XJWs, do you look forward to and enjoy weekends? As a Dub did you not look forward to weekends?

by miseryloveselders 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    Every Friday at my job, I hear the usual. "Its Friday!!" "I'll be better in three more hours!!" When the day is wrapping up, people say to me, "Misery have a good one!!" "Have a good weekend Misery." I respond in kind to them. The reality however is, I hate weekends as a JW. Its nothing to look forward to. I actually enjoy my 40-55 hour work week better than a weekend with "the friends." Why is that?

    Remember the Army used to have ads stating, "We do more before 9am, than most people do all day?" JWs spend more useless time before noon on Saturdays, than most people waste all day long doing nothing. How so? I meet the group at 9:15am, with the goal of starting our time by 9:30. Rarely does that happen, as after doing the daily text, we B.S. with one another for 20 minutes stalling as we all try to delay going door to door. Eventually though we make it to the field, which where I live consists of Catholics, Protestants, and other Christian denominations. The only people who show interest are foreigners who don't know any better, and the mentally disturbed. Lately I'm noticing that most of the "interested ones" who show up for the Memorial, are the mentally disturbed. Back to Field Circus, sometimes I'm lucky(not that JWs believe in that), and there's an odd number of people out. So rather than one of the sisters work by themselves, I volunteer to work by myself. Which I prefer that, as it allows me time to think. Most times I end up working with one of "the friends" who's having some problems. I genuinely listen to them, and try to help out where I can. During the warmer months, I envy the worldly people at home or out and about on Saturdays. Even those doing work around the house, sweating like Shaka Zulu going through Crack withdrawal, seem to be doing something more worthwhile than us knocking on doors. The Winter time is worse because than you're driving around avoiding pot holes, wasting gas, laughing at retarded jokes, while making return visits on those who supposedly showed interest. Reality check, they didnt show interest, they just took the magazines to get you off their property without being rude. Yeah, we're really fucking accomplishing our ministry. The best part of field service, is when its over. That may be over, but you're not out of the clear yet.

    Sundays suck just as bad. I'm driving to Tim Buk Tu to deliver a talk, which nowadays is really a waste of time. You know I've drivin 2 1/2 to 3 hours to the middle of nowhere to stand somewhere for a 1/2 hr and talk about the joy of the ministry. WTF?!?!? Or I'm in the audience at my own hall, listening to some poorly prepared brother speaking through an outline that even he doesnt feel stongly about. Thinking to myself after the meeting, I've got to take this boring mutha fukka and his heathen children out to eat. The WTS study is a lesson in repetition. I study it underline it on Saturday night, listen to the reader read the paragraphs, and then listen to the poorly prepared cliched comments during the lesson on Sunday. After its over, my group has to clean. Which means half of them will do nothing, and the other half of us will run the sweepers, clean the bathrooms, mop the floor, and take the trash to our own personal homes for when the rubbish is picked up. After the meeting I take the Speaker and his family out to eat. I always find myself looking at the other people at the restaraunt who all look like they really are enjoying their friends and families company. I try to focus on whatever football, baseball, or basketball game is on the TV nearest our table. Being single, it hurts me just a tad when I see guys my age with their girlfriends or wives, and here I am listening to the speaker deliver another impromptu talk at the table while I pray the waiter would hurry up and bring our orders so the speaker will STFU. The whole table is trying to outdo one another discussing spiritual things. Is it wrong to pray for instantaneous throat cancer on any of them?

    You know the part that hurts the most? I've got an old friend who never got baptized. He told me he was going to a BBQ picnic that an old neighborhood chum was having. You know what? I really wanted to go. These are worldly(I hate that term btw) folks so to speak. People my age, similar likes, dislikes, doing what people do on the weekends after a long week long grind. And then there's me, doing theocratic activity throughout the week, with "the friends." Doing extra theocratic activity on the weekend with "the friends". You know what I look forward to? Monday at 9:30am when I clock in at my job. My job and coworkers are more enjoyable than my religion and so called brothers and sisters. Is that normal? Did you ever not look forward to the weekend as a JW? For those no longer JWs, do you look forward to weekends?

    PS, if your a brother, and the Circuit Overseer is visiting your congregation that week, chances are on Friday, you'll have an extra meeting right after work. If your lucky fortunate, you'll have the flu, or a stomach virus and a legitimate excuse as to why you couldnt make it.

  • flipper

    I love my weekends ! Awesome ! I get to sleep like a normal human on Friday & Saturday nights ,( my 2 nights off ) 8 to 9 hours. Sunday through Thursday nights I get anywhere from 4 to 6 hours sleep tops. Sunday nights 2 hours. I wake up Saturday mornings , read with my wife in bed about cult mind control or psychology , then make wild passionate love until 11:00 A.M. or so . Then make her breakfast. ( glad I don't have to be out in service by 9:00 A.M. anymore. ) If a good musician comes to town or within a 60 mile radius we will occasionally see a great live band and dance the night away. But usually have fun playing Scrabble , taking walks , enjoying the mountains, or watching a great movie on DVD or VHS which I have accumulated a ton of over the years.

    I think it's pretty plain to see that my wife and I can relax pretty easily. LOL ! You bet

  • A.Fenderson

    Nice rant, misery, and funny! I always hated the weekends when I was forced to go out in service--isn't it enough that Sunday is already ruined? I preferred school, as you prefer work. I don't recall your circumstances, but I hope you're able to GTFO soon, for your sanity's sake.

  • awildflower

    I was just working in the yard today and made the comment that as a jw we could never just enjoy a Sat. at home working in the yard or doing anything else. You either had to be in service or you felt guilty for not being in service. It feel so good now to do what I want!

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I hated Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, Saturday mornings and Sunday mornings when I was a JW. I much preferred going to school and my school friends or just being at home.

  • daringhart13

    My JW schedule as an elder:

    Monday: Prepare Theo School Part

    Tuesday: Prepare Service Meeting Part

    Wednesday: Give both parts

    Thursday: Study for Book Study

    Friday: Study for WT Study

    Saturday: Conduct Book Study; lead group in service

    Sunday: Conduct WT Study

    Week after week after week after week, while watching my fellow elders skip out of parts to go on vacations, etc. Throw in the almost monthly judicial committee meetings I was chairing for 10 years........and I wonder why I feel lost??

    I now sleep until 10 on Saturdays, watch football all day on Sundays.........but still have no social life due to having no 'friends' since I've walked away.

    Yeah........weekends have an all new meaning for me.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    We laughed so hard reading your post this morning, but we were just talking about this issue a lot this weekend. Yesterday we started to get the soil ready for our garden, mowed the lawn for the first time, did a general clean up around the house then went out to hear some great music and dinner. We would have never done all that before because you had service Sat morning that just zapped all life out of me and went I felt like I could move again, time to get the gang ready for Sunday, UGH!

    Did anyone have the public talk/ watchtower on Friday night?? That is how my husband and I spent our youth. Friday night meeting! They were always giving needs talks about how we can prove how faithful we are by missing football games and any fun at all to be at that meeting. Then of course there was service on Sat morn, book study on Sun morn (yes we were encouraged to go out in service after that too)

    BTW, prying for throat cancer never worked, however Monday always came, thank god! NMKA

  • blondie

    We were in a congregation that alternated times on Sunday with another congregation. So every other year we did not have the meetings in the morning. Now d2d was scheduled and some schnook elder or MS were assigned to "take the group out" but no one ever met so these elders/MS stopped getting up to go either. Many a person said it was great for one day a week not to have to get up early, to get up later, have a leisurely breakfast with the family. Wednesday evenings were scheduled too but no one showed up. After a long day of work....not that the pioneers showed up either and they had not worked that day unless you call calling on people who were at their jobs all day, work.

    We have no problems finding fun things to do now.

  • mythreesons

    As a witness, I did look forward to weekends because every night during the week was taken up. I viewed the weekends as the "lesser of two evils", what a great way to view your life. I never liked service or the big rush to get to the meetings by 9:00 a.m. "Easy like Sunday morning"? Obviously Lionel Ritchie wasn't a witness. :) But, the only nights we had free were Fri - Sun. So that's what I looked forward to.

    EVERY day of the week had something "more important" taking up time that could have been with my wife and children. (I personally think you spend more quality time with your family in front of the TV for 2 hours...over spending that time at the meeting... At least at home you can talk and goof off as a family and not constantly demand your children BE QUIET and SIT STILL... OR ELSE!!! OH, HOW I HATED THAT!) Now... I love weekends!!!!!! The kids are in sports so easing into Saturday just doesn't happen, but we enjoy the time we have together with other parents who are ENJOYING their families as well. But here is the weird thing....I find that I actually LIKE weeknights now too!! Not as much as Friday and Saturday...but I don't detest Tuesday or Thursday nights any more.

    I always wished I could have the life I have now...but always thought I had to "wait 'til the new system". I'm so thankful I decided to check into my beliefs...and love people, instead of follow rules that have no clout!

  • WTWizard

    My work schedule is different--I tend to have to work through the weekends, but have more time during the middle of the week. This was even more like that just before I became a witless--after a busy weekend, I would have light work days during the week. That is when I did most things around the home, or played games on my Commodore 64 or music on tapes I compiled from records.

    Then, once I became a witless, those nice blocks of time were taken away for field circus. They wanted me to show up for field circus if I was up for a 9 AM or a 1 PM, meaning those open times were gone. Instead, I was reduced to Saturday being most open--leaving only an hour or two before going to work to do things for myself. Anything longer, and they would want me out in field circus--and I cannot honestly see any value in doing it.

    And for what? After I help work a territory, all it does is generates a list of not at homes. Working those can get numbers scratched off the list, and usually there would be a few left. Once the territory was "finished", it would be turned in. The not at homes would be thrown out, and the territory becomes "fresh" territory again. The work is recycled--after finishing, there is precisely the same amount left to be done as there was before! At least in regular work, if I hustle and do extra work, that becomes that much less that someone else has to do--which is more than can be said about field circus.

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