Is "Paradise" going to be in Heaven or in Earth?

by Mr. Monday Night 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Monday Night
    Mr. Monday Night

    Is "Paradise" going to be in Heaven or in Earth?

    Is it even mentioned in the Bible?

    Please explain, along with scriptures to back it up. Gracias!



  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm pretty sure paradise is by the dashboard light, bro.


    Jesus told one of the thiefs that 'today, you will be in paradise with me'. Sorry, not sure which gospel that comes from, but if probably rings a bell with you, yes? I imagine that Jesus was speaking of heaven in that conversation.



    That is one of the thieves being killed with him...the good thief

  • jwfacts

    There is an article listing all the scriptures at

    Bible references to a future paradise are for it to be in heaven, which the WTS acknowledges for most of the references. It is logical too, as an eternal earth is a scientific impossibility.

    "Paradise earth" is a key phrase in Watchtower literature, appearing over 1,000 times on the Watchtower CD Library. However, the term never appears in the Bible. Neither is resurrection onto earth specifically discussed.

    The word paradise is used only four times in the New World Translation of the Bible and each passage discussing a location refers to heaven. (Song of Solomon 4:13; Luke 23:39-43; 2 Corinthians 12:1-7; Revelation2:5-7)

      Revelation 2:7 "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations: To him that conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God."

    The Watchtower identifies this as heaven;

    Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2 p.576 Paradise "Eating in "the Paradise of God." Revelation 2:7 mentions a "tree of life" in "the paradise of God" and that eating from it would be the privilege of the one "that conquers." Since other promises given in this section of Revelation to such conquering ones clearly relate to their gaining a heavenly inheritance (Re 2:26-28; 3:12, 21), it seems evident that "the paradise of God" in this case is a heavenly one."

  • Mr. Monday Night
    Mr. Monday Night

    Thanks guys for responding to my question.



  • AGuest

    Dearest Mr. Night... may you have peace!

    The Greek word "paradise" (paradeisos) comes from an Oriental (pardec) word that means "park, preserve, enclosed garden, forest." The Most Holy One of Israel is a gardener by vocation (John 15:1)... and so you have in the Genesis account where He planted a garden in the East ... in the place known as Eden (Genesis 2:8; Ezekiel 28:13). That garden, which was IN Eden... was "paradise." It was a place that, while in the physical realm, was not a physical place - it was a spiritual place.

    That garden still exists; unfortunately, we, earthling man... flesh with its blood... are so far removed from God's image... that we cannot "see" it (flesh and blood cannot enter into the spirit realm). It will not always be that way, however. God's Son, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... is building a "house"... a temple... in which God's spirit will dwell (1 Corinthians 3:16). Actually, he is building more than a house/temple - he is constructing a "city"... New Jerusalem (City of Double Peace)... which house/temple/city is made up of PEOPLE. (Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:4, 5; Revelation 3:12)

    In the CENTER of that City... temple... house... is "paradise"... the garden and Holy of Holies... in which "grows" the Tree of Life... CHRIST (Genesis 2:9 - the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad was NOT in the middle of the garden; only the Tree of LIFE was in the middle).

    HE... CHRIST... is Tree of Life (John 14:6). He is the True Vine (John 15:1)... the Root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:10; Romans 11:16)... Sprout (Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 3:8)... from whose "leaves" the nations must "eat" in order to be "cured" of sin and death (Revelation 22:2; Psalm 78:25; John 6:50, 51; Genesis 2:16; 3:22)

    When that City/Temple/House is fully constructed... it "comes down out of heaven"... meaning it is REVEALED... the "spirit" which could not be seen with eyes of flesh... is now visible TO flesh. It "comes down out of heaven" in that, once again, it is visible IN THE PHYSICAL REALM. That City/Temple/House... are the "holy nation"... Israel... which is not "hand-made"... is made up of people. When those people are fully revealed... New Jerusalem... and the Tree of Life, Christ... who is in the MIDDLE/MIDST of such people... is manifest.

    It is at the time that the "tent" (house/dwelling place) of God... will be with mankind... and all things will have been brought BACK together again... the things in the spirit realm and the things in the physical realm. It is then that once again Paradise... will be on [the] earth.

    Because the kingdom of God, which is made up of Christ and his brother co-rulers... will be ON the earth (which was not formed for nothing, and will not totter)... not "over" it.

    Thus, the man WILL be with my Lord... in Paradise... because Paradise will be ON earth. The man will have access to the garden... because he will have to "enter" into it in order to eat from the Tree of Life... Christ... and live... forever.

    Thus, the spirit realm ("heaven") will be one with the physical realm. And God will be all things... to all.

    I hope this helps... and, again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Terry

    Paradise, Heaven, Nirvana, bliss----all take place in the final few seconds of conscious life as your brain shuts down at death. A white tunnel appears and everyone whom you've ever loved is waiting just up ahead to embrace you in a never-ending warmth and total acceptance.




    Well if Jesus is the Kingdom and God as well - and God is everywhere - then Paradise must be everywhere.

    We are all in Paradise already but failed to notice due to lack of faith. Oops!

  • notverylikely

    I can haz cheeseburger in paradise?

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