Yeabook 2010 cover up -Rutherford's false prophecy that Armagedon was coming in 1925....half the Publishers leave the truth!

by Witness 007 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • rocketman

    "John Barr, from the Governing Body, and Robert Pevy, who had pioneered in Ireland and who is now serving at Brooklyn Bethel, offered assistance. They took time from vacation trips in Britain to come to Ireland to talk with the brothers and encourage them."

    Not to divert the topic, but how nice of those GB members to take time from their precious vacations. And wouldn't it be nice to be able to take an overseas vacation on the congregation's dime?

  • thetrueone

    A case of the hierarchal leaders believing in their own bullshit.

    Makes one wonder why Mr. Connelly the first president of the WTS.

    stepped down from this organization, perhaps out of embarrassment

    of the product being produced.

    The biggest and most prominent long term bullshit has to be the developing years leading to

    1975, the JWS were so enthralled that this was going to be the big one that none of them

    bothered to check to see if it was possible to chronically calculate 6000 years backward to Adam,

    which it isn't. Well thats how brainwashing cults work, a shiny golden carrot is always waved in the front

    of the followers eyes, until it becomes old and has to be replaced by a new one.

  • civicsi00
    A Witness who had gone to Ireland to be a missionary and is now rather faded told me that there was a scandal there that had nearly whole congregations walking out of the KHs and leaving the org, but he never found out exactly what it was, because the few JWs still in that area wouldn't talk about it.
    I always wondered if it were some pedophile scandal or what?

    Blondie provided the "JW" version of what happened in Ireland. But there was a man named John May who provided an account of what happened in his own area of Ireland (I'm not sure if it was Dublin, but I have a suspicion that the Yearbook was really talking about what happened with John May). Check the Freeminds website for an audio by the name of John May (or try John Joseph May). John May was a zealous JW for most of his life. Then he read about Ray Franz' disfellowshipping in the 1982 Time article and he decided to fly out to Gadsden with a close friend of his. He wanted to meet Ray and to find out what had really happened. After meeting with Ray, he then flew to New York to try to meet with Barr, who had been a very close family friend. Barr refused to meet him. He and his friend became disillusioned with the WT and when they flew back to Ireland, they expressed everything that had happened to their families. According to his account, JW's were flocking away from the congregations in small droves. The most damaging thing the GB did during this time was not meet with John May. He was able to see that the GB are nothing but men who wield power but are not from God.

    I recommend everyone try to find and listen to that audio clip. If no one can find it, I still have a copy of it on my computer. Oh yeah, and if anyone has ever seen the Witnesses of Jehovah movie, I believe John May's friend appears in the movie.

  • Leolaia
  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    That 1988 yearbook article, Blondie, makes me want to vomit.

    They promoted the idea that each Christian should be able to decide for himself on various matters of doctrine.

    The borg TELLS THE RANK AND FILE that they aren't free to decide for themselves and most NEVER EVEN NOTICE that they're slaves to a mind control cult.

  • carla


  • OnTheWayOut

    I think if they do another 1925, 1975 type of thing (and I think they will), it will blow up in their faces and they will lose more than half.



    I think they will try it again also..Losing JW`s means nothing to the WBT$..

    If I remember correctly..

    The WBT$ lost 75% of the Bible Students when they Changed thier name to Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    25% left after 1975..

    And..The Beat goes on..

    .............................. ...OUTLAW

  • palmtree67

    The WTS always says these things "refined and cleansed" the congregations.

    What I've never understood is:

    Why would the sovreign of the universe deliberately try to get rid of people by leading the GB to prophesy falsely?

  • dissed

    Palmtree - regarding testing??

    He just likes to do these things, its part of his personality (see JG asking Abraham on April Fools Day to sacrifice his son)

    Some could say he is insecure. "Do you love me prove it! Damn it! I need reassurance!" (see parents sacrificing their very own children by denying them a needed blood transfusion)

    Using the GB to teach lies and false prophecies, then claiming it was for 'sifting' (see last 100 years of WTS)

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