An older clip, but Joel Engardio who produced "Knocking" thinks they do not.
Do JW's get "Brownie Points" for Converting People?
by OnTheWayOut 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would have to agree that they do not. Most elders, COs, and DOs, that I knew - had never really "converted" anybody into the JWs.
An actual "conversion" by the door-to-door, bible study, go to meetings, and so on route was exceedingly rare. I knew a large number of elders who really spent very little time in the door-to-door services and never had a bible study with a new convert in their lives.
Most status and privilidges were built up by enthusiastic ass-kissing of the powers that be.
Kum Vulcan
Most status and privilidges were built up by enthusiastic ass-kissing of the powers that be.
Umm.. Wrong...They are selected and directed by the Holy Spirit..
Umm.. Wrong...They are selected and directed by the Holy Spirit..
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.
So, anyway, the "holy spirit" did not seem to give much of any "Brownie Points" for actually converting people - only for enthusiastic ass kissing.
That's true JWoods with the hierarchy in the Congregations. I was appalled at how many Elders were literally afraid to speak at the door and were reduced to just being mg salesmen. But if you wanted to be a missionary, the application had a section on how proffecient you were in bringing people to Baptism.
The best teachers in the Org, were the long time Pioneer women, and unfortunately for the WTS, their predudice of women refused to let them take full advantage of their capabilties. No brownie points for them, for sure.
In our case, my wife and me were long time Pioneers and we usually found if you were successful in converting ones, it brought out feelings of jealousy and scorn, not brownie points.
The best teachers in the Org, were the long time Pioneer women, and unfortunately for the WTS, their predudice of women refused to let them take full advantage of their capabilties. No brownie points for them, for sure.
In our case, my wife and me were long time Pioneers and we usually found if you were successful in converting ones, it brought out feelings of jealousy and scorn, not brownie points.
Both points were absolute reality. Especially on the jealousy and scorn issue.
White Dove
When I was auxiliary PI'ing, there was a sister PI and she had 5 BS at the time. She was viewed with severe jealousy by the other two older sister PIs. It got very ugly in service.
Crisis of Conscience
White Doveshe had 5 BS at the time
Doesn't BS normally stand for Bull S**T? So where did this woman find all this crap? Was she raised on a farm? LOL