Would Doctor Who's Tardis (Time Machine) Cure Mankind of Christianity and other Religions?

by OnTheWayOut 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    On the other hand, OTWO, what if that time travel machine showed that everything written about Jesus is true? (or any of these other men) Would non-believers then claim smoke and mirrors themselves? Or would they follow the same pattern that I just outlined?

    If it turned out that the Jesus stuff was accurate by personal observation, then I would ask Jesus what's up with the YHWH of the Old Testament.
    I would believe, but I couldn't worship. Jesus said to worship the father. I have read all about him, and I would rather join the men and women of the nations all around Israel that were killed than serve like their little girls that were raped after the killings.
    (Hey, if all the Jesus stuff is true then he was telling them that YHWH was as recorded.)

  • mindmelda

    Lewis Black says it so well....*G* What's up with the Old Testament, anyway?


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Leolaia, I've only just recently discovered Dr. Who as an adult. I've watched all the seasons from 2005 till last year. Now I've seen the first two episodes with the newest Doctor. I don't want to hijack the thread, but had to say that I love the series and would love to read your thingy. W.Once

  • tec

    I would rather join the men and women of the nations all around Israel that were killed than serve like their little girls that were raped after the killings.
    (Hey, if all the Jesus stuff is true then he was telling them that YHWH was as recorded.)

    Do you think that the nations that sacrificed and burned their own children would have treated the people that they conquered better than this? Are these the people you would rather have joined? The standards of the Israelites might be atrocious to the standards we have today, but not in comparison to the nations surrounding them then.

    I also do not think for one moment that God sanctioned the rape of any girl... child or woman. And 'if all this Jesus stuff is true', then He actually showed the Jews over and over again that they had misapplied the law, and that certain amendments had been made for them only because their hearts were too hard to do anything better.


  • mindmelda

    The Hebrews were in the words of a Jewish comedian, Lewis Black, "three hairs away from a baboon" when the OT was written.

    Just like everyone else was then. Believe me, as crazy violent as we are now, the Bronze age was worse.

    I don't see heads on stakes lining the street when I come into town, but that wasn't all that uncommon back then.

  • Leolaia

    Wasanelder....It's not really an analysis but more of thematic notes.... http://www.mediafire.com/file/btajdnfnymt/Continuity and Thematic Notes.pdf

  • OnTheWayOut

    Do you think that the nations that sacrificed and burned their own children would have treated the people that they conquered better than this? Are these the people you would rather have joined? The standards of the Israelites might be atrocious to the standards we have today, but not in comparison to the nations surrounding them then.

    I am not talking about Israelite standards. I am talking about the supposedly all-knowing, omnibenevolent GOD! People had/have horrible standards, Israelite or Canaanite or whoever. But worshipping the one above that means that He should be indeed above that.

    I also do not think for one moment that God sanctioned the rape of any girl... child or woman.

    I don't believe in selective acceptance of the Bible. I could go as far as the creation story being allegory, but beyond that if God doesn't tell us what's true and what's not true, then we have men to mislead us into believing what God meant.

    It is supposed to be God's book. It says he sanctioned such stuff. Either it is truth or it is lies, either God didn't mind taking the blame or God lies.

  • hamilcarr

    Does your thread title imply that you label being religious as a disease?

  • andy5421

    I believe the Doctor wouldn't have gone back to "fix" things since according to him some things are fixed points in time and cannot be changed (ie: Kennedy Assasination, the Time War--Time Locked event). as for time flowing in the present as it is. The Doctor(Ninth Doctor) says that events are always in flux and could go either way.

    If that doesn't help I refer you to the "Wibbley Wobbley Timey Wimey" defense.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Does your thread title imply that you label being religious as a disease?

    I just didn't like a thread about "curing" atheism, so I offered an opposing view.

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