I definitely was. I tried to fade off the map by moving 30 miles initially in 2004 after I exited in late 2003 . The first several years they didn't bother me. I ran into a elder from my former congregation in late 2005 in an antique store - he tried telling me I was wrong for stopping attending meetings. And interrogated me if I had a girfriend or not ( even though I had not attended meetings since 2003 ) and even though I was scripturally free to date or re-marry ! ( These guys are nosy bastards. )
Then in fall of 2006 , one month before Mrs. Flipper and I were to be married - my JW ex-wife I had been divorced from since 1998 drove up 80 miles out of her way to see if I was living with Mrs. Flipper . She found me at her house at 10:00 A.M. in the morning so she assumed we lived together. Long story short, she called my JW parents at the time, my elder brother and blabbed that I was living with Mrs. Flipper one month before. Then my ex-wife called the elders from my former congregation 80 miles away making them call me and chase after me for a JC - even though I had not attended a single meeting in almost 3 years. So I fought the JC for 10 months - they had no evidence against me - I won a JC appeal meeting in 2007 - and they haven't bothered me since.
But the point of the thread is - these elders and other witnesses who spy on one another are FREAKS ! They are trained to rat each other out at the drop of a dime. There is no trust between JW members - because they walk around paranoid wondering who is going to rat out who ?? So - What kind of experiences did YOu have or someone you know have regarding being chased down or spyed on or stalked by elders or others after exiting the JW's ?? As always- look forward to your responses. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper