If you have posted already and I missed it, I apologise, but I have not seen this before - Who started the fight???
Ministry Call turns to a Fist Fight
by BluesBrother 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals
That is weird. If the priest lived in the church why did they knock? I wish I knew more about it.
Judge Dread
The article says the priest lives in a house in BACK of the church. That's probably why they knocked on his door.
The eyewitness says the priest started it. That figures.
I had an experience quite a few years ago with some born-again dope who tried to start a fight with me and another brother one time. The only thing that saved HIM was the fact he didn't come out to the sidewalk.
Judge Dread
This is why we practiced as kids Karate in our backyards just in case we ran into unruly Priests.
Civilized communities know when and where to discuss religion and politics.
This is one time where I would probably side with the JW. Since Witnesses are exposed to threats and verbal abuse on a fairly regular basis whenever they're out in Field Serve-Us, I sincerely doubt that it would have been the Dub who threw the first punch, as they always have to consider "giving a good witness" no matter what. Plus, as a Witness, it is drilled into your head that if you meet someone at the door who simply wants to fight, you need to just turn around and walk away. Why would the Witness throw the first punch? Because the guy refused the magazines? Because he was verbally abusive? If that were the case, Witlesses would be throwing punches every Saturday morning. Not only that, but most Witnesses view any sort of abuse as "persecution" by those "blinded by Satan".
He also said, they beat him until he passed out. "He sat on top of me until I passed out, completely unconscious."
Sorry, I simply don't believe that. While this is pure speculation on my part, I will assume that the minister either became enraged over a doctrinal issue, or simply because he can't stand the Witnesses calling on his door and he snapped. Of course, this guy doesn't want to be seen as a nutcase by his own congregation, so he shifted the blame to the JWs. Since most people do not like JW's banging on their doors all the time, the priest most likely assumed that he would be believed and the Witnesses charged with aggrevated assault. I'm sure he wasn't banking on a Baptist neighbour witnessing the attack and siding with the Dubs.
The article says the priest lives in a house in BACK of the church.
Oh, I see they meant a separate structure behind the church, ok.
If the priest threw the first blow I would probably side with JWs too. I do know however, from encountering clergy in the FS before, many got very angry because we showed a general lack of respect for them in refusing to call them by their title. I have witnessed my mom in the FS make a point to call a reverend "mister." While I don't advocate violence, JWs could be provoking people. Just my opinion.
I heard the priest was Danny Hazard's father.. LOL.. Just kidding...
But seriously I agree with Daniel-P you go waking people up on their day off to talk about religion you are asking for it. I really am not surprised this doen't happen more often.
Judge Dread
Civilized communities know when and where to discuss religion and politics.
Judge Dread
Wow. All that loving Christianity in action. I'm so impressed.
Oh and this was just too rich to ignore:
Farther Parnell says he's out of commission. "I can barely walk. I can't work. I'm going to be able to work for a couple of weeks until I can actually walk."
Priests actually WORK? How much WORK is it to get up at the front of a church for an hour or so every Sunday and inform people that they will go to hell unless they do what they're told? Seriously??