Help with
by restrangled 21 Replies latest jw friends
help with ?????
Always wash your hands!
hahaha posting i think lol
Sorry, I don't know why that title posted before I was finished.
Help with Testosterone. I am a woman who never had sisters, raised, 2 boys, grew up with 2 brothers and get to feeling like I am a lone soul. Just had a niece visit with her father, from my husbands family and it was thrilling to hear her opinions.
Sometimes I feel desperate for female input but I never get it, I am surrounded by men who need to be fed and taken care of.
I am always the odd man out or should I say woman. I am always the woman who is the wife, sister, mother, men.
I believe, I have forgotten how to be a girl.
sounds like someone needs a spa weekend lol ( i think they will let you bring the dobermans lol)
Primativenius....thanks, I am sitting here crying my eyes out.... I don't need a spa day and certainly not meaning to be a whiner. I love the men in my life but I have rarely had exposure to girls, in my everyday life.
I don't know why I am in the state I am in. I guess it was enjoying my niece's point of view....and feeling a connection I have missed for a very long time.
Do you have any girlfriends that live in your area that you can meet for brunch to discuss life, etc?
Sometimes you need a female friend just to talk to. I miss a couple of girlfriends I had in the org. We would sometimes have the children round at one of the houses and just sit and talk about stuff. It is extremely relaxing just to chat about small stuff and laugh about silly things the men in our lives did.
If you feel the need for a chat PM me I miss the shared female point of view sometimes too.
Ha, real girlfirends don't my every day life I have my mom who is a full blown jw that I can talk to on day to day stuff.
I have cousins who are the absolute best on the Telephone.
But, in the end, I have no close girl friends, in my every day to day life.
I am alone taking care of men,
Because of having little exposure to females in my life, I also get along better with men and have trouble forming relationships with women. I'm in the process of doing that and Ya, it's hard. I feel like I'm f**king friendships up all the time.
But I have a couple of female friends that I have explained the situation to and they are kind souls who are very patient with me. But that's only been in the last less than a year.
I know it's really hard. Remember to touch base with your friends often, ask about things that are going on in their lives and don't ditch the baby and bridal showers (trust me, learned that one the hard way.)
Just keep trying, r., it'll happen.