivating that crop and......

    at the end of the harvest

    you look in the mirror

    you see you.

    You smile. You nod to yourself because you know.

    And you go to bed, warts, scars and all, with a smile. And you breathe a bit easier, at peace.

    It's your happy ending.

  • wary

    A philosophical ending indeed jeffers. except I wish I had a chance to make up my own story instead of my parents narratiing it!


  • poopsiecakes

    Great blog, Jeff. I wholeheartedly agree with everything. When I was in my JC, the elders asked me the dreaded question 'do you regret what you did' and I thought about it for a second, because I knew what they wanted me to say - that I was torn up and devastated because I was a bad bad girl. I just couldn't say it. I told them that I truly believe that living with regrets doesn't solve anything or change anything. Regrets force you to live in the past, which is impossible. I prefer to live in the present and look to the future and learn from mistakes accordingly. They all exchanged glances and I knew I had sealed my fate but there was no way I was going to fold on this. It's become my prime philosophy and I have no regrets for that!!

    Thanks for writing this and it's good to see you blogging again.

  • iknowall558

    Great post Jeff. I asgree absolutely with what you said.....and you expressed it so well. Owning your my life.....taking it back from the control of the watchtower has been one of the greatest moments in my life so far. When I was a JW my motto was..'Live your life'. I said it regularly in the company of other witnesses wanting to believe that this is what I was doing, but of course I wasnt, because I was living according to what the WT would allow. Now I am. I am living my life. I am not doing anything fantastic or exciting.......but my life is mine now and I am living it in truth to myself.

  • cyberjesus

    thank you buddy! I needed it.....

  • Heaven

    Jeff, this is excellent -- Thank You. What you speak is the real truth. WE are the architects of our lives. It is ours to create, shape, and mold as we see fit and not someone else's responsibility, especially NOT the WTS.

    One key element is to build your life on a solid foundation of proper principles. This will not steer you wrong and will help you whether any storm. Secondly, decide what you want out of life.

    Be aware of the four areas of human need and choose wisely ways to fulfill these (Physical - To Live, Emotional - To Love, Mental - To Learn, Spiritual - To Leave a Legacy). They are interrelated and interdependent.

    Put your plan together, be creative, get educated, and execute your plan.

    What I know is the following.... if you let someone else do this for you, you will NEVER be happy.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I think its important to realize that our movies, our stories, are not over. And one thing I know in reading the life stories here is that no one who has left has a boring life, a boring story to tell.

    It's only half over.

    Heaven, those are the Seven Habits. That book I read while moving up the JW company ladder. I still have it with me. I really do identify with a lot of those concepts. That book alone is a big reason why parts of me were kept from being sucked into the JW personality meat grinder.

  • Heaven

    I think its important to realize that our movies, our stories, are not over.

    I totally agree. I have watched my JW family members 'wait for Jehovah's special day' (aka Armageddon) for years... and get absolutely nothing done and get real angry and depressed in the process. This just doesn't work.

    Heaven, those are the Seven Habits.

    Yes they are. I am a big advocate of this book along with Covey's "First Things First". I think a lot of JWs who are questioning or exiting would find these books of value. I gave my Mom the Seven Habits book to read about 15 years ago and her reaction to it was one of annoyance. I always find JWs get annoyed when you can show them something better and more truthful than what they are getting fed from the WTS. I relate far more to these books than I ever did to any of the Watchtower literature or the Bible.

    Jeff, I am glad you were able to utilize what Covey talks about to remain sane and true to yourself.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Jeff - your thoughts are really encouraging. Since we exited I've been struggling with a huge sense of waste and regret. My husband tells me all the time "It's not over!" It's difficult to have perspective after being involved so long with the witnesses. Lots of deprogramming which seems overwhelming at times. My plan now is to continue to learn from all of you who are moving forward.

    Nary- I wish the same. When you've been taught to live your life waiting on Jehovah, it is truly a struggle to go out and make it happen.

    Heaven -I'm gonna remember those four human needs. That's a good reference to start to build.

    Iknowall558 - I wish the same. All my life I thought I had made a "choice" to live my own life serving Jehovah. Wrong!

    Poopsiecakes - good point about regrets.

    Cult Classic

  • Heaven

    For those unfamiliar with Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", here is a listing of the 7 Habits:

    1) Be Proactive -- Principles of Personal Vision

    2) Begin With the End in Mind -- Principles of Personal Leadership

    3) Put First Things First -- Principles of Personal Management

    4) Think Win/Win -- Principles of Interpersonal Leadership

    5) Seek First To Understand, Then to Be Understood -- Principles of Empathic Communication

    6) Synergize -- Principles of Creative Cooperation

    7) Sharpen the Saw -- Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal

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