Terry, am I understanding you correctly? Historical Jesus some 2,000 years ago did exist and that is a proven fact of history?
According to this topic he did exist. I read of opposing views that Historically Jesus did not exist.
Whether he existed or not, I am sure that the Holy Bible is not Holy at all and is a documental history written by men with their own agenda.
Let me answer this 3 different ways (all with the same conclusion).
1.History can't tell us what happened. History tells us what probably happened.
2.Statistically you can only apply a per centage of confirmation to repeatable events. The number of persons attesting to an event does not
guarantee how likely that event was to have ocurred. Thousands of people witness apparitions of the Virgin Mary, for example.
3.If you arrive at a pond and see ripples you might well plausibly assume "something" dropped into the pond at some point.
All the above dovetail into this conclusion: Somebody named Jesus or Joshua or Yeshua or Iesus lived at such and such a time OF WHOM it has been attested (and believed by others who heard) that he was a miracle worker and rabbi of extraordinary charisma.
The details about this person have been orally transmitted for 80 years before actually being written down (those writings do NOT currently exist).
These 80 years after the fact writings did not agree with each other and were changed repeatedly by copyists and translators until there was significant additional material distorting and corrupting the orignal writings. With the LOSS of the originals it cannot be confirmed HOW MUCH or WHICH now-existing- copied material is factual, fantasy or ideology by later writers.
Make sense?