"...cannot be condoned under ANY circumstance"

by parakeet 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    "Everyone is entitled to an opinion"...as long as their "opinions" don't harm others in ANY way!

    People listen to Laura, so she has the ability to harm or help others, depending on what she says and how she says it.

    Bravo to that professor!

  • shamus100

    I believe in rules too - those that are silly enough to believe ones from a story book, well, that's another story.

    Kiss me!

  • mindmelda

    Sadly, since she is Jewish, Dr. Laura must not know how most rabbis define an "abomination". It's simply something one needs ritual cleansing from, through various means, sometimes as simple as bathing.

    A Jewish friend of mine explained it to me that the apparent prohibition against homosexuality at Lev. 18:22 there is a matter of interpretation and most English translations get it WRONG. Some people reading the English are confused because apparently, an injunction against "men lying with men" is stuck in there amongst a lot of other "abominations" like eating shellfish or wearing clothing from mixed fibers. HUH?

    There's a reason it's not that logical...because it's not men having sex that's being prohibited. The "abominations" listed there are about mixing different things and ritual uncleanness. The word in Hebrew used there at Lev. 18:22 is "sheqets" which is used for mild uncleanliness that is remedied by ritual or sacrifice. The word "to'ebah" is the word that means a transgression like idolatry that one can earn one death.

    The uncleanness about mixing different things together was ritual and to remind the Jews that they were separate from others, set apart by their God. That's all. Most Jewish scholars simply agree that it's a prohibition against being "unclean" with seminal emissions between males. The same laws applied to seminal emissions between men and women, too, so apparently, it was more about being clean after sexual acts, and ritualistically bathing with water aftewards than anything.

    So, all this fuss about taking a bath after you cum on (or in) someone, regardless of who it is, really. *G*

    Actually, you could be put to death for all kinds of incest between male family members, or female, but there's nothing that says to put a guy to death for doing it with another adult man he's not related to. Ironically, the incest laws don't mention a father having incestuous sex with a daughter as "to'ebah"...either a gross ommission or...well, the scribes were excusing Lot for his little boo boo with his two daughters. Ew....

  • Cagefighter

    I fail to see how Dr. Laura's opinion "harms" people. I hate unleashed pitbulls and would like to shoot them, should I be jailed for abusing animals?

  • Cagefighter

    With so many people unable to understand the difference between talk and action it's no wonder why 40% of the U.S. still supports Obama. I don't really care if someone says they hate me or what I stand for... I only care what they do, if they attack me over it..well they are getting fight.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Cagefighter, I understand your "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" argument. That said, if Doctor Laura has a right to her asinine opinion, then the rest of the world likewise has the right to call her opinion asinine. Free speech has to work in all directions or it isn't free.

    This is also why the WT Borg and other cults who use mind-control should be sanctioned from using those methods, because their teaching methods and policies infringe on the mental freedom of their victims. Words CAN and DO hurt people at times.

  • Cagefighter

    A agree 100% Madsweeney... I might even agree that her agreement is asinine but untell she picks up a stick and starts beating the "gay" out of people I got no problem with her expressing her opinion. We are just going from a society were we refuse to debate a person's opinion and instead target the person saying it. Obviously this had happened before which is why some old white dudes wrote the 1st amendment.

  • PSacramento

    While it is an old one, it is still a pretty funny one.

    Mindemelda is quite correct in her post.

    As for christians, we need to remember that Jesus left us with a few commands that are just as crucial if not more so:

    Judge not.


    Love thy neighbour.

    Besides, I bet if Jesus had a nice clam linguine or some nice griled shimps or lobster, he love them !

  • A.Fenderson

    This is also why the WT Borg and other cults who use mind-control should be sanctioned from using those methods, because their teaching methods and policies infringe on the mental freedom of their victims. Words CAN and DO hurt people at times.

    This, to me, seems to be crossing a very dangerous line. As horrible as the cult is, they don't use coercion. They obviously use certain mind-control techniques, whether consciously or not, but they're not bodily forcing anyone into a KH or to sit through a bible study. Laws against allowing adults to associate with whatever group they choose are not the solution here.

    Now, like Richard Dawkins, I don't believe the same rules ought to apply to children, but at the same time I'm not ready yet to agree to laws that prevent parents from religiously indoctrinating their children--though I do think it is morally reprehensible to program these types of things into not-yet-rational blank-slate minds which are genetically programmed to believe just about anything they're told.

  • AllTimeJeff

    What if heterosexuality was somehow condemned by a religious group, and hate crimes were a result? How long before a backlash?

    Hate speech is hate speech. When you call sexual preferences "abominations" and religious hatred is attached to it, it is more then free speech. It incites crimes against minorities.....

    This is akin to defending the use of the word n*gger as free speech when it is in fact a slur toward African Americans that clearly has resulted in the harm and death of thousands of African Americans over the last 150 years.

    Dr Laura is a hateful homophobe. I applaud the open letter, it more then proves the point.

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