It happened to me this weekend. I'm curently "active" and had some long time friends from a different congregation over for dinner.
We went through the formality of praying before the meal. Normally or rather lately I've been passing it off to someone else. But for some reason this time I didn't do it. Instead I went for it and prayed. And for the first time I felt and noticed in myself a complete disconnection. Everything I said I feel just came out because that is what I have been taught or conditioned to say over the years. They had some meaning in the past, I admit, and sometimes strongly. But this time, nothing. And I don't even feel guilty about it.
I'm actually in shock that I feel like this so quickly. That I have come to this realization. Perhaps the "truth" never did really take root in my heart.
I guess I can consider that a good thing. But at the same time it makes me wonder how many more times I'm going to be in that situation, especially since I'm not in a position to leave the org right now nor have decided if or how it would happen. And how am I going to handle it?
So of those here that were/are in that position, how did/do you feel? What thoughts went/go through your head as you spew out random thoughts to appease the believers? Were/are you able to handle it? Or how did/do you handle it?
Thanks in advance for the responses and feel free to include experiences that others can benefit from.