He is definitely our generations JFK. Just hope we hear he banged ............. fill in the the blank. Marylin Monroe was the prize back then who today?
hello, ladies......
by chickpea 24 Replies latest social humour
choosing life
He is a nice looking man, but his intellect, love for his family and above all else, his sense of humor is what attracts me to him. He is slowly letting more and more of that dry wit of his out and he can be so hilarious.
Hope he keeps getting more comfortable and we get to see the real him. Don't hold back, Barach, we love it!
I think he's probably the most handsome, intelligent charming and charismatic politician we've had in ages. Only Kennedy comes close to him in many aspects.
Based on his Harvard Law school scores, he's probably got a near genius intellect.
Bravo, Chickpea! Thank you, I needed that!