PSac -- I'm reading John W. Loftus' new book. You'd be what he calls the beleiver willing to "reinvent" Christianity, as needed, as more data becomes available. Moreover, the author maintains that Christianity has continually done this over hundreds of years. Science and politics have made it absolutely necessary. Obviously, the author would prefer that believers take the contradictory data as fuel for doubt or a new path, but I gotta say, I'd rather be neighbors with a 'Reinventor' than a flat-earther.
I saw John getting his butt kicked by Suresh on youtube ;)
I don't re-invent Faith, Faith is not dead nor is it static, Faith MUST conform to what we know.
That is why I believe in Evolution for example, and it doesn't effect my faith at all.
Religious doctrine, that is another matter.
Jesus's message, as we can see in the NT Gospels and letters, wasn't always "absorbed" the same way by all his followers, look at Paul, Peter and James.
When John wrote his Gospel, the other ones had been cirucalting aound for a bit, suppsoedly, so John decided to "clear somethings up" and to mention things that they others didn't. That was John's way.
Paul's way was unique to hm also.
Modern man's mistake, if you will, is believing that DOCTRINE trumps faith, it doesn't.
There is ONE Word of God, and it is Jesus Christ, not a book or collection of writings.
People can call me wishy-washy as much as they like, the one thing you will see in me and my beliefs are they constants:
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savious, the Son of God, God in essence and our Judge and all salavtion is through him and NOT ANY organization.
Jesus told us, commanded us, to love our neighbours as ourselves AND as Jesus loved us, and by neighbours he means EVERYONE.
Jesus commanded us to NOT Judge anyone.