Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-11-10 WT Study (BOLDNESS)

by blondie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-11-10 WT Study (February 15, 2010 pages 5-9)(BOLDNESS)

    Review comments will be in red or COMMENTS heading
    WT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes or QUOTES heading
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

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    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations

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    'SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD WITH BOLDNESS' "They were ... filled with the Holy Spirit and were speaking the word of God with boldness.”--ACTS 4:31.


    Are jws, the rank and file, the non-anointed, every said to be filled with holy spirit? If as the WTS says below

    the anointed do not have special insight, how does the FDS/GB prepare the "spiritual" food; does the WTS believe

    that the GB has special insight although they too are only anointed?

    *** w07 5/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
    However, genuine anointed Christians do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the

    anointed gives them special “insights,” beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have.

    They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the other sheep have; nor

    do they expect special treatment or claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed

    elders in the congregation.


    Q 1, 2. Why should we strive to be effective in our ministry?

    THREE days before his death, Jesus told his disciples: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the

    inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." Before his ascension to heaven, the

    resurrected Jesus commissioned his followers to 'make disciples of people of all the nations, teaching them to

    observe all the things he had commanded them.' He promised them that he would be with them "all the days until the

    conclusion of the system of things."--Matt. 24:14; 26: 1,2; 28:19, 20.


    So when the early Christians were told that "the end will come" were they thinking 2,000 years in the future or

    were they expecting it in their lifetime? Did they expect the "conclusion" to be years in the future.

    So how Jesus with them between 100 and 1879 C.E.? Which group of Christians was he with?

    2. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we have an active share in a work that had its beginning in the first century. No

    other work is equal in importance to the lifesaving work of Kingdom preaching and disciple making. How vital it

    is, then, that we be effective in our ministry! In this article, we will see how being directed by Holy Spirit

    helps us to speak with boldness when we engage in the ministry. The two following articles will show how Jehovah's

    spirit can direct us to teach with skill and preach with constancy.


    So they are jws rather than Christians? What would an INACTIVE share be? Did the early Christians study with

    people using information provided by the "governing body," a term that the Bible never uses? Did they even have

    access to the scriptures except pieces of scrolls at the most?

    So what is the WTS definition of "effective"?
    How does the holy spirit direct jws? Through the bible, through prayer, or only in association with the WTS?


    Q 3. Why does sharing in the Kingdom-preaching work require boldness?

    3. Our God-given work of Kingdom proclamation is a privilege beyond compare. However, it is not without

    challenges. While some people readily accept the good news of God's Kingdom, many prove to be like those living in

    the days of Noah. They "took no note until the flood came and swept them all away," said Jesus. (Matt. 24:38, 39)

    Then there are those who ridicule or oppose us. (2 Pet. 3:3) Opposition may come from those in authority, from

    schoolmates or workmates, or even from close family members. Add to this our own personal weaknesses, such as

    shyness and fear of being rejected. A multitude of factors can make it difficult for us to exercise "freeness of

    speech" and speak the word of God with "boldness." (Eph. 6:19, 20) Perseverance in speaking the word of God

    requires boldness. What can help us to acquire it?


    OUR = only jws = like no other religion sincerely preaches about Christ and HIS kingdom?

    OT = Noah

    What would it mean to "take note"? Be baptized as a jw?
    IF jws are not being "persecuted" does that mean they are not faithful? Are only jws persecuted for preaching about the kingdom?

    The WTS sets up schoolmates, workmates, close (non-jw) family members, government authority as enemies, all of



    *** w06 1/15 p. 28 par. 8 Oppose Satan, and He Will Flee! ***As enmity between the two ‘seeds’ continues, those faithfully serving Jehovah can expect to be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12)

    Q 4. (a) What is boldness? (b) How did the apostle Paul muster up boldness to speak to the Thessalonians?

    4. The Greek word translated "boldness" means "outspokenness, frankness, plainness." That word conveys the idea

    of "courage, confidence, ... fearlessness." Boldness does not mean bluntness or rudeness. (Col. 4:6) While being

    bold, we also want to be peaceable with all. (Rom. 12: 18) Moreover, as we preach the good news of God's Kingdom,

    we need to maintain balance between boldness and tactfulness so that we do not offend someone unintentionally.

    Indeed, boldness calls for qualities that require much effort to cultivate. This type of boldness does not come

    from within or from self-reliance. After the apostle Paul and his companions had been 'insolently treated in

    Philippi,' how did they 'muster up boldness' to speak to those in Thessalonica? "By means of our God," wrote Paul.

    (Read 1 Thessalonians 2:2.) Jehovah God can dispel our fears and give us similar boldness.

    COMMENTSBoldness does not mean bluntness rudeness---have you known jws like that? I can remember one who was so bad that

    after the 2nd time someone tried to toss us off their property, I refused to go with them to another door.

    Do jws truly say they are preaching the good news of God's Kingdom? Is that what 20 non-jws would say they

    remember about jws? Not only do the sample presentations not use "Jehovah" in them, may be 1 out of 48

    presentations yearly, mention kingdom.

    Not offend unintentionally--many jws do it intentionally, with the idea that this is a warning work and that no

    one will listen.


    *** km 11/07 p. 4 What to Say About the Magazines ***The Watchtower Nov. 15

    “All of us want to have a happy, meaningful life. Do you agree with what Jesus said here about the key to

    happiness? [Read Matthew 5:3. Then allow for response.] This magazine explains how the satisfying of our inborn,

    fundamental need to worship God gives meaning to our life.”

    Awake! Nov.

    “In our age of science and skepticism, many people think that the Bible is out-of-date. How do you feel about

    that? [Allow for response.] Did you know that every statement in the Bible that touches on science is accurate?

    [Read Job 26:7.] This special issue of Awake! gives compelling reasons why the Bible can be trusted.”

    The Watchtower Dec. 1

    “How would you answer this question? [Read question on cover. Then allow for response.] It is God’s purpose to

    unify the human race. [Read Psalm 46:8, 9.] This magazine shows what the Bible says about how unity will be


    Awake! Dec.

    “Some feel that death is a passage to an afterlife; others believe that it is the end. Do you personally think

    that death is something to fear? [Allow for response.] Notice how Job felt about the prospect of his death. [Read

    Job 14:14, 15.] This magazine gives the Bible’s clear explanation on what happens to us when we die.”

    Q 5. How did Jehovah grant boldness to Peter, John, and other disciples?

    5. When challenged by "rulers [of the people] and older men and scribes," the apostles Peter and John said:

    "Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves. But as for

    us, we cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard." Rather than praying to God for persecution

    to stop, they and fellow believers made supplication, saying: "Jehovah, give attention to their threats, and grant

    your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness." (Acts 4:5, 19, 20, 29) How did Jehovah respond to their

    request? (Read Acts 4:31.) Jehovah helped them muster up boldness by means of his spirit. God's spirit can do the

    same for us. How, then, can we receive God's spirit and be directed by it in our ministry?


    So when was the last time you were challenged by "rulers"? The jws I would be with would be confrontational with

    landlords, police, householders getting us banned from apartment complexes, etc.

    jws are told not to pray for the persecution to stop; remember their identification as jws depends on being

    persecution even if they provoked it.

    How then do jws receive holy spirit and are directed by it? Would others outside the WTS believe the same of

    their group?


    Q 6, 7. What is the most direct way to receive God's holy spirit? Give examples.

    6. The most direct way to receive God's holy spirit is to ask for it. Jesus told his listeners: "If you, although

    being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy

    spirit to those asking him!" (Luke 11:13) Indeed, we should constantly pray for holy spirit. If certain aspects of

    the ministry--doing street witnessing, preaching informally, or working business territory--intimidate us, we can

    pray to Jehovah for his spirit and ask him to help us muster up the needed boldness.--1 Thess. 5:17.


    Does the WTS teach that people outside their organization can receive holy spirit?
    Did Jesus say that children had to CONSTANTLY as their parents before they would receive anything?
    How many jws do street witnessing, informally, or businesses....few, very few.

    7. That is what a Christian woman named Rosa did.* One day when Rosa was at her place of work, a schoolteacher

    she works with was reading a report from another school about the mistreatment of children. The teacher was so

    disturbed by what she read that she cried out, "What is this world coming to?" Rosa could not pass up such an

    opportunity to give a witness. What did she do to get the courage to speak up? "I prayed to Jehovah and asked for

    his spirit to help me," says Rosa. She was able to give a fine witness and make a follow-up arrangement. Consider

    also the case of a five-year-old girl named Milane, who lives in New York City. Milane says: "Before I go to

    school, my mommy and I always pray to Jehovah." What do they pray for? Courage for Milane to take her stand and

    speak up about her God! "This has helped Milane to explain her position on birthdays and holidays and refrain from

    joining in when those occasions are observed," says her mother. Do these examples not show that when it comes to

    mustering up boldness, prayer works?

    *Names have been changed.

    COMMENTSSo what is the WTS protecting...children? Do they give first and last names at the conventions when they have

    families up on the stage?

    Christian woman = only jw

    I'm sure Rosa did not tell the teacher about abused children in the WTS, physically and sexually.


    Notice no mention of Christ.

    So was the worst thing Christians had to face was birthdays and holidays?

    Q 8. What can we learn from the prophet Jeremiah about acquiring boldness?

    8. Reflect also on what helped the prophet Jeremiah to acquire boldness. When Jehovah appointed him as a prophet

    to the nations, Jeremiah replied: "Here I actually do not know how to speak, for I am but a boy." (Jer. 1:4-6) In

    time, though, Jeremiah became so persistent and forceful in his preaching activity that many viewed him as a

    calamity howler. (Jer. 38:4) For over 65 years, he boldly proclaimed Jehovah's judgments. So well-known was he in

    Israel for his fearless and courageous preaching that some 600 years later when Jesus spoke with boldness, some

    believed that he was Jeremiah returned to life. (Matt. 16:13, 14) How did the initially reluctant prophet Jeremiah

    overcome his shyness? He states: "In my heart [the word of God] proved to be like a burning fire shut up in my

    bones; and I got tired of holding in." (Jer. 20:9) Yes, Jehovah's word exerted power on Jeremiah and impelled him

    to speak.


    OT = Jeremiah

    Jeremiah was appointed as a prophet; the WTS/FDS/GB compares themselves to Jeremiah but will protest they are not

    a prophet. Jehovah's witnesses have been seen as calamity howlers predicting Armageddon or the end would come in

    1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975, 1984 or 1994 (the generation of 1914, 70 or 80 years). Jeremiah preached

    for 65 years, the WTS from 1879 to 2010 and counting, 131 years. 600 years later, Jeremiah = WTS/FDS/GB?


    *** Reasoning From the Scriptures (rs) p. 136 par. 2 False Prophets ***Jehovah’s Witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets. They have made mistakes. Like the apostles of Jesus

    Christ, they have at times had some wrong expectations.—Luke 19:11; Acts 1:6.

    *** w82 10/1 p. 27 par. 8 Be as Men Who Are Facing Har–Magedon Unafraid ***In behalf of such individuals who at heart seek God’s rule instead of man’s rule, the “prophet” whom Jehovah has

    raised up has been, not an individual man as in the case of Jeremiah, but a class. The members of this class are,

    like the prophet-priest Jeremiah, wholly dedicated to Jehovah God through Christ and, by the begettal of Jehovah’s

    holy spirit, they have been made part of “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special

    possession.” (1 Peter 2:9) At this late date there is a mere remnant of this “prophet” class yet on earth. The

    “war of the great day of God the Almighty” at Har–Magedon could not start before this composite “prophet” ends his


    Q 9. Why can the word of God affect us the way it affected Jeremiah?

    9. In his letter to the Hebrews, the apostle Paul wrote: "The word of God is alive and exerts power and is

    sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their

    marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Heb. 4:12) The message, or word, of God can

    affect us the way it affected Jeremiah. Remember that although men were used to write the Bible, it is not a

    compilation of human wisdom, for it was inspired by God. At 2 Peter 1:21, we read: "Prophecy was at no time

    brought by man's will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit." When we take time to

    engage in meaningful personal study of the Bible, our minds become filled with the message inspired by holy

    spirit. (Read 1 Corinthians 2:10.) That message can prove to be "like a burning fire" inside us, so that we will

    be unable to keep it in.

    COMMENTSOnly the WORD OF GOD is said to be able to "discern thoughts and intentions of the heart" not humans.
    What is more important in the WT organization, the bible or their publications?

    1910 "If the 6 volumes of 'Scripture Studies' are practically the Bible topically arranged, with Bible proof-texts

    given, we might not improperly name the volumes- 'The Bible' in an arranged form. That is to say, they are not

    merely comments on the Bible, but they are practically the Bible itself...Furthermore, not only do we find that

    people cannot see the divine plan in studying the Bible itself, but we see also that if anyone lays the 'Scripture

    Studies' ... after he has read them for 10 years-if he then lays them aside and ignores them and goes to the Bible

    alone...out experience shows that within 2 years he goes into darkness. On the other hand, if he has merely read

    the 'S.S.' with their references, and had not read a page of the Bible, as such, he would be in the light at the

    end of the two years." (Watchtower, Sept 15, 1910)

    1932 "Until you have read Judge Rutherford's explanation of these questions, and of hundreds of others which in

    the east have been just as puzzling you simply cannot understand the Bible." (Liberty 1932)

    1951 But if each of us were left to himself just because he has a copy of the Bible and were to direct his

    movements independently as he thought he understood the Word, what? It is likely, or possible, that there would be

    a great deal of confusion or working in competition among us. Hence, besides individually possessing God's Word,

    we need a theocratic organization. Yes, besides having God's spirit of illumination, a Christian needs Jehovah's

    theocratic organization in order to understand the Bible. (Watchtower; June 15, 1951; p. 375)

    1981 "We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the scriptural guidance we need outside the

    'faithful and discreet slave' organization.'" (Watchtower, February 15, 1981, p.19)

    1994 Channel to understanding the Bible... All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the

    "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful

    and discreet slave. (Watchtower; Oct. 1, 1994; p. 8)

    Q 10, 11. (a) What should be true of our study habits if we are to acquire boldness ill speaking? (b) Name at least one step you plan on taking ill order to improve the quality of your personal study.

    10. For personal Bible study to have a powerful impact on us, it should be done in such a way that the Bible's

    message reaches deep inside us, affecting our inner person. For example, the prophet Ezekiel was given a vision in

    which he was asked to eat the roll of a book containing a strong message to be delivered to an unreceptive people.

    Ezekiel was to absorb the message fully and make it part of him. Doing so would make the task of delivering that

    message pleasant-like the taste of honey.--Read Ezekiel 2:8-3:4, 7-9.


    OT = Ezekiel, the WTS also compares themselves to Ezekiel, "Ezekiel class." How many jws know that Bethelites

    were tossed out in 1980 because of doing "independent" personal bible study?


    *** w91 3/15 p. 11 par. 14 Jehovah’s Celestial Chariot on the Move ***But who is pictured by the prophet Ezekiel? From the facts of history, it is evident that the body of spirit-

    anointed Witnesses of Jehovah has been associated with the celestial chariot. Thus, Ezekiel well pictures the

    anointed remnant of Jehovah’s Witnesses since 1919. Spiritually, God’s heavenly organization got in touch with the

    anointed remnant in that year, to revive them as Witnesses of Jehovah to all the world.

    11. We are in a situation similar to that of Ezekiel. Today, many simply do not want to hear what the Bible says.

    If we are to persevere in speaking the word of God, it is important that we study the Scriptures in a manner that

    allows us to absorb their message fully. Regularity--not a hit-or-miss approach--should mark our study habits. Our

    desire should be like that of the psalmist who sang: "Let the sayings of my mouth and the meditation of my heart

    become pleasurable before you, O Jehovah my Rock and my Redeemer." (Ps. 19:14) How important it is that we take

    time to meditate on what we read, so that Bible truths sink deep down into the heart! Surely, we should strive to

    improve the quality of our personal study.


    Is it that people do not want to hear what the Bible says or what jws say?
    Study the scriptures in a way that WE can absorb the WTS message more fully...

    Bible truths?
    1879 to 1929 Romans 13--Superior authorities are secular governments
    1929 to 1962 Romans 13--Superior authorities are God and Jesus
    1962 to 2010 Romans 13--Superior authorities are secular governments

    Q 12. Why do Christian meetings help us to be guided by holy spirit?

    12. Another way to benefit from Jehovah’s holy spirit is to “consider one another to incite to love and fine

    works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together.” (Heb. 10:24, 25) Exerting ourselves to be in regular

    attendance at Christian meetings, listening carefully, and applying what we learn are fine ways to be guided by

    the spirit. After all, does not Jehovah’s spirit give direction through the congregation?--Read Revelation 3:6.

    COMMENTS Does Revelation 3:6 say congregation or congregationS?

    "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations." The WTS teaches that THE

    congregation are anointed jws. There was no governing body in the 1st century; try even finding that word in the


    How many meetings can a jw miss and be considered irregular? Christian meetings means only those sponsored by

    jws. How does God give holy spirit through today's jw congregation of anointed people? Guided by the holy spirit

    or the WTS as it "explains" what the spirit is saying?


    Q 13. What can we learn from what the first-century Christians accomplished in the preaching work?

    13. Holy spirit is the most powerful force in the universe, and it can empower humans to do Jehovah's will. Under

    its influence, the first-century Christians accomplished a tremendous preaching work. They preached the good news

    "in all creation that is under heaven." (Col. 1:23) When we consider that most of them were "unlettered and

    ordinary," it becomes obvious that they were motivated by a stronger force.--Acts 4:13.


    How did first-century Christians preach to fulfill Col. 1:23? How was that when they did not go beyond the area

    around the Mediterranean?

    How do jws explain doing the same if everyone will not receive an individual witness? If Christian were

    unlettered, then they had no WT publications, not even a bible.


    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 “Keep on the Watch” ***Fifth, we see a global preaching work being accomplished, which Jesus said would take place just before the end of

    this system. Jesus stated: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a

    witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of

    fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s

    due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does

    not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good

    news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

    Q 14. What can help us to be "aglow with the spirit"?

    14. Living in a way that allows holy spirit to direct our lives can also motivate us to carry out our ministry

    courageously. The combined benefits of constantly praying for the spirit, diligently engaging in meaningful

    personal study, prayerfully meditating on what we read, and regularly attending Christian meetings can help us to

    be "aglow with the spirit." (Rom. 12:11) Concerning "a certain Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, an

    eloquent man, [who] arrived in Ephesus," the Bible says: "As he was aglow with the spirit, he went speaking and

    teaching with correctness the things about Jesus." (Acts 18:24, 25) By being "on fire with the Spirit," we can

    demonstrate increased boldness in our house-to-house ministry and when witnessing informally.--Rom. 12:11, The

    Bible--An American Translation.


    Living in a way that allows the WTS to direct our lives...?
    MEANINGFUL personal study
    PRAYERFULLY meditation (and who is their mediator?)
    REGULARLY attending JW meetings

    Does not seem that the rank and file jws are very bold or effective in presenting the WTS message.

    Q 15. How does speaking with increased boldness benefit us?

    15. Increased boldness in witnessing has a positive effect on us. Our attitude is improved because we appreciate

    more fully the importance and benefit of our work. Our enthusiasm is enhanced because we find greater joy when we

    are effective in the ministry. And our zeal is fortified because we have a greater awareness of the urgency of the

    preaching work.

    OUR attitude
    OUR enthusiasm
    GREATER joy
    URGENCY--the end is NEAR

    How many jws make return visits effectively, preparing, and coming back soon not 2 months later?

    Q 16. What should we do if our zeal for the ministry has diminished?

    16. What if we have lost our zeal for the ministry or our fervor for it is not what it used to be? Then an honest

    self-examination is in order. Paul wrote: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you

    yourselves are." (2 Cor. 13:5) Ask yourself: 'Am I still aglow with the spirit? Do I pray to Jehovah for his

    spirit? Do my prayers show that I rely upon him to do his will? Do they contain words of appreciation for the

    ministry entrusted to us? How are my personal study habits? How much time do I take to meditate on what I read and

    hear? How involved am I in congregation meetings?' Reflecting on questions such as these can help you identify

    areas of weakness and take corrective measures.


    What zeal? Wasting 2 hours Saturday mornings, maybe twice a evening witnessing organized and attended

    much any more? Keep testing self or hear weekly from the platform that you should DO MORE? How involved can a jw

    be in the meetings when they are only allowed to comment on the material directly in the article and not bring in

    any side information?


    Q 17, 18. (a) On what scale is the preaching work being done today? (b) How can we display "the greatest freeness of speech" in declaring the good news of God's Kingdom?

    17. The resurrected Jesus told his disciples: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and

    you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the

    earth." (Acts 1:8) The work that began then is being done on an unprecedented scale today. Close to seven million

    Witnesses of Jehovah are declaring the Kingdom message in over 230 lands, spending nearly 1.5 billion hours a year

    in the ministry. How thrilling it is to have a zealous share in this never to-be-repeated work!


    Who did Jesus say his followers would be witnesses of...Jehovah...or Jesus at Acts 1:8. If the phrase "witnesses

    of Jehovah" found in the NT or just "witnesses of Jesus"? Unprecedented by jws perhaps but there are many, many

    vigorous evangelistic groups. How many jws have ever had someone they studied with become a baptized member (not

    including family members)?

    18. As in the first century, the global preaching work today is done under the direction of God's spirit. If we

    respond to the spirit's direction, we will display "the greatest freeness of speech" in our ministry. (Acts 28:31)

    By all means, then, let us be guided by the spirit as we declare the good news of God's Kingdom!


    How many jws actually talk about God's kingdom or mention "Jehovah"? Rather they are "shy" about identifying

    themselves as many many followup on "interest," how many want the responsibility of a

    weekly study?

    What Did You Learn?

    • Why do we need to be bold in speaking the word of God?
    • What helped the early disciples to speak with boldness?
    • How may we acquire boldness?
    • How does acquiring boldness benefit us?


    Next week, "Skillfully Wield 'the Sword of the Spirit.'" How many jws actually take their bible out of their bags

    and share a scripture? How many even take a bible with them; how many even look up the scriptures in the WTS

    publications relying only on quoted snippets. Next Sunday, the special talk too....

    Love, Blondie

  • undercover

    Boldness for WT Dummies:

    Boldness = go out in service

    Boldness = study the Bible (using WT literature of course)

    Boldness = go to meetings

  • Mary
    As Jehovah's Witnesses, we have an active share in a work that had its beginning in the first century.

    Hmmm......Gee, I don't recall a scripture where the first Christians went knocking from "door to door" with bible aids in their hands or where they had to record how many hours they spent preaching every month. Overlooking even these glaring differences, the message that the Witnesses preach today bears no resemblance whatsoever to what the first century Christians preached. The earliest Christians' message was the Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah, that he had been cruxified, had risen from the dead, promised his followers life in heaven, and ascended to heaven himself. There is no record that they preached about the upcoming fall of Jerusalem---that was something that Jesus apparently talked to them about in private.

    The Witnesses on the other hand preach that the end of the world as we know it is "near" (for the last 130 years) and that your only chance of surviving the destruction is to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses and follow absolutely everything the Governing Body tells you, no matter how stupid they might sound. And oh yes, Jesus is Michael the Archangel and while we acknowledge him as God's Son, it's far more important to follow a group of men that have never gotten a single prophecy right.

  • Lady Viola
    Lady Viola

    I was biting my lip during this WT-study! OBEY OBEY!!

    But the study article in two weeks will be even worse! Check out that ridiculous time-line... :D


    The WBT$ Starship "Stupid Prize"..

    Boldly taking Jehovah`s Witness`s back to places..They`ve already been thrown out of..

    Starship Enterpise NX01 - Free Star Trek Computer Desktop  Wallpaper

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • ldrnomo

    OMG, i feel badly for all of those that have to sit through these and pretend like they're interested. I know I did it for years.

    And when I think of the children, OMG the children. What a waste of their precious time on this earth.

    Thanks Blondie for doing this I do enjoy your comments. They are the real thing.


  • sabastious

    The WT and it's Governing Body certainly is bold, I will give them that.



    Is it me or is the Writing Department just going thru the motions? The studies are always about the preaching work and obeying the ''faithful and discreet slave''.

    Do you think they write these 2 studies week after week on purpose? After commenting on the WATCHTOWER STUDY all these years,what reason would you(Blondie) give as to why they pound this in until the brain starts hurting?

  • WTWizard

    What they advocate is not boldness. It is foolhardiness. Any time you advise someone to witless to one's boss against the policies (and their wishes), one is not bold but foolhardy. Any time one is pushed to witless to someone that has just said they are not interested, you are foolhardy. This is because you are exposing them to negative consequences that could include getting all the crap work, lower pay, not getting Grand Boasting Session time off, getting fired with a bad recommendation, pepper spray, a dog, or even a gun being pulled out. Some people will even call the cops if you persist after the initial "I'm not interested", especially if there is also a No Trespassing sign prominently displayed.

    And, one cannot or should not have zeal for any ministry where they are not personally receiving benefits in excess of the incurred costs. Staying in when you are putting up all the costs without receiving benefits that are equal to or greater than those costs simply leads to discouragement, and you will be drained without any reward. Plus, if you are getting few or no results, you are wasting time that you could have used otherwise.

  • shopaholic

    *Names have been changed. much for boldness. If this person set such a good example, why not share her real name? Oh wait, then she might get too much praise from her congregation and start to think she's of the anointed...

    Honestly, I never understood why they would change names in cases that are suppose to serve as good examples.

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