awww Beks - sounds like you're in the midst of a helluva party!!!!
Let's Talk Baseball ! Who's your Favorite Team ? Love My S.F. Giants !
by flipper 240 Replies latest jw friends
Well, I'm outside the City. I did live there for a couple of 49er wins though. They must be going nutz right now.
Beks, is that logo available on a tie-dye tee shirt?
Awesome series, congratulations to the Giants and their fans! Time to call my suster in SF...
Oh GL!! You know it is! One of my favorite shirts, wore it literally to pieces. That was a long time ago though.
Yeah BABY ! Wow ! How do you say World Champion San Francisco Giants !!!!!!! ???????? I'm so stoked I could give you ALL a bear hug as WELL as my wife !!!! LOL ! Now we can eliminate 56 years of torture and celebrate this series for Willie Mac, Will Clark, Barroid Bonds & all the other Giants greats who came close to winning the big one but fell a little short ! With this young powerful pitching staff - I can see the Giants doing this again in the years to come ! I truly feel the rest of the teams TOTALLY underestimated the Giants . Hey, that's cool. My team cherished being the underdog and coming in under the radar. I bet next year those same teams won't take us for granted ! Wednesday is the parade ! I wonder how many S.F. fans will attend ? 1 million perhaps ? Should be awesome ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
So HAPPY for San Fran, Mr. Flipper and Lincecum!
Darth plaugeis
Congrats SF.... One Question I have... is Your Long Haired Pitcher the kid from Dazed and Confused?
I'm sure everyone Mentions that right?
It is funny that female friends think Lincecom is a hottie, I don't see it, but damn that guy can pitch. He had no-hit stuff last night.
The parade is tomorrow! All the way down Market to City Hall.
See you there, Mr. Flipper:)
Zarco - Isn't it a long ways to go from New Zealand to San Fran for a party?
It is a long flight, but I can't miss this party:)
It starts at 11:00. I will be in the park in front of City Hall with my District Convention badge... I mean Giant's cap on :)
Speaking of New Zealand .... gotta love HBO's Flight of the Conchords