I must admit have done the whole nodding thing and even once at an assembly fell asleep on a brothers shoulder... shame he wasn't cute!
Theocratic sleeping: have you seen anyone asleep at the KH? Or done it yourself?
by highdose 26 Replies latest jw friends
I think I fell asleep at every public talk at every district convention and circuit assembly I ever attended. I spent more time sleeping at last years DC than I did awake, but by that time I was mentally out.
The Scotsman
I nodded off quite a few times
But the hardest for me was District Conventions, those long sessions pushed me to the limit.
Once I remember the Bro's and Sis's coming on to the field (Perth, Scotland) for the drama with all the costumes etc. The next thing I heard was the applause and they were walking off - I had just dropped into a deep sleep for the entire drama - I felt quite refreshed.
I eventually started to volunteer as an attendent so I could get out my seat and wander about a bit and stretch my legs.
I really miss those days!!!!
four candles
Oh yes,a few times. So warm and a droning bro condusive to a little snore!!!
Broken Promises
It’s the only way I got thru the meetings as a child.
St George of England
I remember once an old brother was fast asleep during the public talk. Then it came to the end and everyone applauded! The poor old chap got such a fright he jumped up out of his seat; he did not know where he was!
Broken Promises
Sometimes I wake up in my own bed and I don’t know where I am!
EVERYONE falls asleep. its inevitable. they say that repetition drives the point home............. bull i say that they have nothing new to bring to the table untill someone suddenly invents (pulls out of their ass)''NEW LIGHT".
in fact i used to purposefully LOOK for seats that were against the wall at conventions just so WHEN i fell asleep i could lean back and maybe fake it. lol
I often fell asleep at assemblies , and quite often in the K.H , once I got shaken awake by my wife for snoring loudly.
The funny one we had was the Elder who worked nights at the time, and was somewhat tired as he conducted the group study whilst sat next to a roaring fire, HE fell asleep !
I asked those present why they didn't just creep out and leave him, but the fools woke him up.
Very regular sleeper, should have taken a pillow