DATELINE PROG. Pope to be arrested. .......

by iknowall558 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • iknowall558
  • Quentin

    Sure he is....along with presdent Obama....

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The gall of Jw bloggers to post such a thing, implying the Catholics would hide something they would not!

    Hypocricy of the highest order.

    The Pope will not be arrested any sooner than will the Governing Body for such coverups. They may let lesser mortals take the fall though.


  • iknowall558

    I found it interesting how one of the journalists was saying outright that child abuse should never be covered up or dealt with in-house. It is a criminal act and should be handed over to the authorities to be dealt with. The police should be involved from the off.....otherwise the abuser can go on to molest more children.

    Wasnt this the programme that highlighted the Child Sex Scandal with the Watchtower?


    The Popes gonna get Arrested!..We`re Special and he`s not..


    We`re Jehovah`s Witness`s!!..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • shamus100


    That's exactly what they're thinking. (LOL!)

    Sick puppies.... I think they should throw all those elders in jail who covered everything up before the pope.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I kinda wish they would. I think if they arrested the head honchos in whatever religion you chose once it is proven that children were raped and it was not immediately reported to the police, it would change policies/methods of ordination, systems for check and balance.

    Too much to hope for. All religion covers up. All government [which is what religion is after all to followers] covers up.


  • iknowall558

    I sit and wonder what the old boys is Brooklyn are thinking when they see the huge spotlight that has been cast over the Catholic Church regarding thier cover up of child molestation. They must recognise their own actions and how the similarities are coming and smacking them in the face. They know how the world and its media are reacting to it......just how normal people would. Are they worried? Are they quaking in their boots? Are they in they in the process of 'protecting' themselves...just in case this spoltlight is thrown from left to right over other religions including theirs. Will they print something in the WT and prepare letters to bodies of elders to tell them how to deal with 'this' from now on. How far will they go to bring about the right amount of damage limitation? The guy on show was mentioning a 'zero tolerance' policy..........will org. try and put this into practice....? I will watch and listen with interest.

  • spawn

    It will never happen!

  • sabastious

    Here comes all the Witnesses saying this is fulfilled prophecy from Revelation. Pope = Harlot - arrested by the police = Wild Beast.

    Nevermind that they Prophecy states ALL religion will be 100% destroyed and eating up by the Nations. This includes: Islam, Shintuism, Buddahism and Hinduism, not to mention the thousands of other denominations of Christianity!

    The WT has shot themselves in the foot with this prophecy, it is an impossibility of the highest degree...

    But the "end" directly hinges on this prophecies fulfillment.


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