Violent TV will lead us to slaughter each other at the Big A!!--July 15th, 2010 WT

by sd-7 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    And what of those who only watch say, the food channel or hgtv? Hopefully some lunatic will attack my house and add a pergola out back!

    The truth is that people are more apt to be primed to attack their companion(s) because of all the hate filled internet forums featuring political, religious and financial chitter-chatter. Now that stuff REALLY gets people going.

  • transhuman68

    I noticed the reference to 'websites' in the article. The generation growing up now won't join or buy anything without researching it on the net first, so the WTBTS is doomed. They are desperate to scare existing members into staying.

  • A.Fenderson

    The generation growing up now won't join or buy anything without researching it on the net first, so the WTBTS is doomed.

    This, unfortunately, runs counter to my own experience. Anyone else?

  • mindmelda

    And yet, you have to watch "Saw" and "The Hills Have Eyes" to find things as violently scary and horrible as in the good old R rated Word of God.

    If you're freaked by violence and gratuitious sex, don't read anything in the Old Testament especially. Those people were just awful to each other.

    Um, I'm confused Jehoobie going to kill everyone or is watching too many violent movies going to take care of that for him?

    Dang WTS mags, always giving me brain bleeds.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    A.Fenderson, my experience is that the younger generation uses the Internet as a social tool, not a research tool. It is the grownups who are mid-30s up that use the Internet for research more than as a social tool. But that also will work against the borg. Their baptism numbers as a percentage have been shrinking steadily, and as a total aren't increasing much anymore. They're not bringing in new members in any great amounts anymore, and they're losing good, smart brothers left and right, so they're struggling like crazy to keep people IN no matter the cost.

  • A.Fenderson

    Mad Sweeney: that sounds closer to what I see, and makes sense. Either way, WT$ loses, so good times.

  • blondie
  • sd-7

    The creepy thing about it? Blondie--I actually considered this picture as normal back in the day. Wow. It is actually disturbing to see now.

  • PSacramento

    My Parents were not violent people, I was in the MA since I was 9, I was a sniper in the army (peacekeeping force), I fought competitevly in Boxing, Muay Thai, kyokushin, Judo and MMA and I worked as a bouncer for more than a few years.

    I hate violence, and while I can watch a violent movie, it is more out of amusement for the silliness being shown than for anythign else.

    Being exposed to violence makes one violent IF one is violent and has violent tendancies.

    If a person doesn't, they won't be violent.

  • undercover

    I don't want to add any fire to nutty conspiracy theories, but I do see something different now when I see the illustration that Blondie posted.

    It used to be that I'd focus on the looks of horror on some of the faces, clearly meant to frighten us to from wanting to share in the fate of those 'wicked' people.

    But this was before 9/11. On 9/11, we saw a minor version of Armageddon for people who were in New York that day. We didn't see wicked people, we saw normal people, neighbors, fellow countrymen...fellow humans, dying in a horrible nightmare. They, just as those of was watching from a safe distance, were confused as to what was happening. Fear was the rule of the day.

    The reason I wonder that is because of the details of the shattered building in the background of the WT illustration. It reminds me of the shattered remains of another building...

    I can't but think that most people who see the WT illustration and who also witnessed the events and aftermath of that day also make the same connection. The fear that the WT tried to instill in people with those illustrations are now embarrassing relics of their of their embarrassing doctrine of how God will destroy all the wicked. When you see those illustrations and remember 9/11...or any other similar tragedy... can you really believe that a loving God would do this?

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