Every now and then I think how nice it would be if the board could go back to the way it was in some earlier time of its existence. When I was in university one of the main focuses of the counseling program I was in was group development and how it changes over time. JWN is like any group. It has developed and grown. Some people don't like the change and believe me there I days I wish we could roll back - almost. But the growth has been good. This website has been here for the benefit of thousands of people and has had hundreds of thousands page views.
And people still keep coming. We have about 4000 active users and 10 times that in page views daily. We must be doing something right.
This is how I see the progression on the board
The first era of online xJWs
Many of the early posters here were real pioneers in getting their brains working again and seeing through the WT theological lies. That is why they are included in the Best of section of the board. At the time that is what interested people. The early xJWs needed to see through the errors and these mostly men (JanG stands out in my mind as a female in the crowd) of WT teachings.
The second era
But things moved on and the WTS was looked at more in not what they taught but how hypocritical it was. The scandals started coming out. UN. Mexico/Malawi, sexual abuse of children and all the media coverage. the $$$ scams which seem to be endless, the editing of books and magazines/bound volumes, the convention site rentals/food/parking, changing history, this list goes on with a lot of crap
The third era
is more focused on recovery. Some of this coincides with the pedophile issue and spousal abuse coming out but it continued well after the silentlambs march. People were coming on the board in droves exposing WT cover-ups regarding sexual abuse. JWD was THE place to go if you needed support and a place to tell your story. And we found out we were not alone. The problem was worldwide and far larger than anyone realized.
The fourth era
Along with the recovery issue people needed a place to develop new social skills. They needed to learn how to communicate outside of the WT-induced mindset. So the social element of the board grew to meet this need. People needed "fluff" after so much talk about sexual abuse. I saw that in working with people. They would have a heavy session and then need a lot of light talk before they could get back into the real work. That is what I see now. People just need to talk - about everything. All the things from previous times are still discussed. Just to a lesser degree. But people just need a place to let off steam, learn to talk like the real world without the loaded language coloring every word that comes off their fingertips.
They also still need support. Shunning is a huge issue. Sexual abuse still comes up. Custody battles are an issue for many. All of the issues from previous eras are still discussed just not as much. It isn't what people need - as least not as much as they did before. Or maybe it is just the number of posters makes it seem like the issues from previous eras seem to be less frequent.
When Simon said he was closing the posting function of the board he realized what a wealth of information was left here on JWN. He didn't wan tit to disappear off the internet the way WT Observer and WT Quotes disappeared. So he was content with leaving it up on the internet for people to read. But the outcry of people who wanted the site to remain open moved him to change his mind. So we see what we have today. The board has gone from a few dozen people to hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands. If you look at the Big Boards icon at the bottom of the page JWN ranks as 804 of all internet forum and discussion boards. You won't find a larger xJW board than that.
Well that is my take on how this boards has grown and changed.
Got anything to add or your own take on the board and how it has changed? Or did I miss something?